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Given what we saw happen last season with Daniel, I would like to make a suggestion for the show going forward. Would it be possible that you don't look at and include the DVD box of a season on your shelf during the first episode of every new season for the rest of the show? I believe everyone that has watched the whole show can agree that if you do look at the DVDs before watching the episodes, you will definitely be spoiled. If you have already looked at the season 6 DVD set, you know exactly what I mean. I think as a reactor, you can appreciate going in with zero expectations and being able to capture your raw, authentic reaction on camera rather than being spoiled off camera. I do believe you will appreciate having done this by the end of the show. However, it is your decision. I also want to point out that I'm saying the first episode of every new season not because there are necessarily changes every season, but to throw you off so that you do not know when they occur and how many times.


1. Sorry but I have to disagree.. I love it when you accidentally predict things exactly right ...It amazes me ...And I for one don't believe for a second you have seen all of this show ...We hang out pretty much every day and you are NOT that good at hiding stuff from me Froots ;P 2. I asked you to guess the custom intros before you saw them and you did... Kudos on your guesses... I knew exactly what you wanted and I delivered ...You're welcome ...The Buffy intro wasn't my best one I think but perhaps also not the worst ....Side note.. There were a few other intros I had the idea for as well but never really got to... Most notably were Friends, MacGyver and one that would have been kind of a gag with these actors but all shots of them from different shows they were in or maybe not even them ..I dunno.. It's a thought that wasn't fully formed yet 3. Y'know... Daniels response to Jack that we shouldn't be running off to our allies for help every time an individuals life is at stake and the fact Hammond says we can't seem to get a hold of The Asgard ...It's a bit of a lame cop out... Daniel's death could have been avoided by doing just that ..But real life issues ofcourse put a stop to that.. Since Michael Shanks didn't feel his character was really going anywhere and wanted to be written out 4. Daniel's exit to me was epic.. I love pretty much everything about the ascension theme that this show gives us.. Which kind of is part of what I believe happens when we die (although not in the way it's shown on this show ofcourse) ...And this episode is one of my all time favourite purely cause it showed this in such a powerful way ..I'm not sure where Daniel is off to.. And maybe it's weird or depressive to say but I sorta envy him even though he's just a character on a TV show 5. You about the intros: "You gave me the 2 that I wanted" ....Did you expect anything less of me Froots? ...You: "I liked it.. What can I say? ...You knew I'd like it" .....Nothing but the best! 6. The Charmed intro was the very first one I had planned... When I made references in voice about having to wrap my head around one of the custom intros I was doing... It was this one... I knew you loved this show and I wouldn't be me if I didn't go out of my way for you and make you a Charmed intro ...You're welcome 7. Notice how the end shot of the Charmed intro has the gate closing? I remembered you once telling me (well over a year ago by now) that the Charmed intro had an iconic end shot of the door closing ...Not only did I try matching every transition shot and photoshop the Charmed letters... The actors names are almost identical in colour to the actual intro and positioned on the screen in pretty much the exact same spots and there's probably bunch of other things I did to make sure this one was extra special... I made absolutely sure to keep with tradition and have the stargate close as the end shot ....As I said before... NEVER. Underestimate. The. Lengths. I. Go. To. 8. Yeeeeaaahh... Kinda weird that O'neill is so willing to put his life on the line for The Asgard after they've been unwilling to help us so many times... But I guess that makes O'neill the better person ...At some point The Asgard are gonna HAVE to give us something in return 9. Interesting side note perhaps... The emotional scenes between Teal'c and Sam were perhaps not that difficult for the actors to perform.. Amanda Tapping stated there was a scene that was sadly cut from 5x21 where Sam and Teal'c pass eachother in the hallway outside of Daniels hospital room and give eachother a glance... But cause neither Amanda nor Chris could stop crying they wanted to use that emotion and enhance the scene.. Sam came to Teal'c for a hug and started crying and Teal'c would do his almost cry face ...5x21 and 5x22 weren't easy for them to film 10. Sooooo... I'mma just point it out... The Asgard haven't had sex in over a 1000 years and they're all clones ...I mean they might still be my favourite stargate aliens but ...Shit. ...Must suck to be them 11. Sooo... I looked up some information on 5x22.. They made a little boo boo while shooting a scene... At about 28.50 in the full episode.. O'neill (RDA) and Teal'c (Chris) are seen arriving at the door to the shield generator and before O'neill talks to a Sam hologram cause the real Sam is down on the planet we see the 2 actors walk through the corridor towards said door and Amanda Tapping is seen huddled in a corner trying to unsuccesfully stay out of the shot in order for her to "answer" O'neill as a "hologram" in the next shot 12. HA! I was thinking the exact same thing... Teal'c pushes a few buttons on the Goa'uld ship and opens up the door... You'd think these doors would have different access codes but no... They're probably still all the same just so Teal'c and every other rebel Jaffa / Tok'ra / Tau'ri can just go whereever they want 13. It's odd that Osiris is asking her guard whether or not the signal he picked up is that of intruders ...She's a "god" ...She should be all-knowing ...The fact that the Jaffa are following her (or any other Goa'uld) is making me question the intelligence of the Jaffa 14. Joseph Mallozzi had a funny vision on how this scene would play out of Anubis showing the brain implant to Thor Thor: Even should you succeed in implanting the device in my ear.. Anubis: Oh, it doesn't go in through your ear Thor: Well, my nose then. Even if you succeed... Anubis: No.. Not in through your nose either. Thor: Well then.. Where ....Oh... Oh FUCK. 15. They knew pretty late in the season that they were going to make the move over to Syfy.. They opted to not go for a cliffhanger since some people who would be long time Showtime subscribers might not have had access to Syfy so they wanted to give people some sort of closure... But not go full out with defeating the Goa'uld or anything... Instead they ended it with a shot of the remaining team heading for the elevator.. A gust of wind.. And the suggestion that a dear friend was looking out for them ....Perhaps not the BEST ending of a season... But imagine having a cool cliffhanger episode and then NOT having access to Syfy to see the outcome with next seasons opening episode ...Remember this was before streaming services so it wasn't as easy to get access to everything 16. Another Season done Froots.. Woop woop! As we head into Season 6 we're gonna see some obvious changes ...No more custom intros.. Big sad... Are we getting a new team member or is SG-1 now a 3 man team? ....Can we get an Asgard on the team maybe? That'd be cool! Put her or his little grey butt in an SG uniform... Could you imagine?