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1. Add flashback to you acting gangster to the edit of 5x08? (twice maybe cause it was mentioned twice) ...No worries.. I got you Froots 2. Thanks for the applaud for the custom intro... As for getting a big ego.. Yeah soz.. That ship has sailed 3. HELL YEAH!!! (not planned but..) I mention the stupid hat just a liiiiittle too much and here you are.. Counter-acting the stupid hat ratio by wearing the Jayne Hat! Nice one Froots! ....You look like a total dork... I love it! ...added later... Aaaawww... You took off the hat.. Oh well it was fun while it lasted.. Keep being weird Froots! Please don't ever change.. You're the best! 4. Yeah could you imagine... You're a god.. You send your servants down to a planet to save the people you created... But said people are like "Nah we're good.. We're just gonna stay here cause our god probably wants us to die" ......Meanwhile.. Up in imaginary heaven.. The most epic of facepalms takes place 5. Yeah soz.. The edits you were trynna find are still a work in progress... I was keeping my bestie company which honestly is something I enjoy more than anything else including editing.. I'm sure you'll be able to show off the web slinging effect soon ...added now... They're all done.. (Webslinging is NOT in the FIXChibi version of the edit just in case you feel like showing it off) 6. Are you seriously singing the Bananas In Pyjamas lyrics to the SG-1 Intro Theme?? .........You good??? .....Are you sure??? 7. Yeeeeaaahh... I think O'neill would've been well within his right to ask the Russian Colonel to have his team speak English ...English is a MUCH more commonly spoken language and ...Well... I've been in situations where people around me are speaking a language that I don't speak and you're right.. For all we know those people (and these Russians) could be saying something that you'd rather be privy to 8. Dammit... Seeing this episode (5x08) I realise I missed the perfect opportunity to add some more intentionally bad subtitles to the Russian characters 9. Ok not that I'd want O'neill to die in that situation or anything.... But... Russian Colonel and O'neill are in a stand-off ....Goa'uld comes in and IMMEDIATELY gives away that he's the bad guy .....The Goa'uld COULD have pretended to still be one of the Russian soldiers and picked off both O'neill and the Russian Colonel right then and there ....I mean that'd still leave him to deal with Sam, Teal'c and Daniel.. But the odds would've gone up for the Goa'uld a bit 10. Nah Froots... According to the map Carter showed.. The ion cannons in Australia wouldn't be anywhere near Melbourne... One would be in the northern part of the Northern Territory and the other one looks like it's somewhere in New South Wales to the right of Sydney 11. Yup.... That's not just kinda creepy... It's a whooooooole lotta creepy to have your house A.I. sound like a woman you barely even know ...I mean.. Narim has met Carter for like a whole of what? ...2 episodes prior to this in total? ....Yikes 12. Nah duh Tanith isn't the big man in charge of this operation... But who is???? 13. Yeah not sure how that would work... You're right... Shooting the building with all the bombs in it (in my mind too) should've caused a big khaghahgaghaaaa (your word.. I hope I spelled it right? ...I just call it an explosion) 14. I mean the planet was under attack from space.. SG-1 left to fight another day.. There's not really anything you can do with a couple of P90's against a ship bombarding the planet from orbit 15. Given Narims message being cut off and knowing that the ion cannons were no longer useful against the Goa'uld it sounded an aweful lot like they just got bombed back into the stone age.. Will we see them again? Who knows?


If SG1 hadn't fled, then Earth would have had no warning and no idea what was happening. Their duty was to leave and ask for further orders.


Instead of destroying those powerful bombs, why not use them against the Goa'uld? I never thought about it but you're right. It's a shame SG1 just took off and left everyone behind. They didn't even try to evacuate people.