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It's kinda sucks that Jen got ghosted I know the feeling and it's sucks but time will passed and you will somebody who will be there for you This was a good episode for Jen to rezaile that she doesn't need to be she-hulk to be recognize Overall good episode and now I hate josh


1. While I do not share your belief in karma.. Cause I think it's bullshit.. Life is just a series of random coincidences ......I can definitely confirm you talking shit in game pretty much always leads to you getting your ass handed to you ....And a lot of the time it's hilarious when it happens ...Sorry not sorry Froots 2. I have to agree with Luis Garcia's comment ....IF I were to ever watch The Sopranos... Which is highly unlikely so that's a very GHUGE IF ....I've only seen this She-Hulk episode once and probably won't be watching it again ....So if I'd ever watch The Sopranos.. I wouldn't be able to remember these so called spoilers ....But that might just be me and my "really good" memory when it comes to remembering shows and characters 3. Aight.... Aside from that HORRIBLE looking brides dress... I got some issues here... When.. In the absolute FUCK. ...Did bridesmaids all of a sudden have to clean up after the bride?!!? Jen is on ironing duty!?! I don't fucking think so! ....I haven't until very recently heard of any of this bullshit happening during weddings ...The maid of honour takes care of certain stuff like a hens night or whatever but THAT'S. IT. ...Cleaning up the place? Ironing the best mans shirt or whatever??? FUCK. THAT! ....Maaaaan this brought back some feelings! 4. What up party people??? Who invited Chester P Runk to DJ this wedding??? 5. I meaaaaaannn... Not that I'd do it cause it'd be fucked up to do this to the people you love.... But to have people pay for their drinks is probably a genius move... It could pay for parts of this wedding ...I think Jen's friend is cheap enough to do this kinda shit given she's having her bridesmaids clean up the place .....Honestly not the first time I've heard of a bride pulling off this kinda shit and getting away with it 6. Ok... Jen is drunkenly telling this Josh guy that she wants to show him her She-Hulk hair and I dunno.... The way he replied to that... In combination with the "Previous Leon" where Jen got mugged .......I'm thinking Josh has an ulterior motive for chatting up Jen ...added later... Ok I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking this "nice guy" might be up to getting some of her blood 7. I'm not sure how I feel about this show... So far it looks like it's been a bunch of quirky episodes and case of the week stuff with just a liiiiittle bit of actual story thrown in ...After 6 episodes we find out who the bad guys are and there's only 9 episodes in total ...Here I thought Tahani was gonna be the big bad but she got taken out at a wedding in a "funny" way ....I dunno where this show is going over half the time 8. Another red flag... Dude hooked up with Jen and the next day he's gone? ...Dick move 9. Aight... Looks like Jen is being ghosted... Been there... Some solid advice for her.. Ghost me once.. Shame on you.. Ghost me twice and I'll ignore you for the rest of your miserable life ...You can do better Jen! 10. I mean putting aside the fact that Josh is obviously ghosting her... Jen got worried and texted him if he's alright ....I'm not sure either why these guys are saying that's bad ...You're still allowed to care even if he's being a dick and not texting back 11. Yup.... Figured from the beginning the guy couldn't be trusted ...That's my superpower ..Knowing who to trust ...And some guys (and girls) can't be trusted (present company excluded)