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Another question!



Another question!



Not that I remember at least 😂🤫


Yeah, I still have a ZX Spectrum (shouId we compare bulky chargers? :p) I borrowed 25+ years ago... The dude I borrowed it from moved out and I forgot that I had it by then. But it still worked when I checked it last year!


I probably have borrowed something I never gave back but I couldn't tell you what. I just know that once a former friend of mine borrowed stuff from me fairly shortly before I kinda broke off contact with him and then I just never bothered to take back that stuff from him afterwards. So technically I have story but from the perspective the borrowee, I guess, instead of the borrower. While I never really cared about getting my stuff back, I was a bit more conservative about what I lend my friends for a couple years afterwards, tho.

Retro Tom

As a kid, I borrowed some NES games from a friend. We had to move suddenly a good distance away & it wasn't untill we were unpacking I realized his games were still there. I felt bad about it, but as a kid didn't say anything for fear of getting in trouble.

Brendan O'Connor

A very good friend of mine lent me a graphic novel. A year after she was killed in a car accident. The book is still in my house, and I can’t bring myself to read it.

Brandon Wiesner

I'm very particular about both borrowing and lending things. If someone lends me something, I make sure I don't hold onto it. I will get my use out of it sooner rather than later and I will make sure to return it to them. Sometimes I will even be like oh here you lent me this and they were like oh I forgot about that. If I lend something, I get irritated if if it isn't returned to me within a reasonable time. If they lose it or damage it, I will get pissed for sure.


I used to have a lot of TV series on DVD and would lend them out. I had to keep a spreadsheet to keep track. I just checked, I never got back Friends season 6 from Gavin since 2008 :(