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Damn, it looks like octavia has gone real dark there at the end. Shes always gonna be a badass and you cant tell me otherwise!

Zach Hershman

Miller's ex-boyfriend (Bryan) wasn't on Clarke's list. He would have been left outside the bunker. He actually hasn't been seen since episode 2 of last season. Miller and Bryan disagreed about saving Riley and the other Ice Nation prisoners. He walked away angry and was never mentioned again. The real-world reason for his disappearance is the actor got a better role on another show. After the controversy of Lexa's death, the show decided it wouldn't be a good idea to kill another LGBTQ character, so they just dropped the story line.

AshLand Writer

I can understand putting people in the ring for crimes that affect the chances of everyone’s survival, but treason and stealing blankets aren’t the same thing. As much as I love Octavia, this was worse than I remembered… I mean, unless she told them to give the blankets back and they never did.


Maybe its just that I'm watching this in a much shorter period of time or my age when The 100 was airing, but I never noticed the references to Rome with the stories Bellamy would read Octavia. Now Octavia is using ancient Roman rituals in her rule. Now I remember Bell dog talking to Lincoln about it oh so long ago. So cool seeing it come together.


1. No... My highlight of the week is not watching these recordings.. Not even close.. I'd go into what my actual highlight is but it'd make my lame note from last week look tame in comparison and you'd just get embarrassed 2. I love it... You haven't pressed play yet and are asking why Clarke hasn't made her way to the bunker yet even though the radiation would have been gone for a year... Only for the episode to basically start with answering your question 3. Radiation doesn't destroy metal... But I'm fairly certain that car would be radiated to high hell.. This nightblood stuff must be the SHIT. or Clarke wouldn't survive touching that car I think (cue to hit the button) 4. Yeah.. Clarke was trying to save the solar panels cause the car runs on solar power ...Sadly she didn't manage to save them ....But I'm guessing she somehow either found another car OR magically gained the knowledge to repair broken as fuck solar panels cause she clearly was living in a car at the end of Season 4 5. Sooooo.. Just to be clear... Praimfaya flew over this valley and left it completely untouched... Cause y'know.. Storms are known to defy gravity (I was asked to put this in here, cue to hit the button again) 6. Yeeeeaaahh... I'mma just say.. 5x01 started with it saying "42 days after praimfaya" ...Clarke finding all these perfectly preserved bodies of radiated people doesn't make sense... Bodies decay MUCH more quickly than that (button? yeeeaah.. button) 7. That IS Riley Finns wife yeah ...Apparently she hopped on a prison ship to escape him ...I mean.. Makes sense 8. Aight.. Lady who just took a bunch of people hostage including Abby and Kane.. I have the perfect solution for this whole overcrowded bunker issue... As soon as Octavia and them take control back from you... You and your followers die a slow.. Painfull and very public death ...Just in case anyone else has any dumb ideas they'll know what's coming for them if they step out of line ...added later... Or Octavia starts a fight club... Sure 9. If a character on a TV show says "It's just a scratch" odds are said character is most likely gonna die ...Goodbye Jaha... You've lived well past your due date ...I mean... Dude set an A.I onto the world which caused a fuckton of deaths and yet was still walking around like nothing happened later on ...You'd think that the Grounder Dude who slept with Octavia for male fantasy writing reasons would've gone after Jaha first ....I mean .....Not to sleep with him (although this is CW and there's nothing wrong with lgbtq+ stories) but to kill him for all the suffering he caused 10. Miller probably broke up with his boyfriend a while back.. They argued a lot and grew apart... And I suppose when you're in such a situation.. Instead of just staying in a loveless relationship that might not be fixable.. The healthy thing to do is to split up and find someone else that can make you happy and hope the same goes for the one you were with.. It happens all the time ...I guess this is what Miller did... They didn't really mention it though so I get the confusion 11. Octavia is a bad ass.. It's what I've been saying ...I wouldn't be bowing down cause fuck that shit.. But I also wouldn't be stupid enough to attack her... I am not your enemy girlfriend ...You and me.. We good 12. A bit sad to see the people in the bunker have regressed to a bunch of savages but then again that's the Grounders for ya... Apparently that's the only way they know how to stay alive


No worries, nobody is mad at you, please feel free to keep commenting just y'know.... Keep the talk about things she hasn't seen yet to non-existent :P


ok thank you, i deleted my comment so shan doesnt have to read all that during the next reaction!