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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cx03cb0h2a4dk43/The%20100%20S04E09%20-%20DNR%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Yes there was a backdoor pilot for the prequel. Its in season 7. (If im not allowed to reveal this just tell me and ill delete)


The rule is not to talk about stuff she hasn't seen yet, but since it was already revealed in a comment that there was a failed prequel series in the works at some time I'd say it's fine. Just DON'T mention any further details because this could lead to further discussion not just here but also on YouTube once people watch the comment reading section and might think it's ok to talk about this. (Although on YouTube I will swiftly delete that shit) Any and all talk about anything beyond what she's watched is not appreciated and should be deleted / just not posted.


Murphy is one of my favorite characters on the show. He went from unbearable in season 1 to a lovable douchbag in season 4. Definitely one of the best examples of character development. You can tell he really cares about people other than himself and he has been showing a softer side of him which i love.

Zach Hershman

I absolutely love that scene between Raven and Murphy. Makes my eyes water every time I see it.

Edwin Bertilsson

Don't forget that the Death wave is approaching faster than they had estimated. So it isn't really 4-5 months, more like 1-3 months.


1. You weren't the only one Froots.. We spoke about this after in voice but I repeat cause I think this deserves to be heard for those willing to listen.. For Octavia to have sex with Grounder Dude was an obvious example of male fantasy writing.. In that moment she was really vulnerable and for him to give in to her wish of wanting to feel anything else but her sadness by way of having sex with her.. He in my eyes took advantage of her vulnerable state which is just honestly disgusting.. The right move there would have been to keep her company ...Maybe not even to hold her like you said.. Since they DID just try to kill eachother the episode before.. But to have been there for her in that moment.. Just to sit with her.. COULD have realistically led to something more down the road ...You know as well as I that sometimes just giving someone some company while they try to cope with things can be the most meaningful of things one can do ...And just cause this is a guy and a girl we're talking about doesn't change that.. We men (or at least me speaking for myself here) are not all like that 2. You.. Figuring out the episode is on mute: "Shut up.. It was your fault.. Not mine.. I have no idea what you're talking about" ..Ok Froots.. I got you.. If anyone asks.. I snuck into your office through a hole in the ceiling with a wire solely to put your media player on mute.. You were on meds so it's no surprise you slept through it all even though I had Limp Bizkit's Mission Impossible theme song going on full blast on your speaker system cause I needed motivational music... And you know me... "Full blast" translates to "Are these hearing things supposed to bleed??" ...PS. Soz about the hole in the ceiling.. I'm sure the land lord won't care though 3. Dude... Your girl is visibly depressed and you're basically telling her to get over it.. You're not even considering being there for her.. Calling her a coward?! ......And the award for worst boyfriend goes to.. 4. Why is that dude not chilling with his son and instead partying it up you ask? ...I dunno Froots... Kids ....Can't live with them ...The end. 5. Oh that wasn't even him?? ....I stand by what I said... Dude probably figured his sons macaroni art and finger painting skills wasn't enough to save the human race so he's most likely somewhere in that bar too 6. Eeeeehmm... The fuck is this?? We're about halfway through the episode and we find out Raven is just working on some tech like nothing happened??? She was full on foaming at the mouth in the beginning of the episode.... Having a seizure.. Hallucinating Deputy Joe from Eureka .....Like... What the hell??? ...That's about as unbelievable as a girl having sex with a guy she tried to kill the day before 7. You are saying to let Harper and them just die.. That it's their choice.. I mean.. True... But what the fuck is Monty doing?? ...I have been on the other side of that door sort of speak.. Dealt with attempted suicide of a loved one first hand.. If I had to make a choice to either "let them die" or burst in there and put a stop to that shit.. I'd find a way to break that door down 8. Son of a fucking DAMMIT Abby!! All you needed to do is was just play along and NOT tell everyone that you can create nightbloods.. Clarke could have been the new commander and everything could have gone smooth... But nooooooooo... Are you trying to get us all killed or something?? Cause the suicide party is back at Arkadia if you haven't heard yet... Better hurry up.. Only 6 days until Praimfaya 9. Hoooooooooooooooooooooold the fuck up.... Monty didn't even say goodbye to Harper before he left???? ....That's a joke... Right?? The fuck kinda shitty boyfriend would just ignore his girl when she needs him most?!!?! ...added later... Oh ok.. He's snuck in and is staying with her... Alright you've somewhat redeemed yourself mah dude


Im sorry for commenting so much and being annoying. Ill try to stop commenting on everything.