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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2qpkzg815qetn1a/Stargirl%20S02E06%20-%20Summer%20School%20-%20Chapter%20Six%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Isaac in the cafe was talking about the pictures of Yolanda that got leaked back in season 1.

Frank Tremel

I found it annoyingly amusing how Sydney thought she actually was in charge of Eclipso this whole time when she was aware of what he can do and that he is literal evil incarnate.


One interesting fact about this episode is it was directed by the shpw's stunt coordinator which likely explains the uniqueness of the cuts during the fight sequence.

Jeremy Burch

We barely got to know Isaac and now he's dead. Cindy might be too, we also only just started diving into her backstory, but maybe she's not dead. Glad Artemis ran away, good choice and Shade is not looking so good. All in all, like Artemis likes to say, Eclipso 1 everyone else 0. Also, that kid at the end is good at being creepy.

Brandon Wiesner

This episode definitely had the best action so far. I hope there is more of this to come.


Honestly this episode gave me a mid season finale vibe because think about it one arc ended and now we getting a another one Well eclipso gave me a horror villain vibe turning into a little boy and laughing evil actually made me scared Cindy was stupid thinking that she was actually in control I actually love how Courtney Care about Mike and Pat this is character development Courtney sees Pat and Mike as family and they kept that this season which I appreciate The fight was amazingly done the cuts went all out can't wait to see what happens next