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I wanted to start a series of videos on the channel, like one a week asking a broad question.

Whether serious or funny, I wanted peoples opinions.

I posted this a few hours ago now and realized I forgot to post it here as some people may not actually be watching the YouTube scene anymore haha.

What do you guys think!?



Just a question video asking how you guys feel about a topic!


Amanda Logsdon

I personally don't like to use them but don't mind the occasional slip, however if it's used abundantly i avoid the person, using the F word every other word is just annoying to me and my opinion of the person will go down slightly.

Retro Tom

My personal opinion, They don't bother me. Forcing oneself to swear or not swear when it doesn't feel natural to them can then make the speaker feel fake, at least until the new way starts feeling natural. It really only bothers me when you have immature people who go overboard swearing because they think it makes them sound cool, edgy, and/or more adult. If you wanted to make the change to appeal to a younger or wider audience that's a different situation As for the amount of swearing you do in videos, my opinion is you have an acceptable amount. You do when it feels right as opposed to dropping multiple F bombs in the same sentence, I say keep doing what your doing as you feel comfortable with it As for your mother, I know exactly how that feels as mine would constantly cringe when I swore & would keep asking me not to do it

Timotey Kuhn

I would chime in along the lines of most of the others here. Swears don't bother me in the slightest. Please go right ahead. Like others have said, don't deliberately force yourself to swear, that would be awkward. But if you're watching something on the channel and some very surprising thing suddenly happens, and you suddenly exclaim " Holy Fuck@!!!!!" ( or some similar situation)then big deal, go ahead.

Timotey Kuhn

I would chime in aloo

Mike Simonton

Fine with me. You only do it when it's appropriate. I, for one, find it hilarious when you find someone attractive in a show and mention it.

Mike Simonton

Btw, I didn't know Olivia Newton John was from your part of the world until after she passed.


It doesn't bother me and you don't swear that much anyway. I find it annoying when watching videos where every third word is swearing but this isn't something you do anyway.

The Mad Titan

Swear like a sailor. You do you. Being yourself, and not being afraid to speak how you want makes me feel like your just one of us, and feel comfortable enough to show us who you are. For good or for bad, I would enjoy hearing how you relly feel at the time and let the swear words fly.


Personally I don’t swear and I really don’t know why. I mean I guess it was part of the household I was brought up in. Not like I haven’t sworn at all in the past. Mainly I still don’t just cuz it makes me feel weird and it is easier than having to switch between not swearing and swearing in like formal situations ig. That being said, I have absolutely no problem with anyone else swearing. Swear as much as you like. As for the “ladylike” thing. (What is this, the 50’s?) I think if someone asks you not to swear around them, you should at least try not to; however, you should not put someone down for swearing or tell them they are less “ladylike”. I’ve heard people say it makes a person less attractive or whatever. That’s so dumb and such an old fashioned notion. TLDR: I don’t swear but you do you I put this in the YT comments but I thought I’d throw it here too

Geoffrey Stray

Personally I have no problem with swearing. On the other hand if every other word is a swear word, it shows a lack of language skills. I usually use it to enhance a statement like "That was fucking brutal." I could have just said "That was brutal" but the F-word adds a bit of a punch to that statement.