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Jenna Young

I feel for Clarke here because Raven was the one who insisted on Clarke making the list in the first place, Clarke makes the list whilst thinking logically with the spots for soldiers, young woman who can give birth, and then even though it is pretty harsh, looking into people medical records to see if there would be a drain on medical resources. people in this show look to Clarke to make those hard decisions for them but when that backfires they blame Clarke for it anyway and that's what sucks the most. I like Jaha's idea of the random lottery so everyone can be included but at the same time, I understand why Clarke would be hesitant about it since like she said there might be a chance they might not get any doctors or engineers. This is where my hatred for Echo grew tenfold like she has the audacity to fight Octavia, stab her in the stomach, and then looked all sad as she watched her fall like she was the one who didn't just do it. Oh god, the Bellamy scene gets me every fucking time, he sees the sword drops, and from that he just instantly knows somethings wrong and he doesn't want to believe it at first but then it sinks in which is why falls to his knee, gripping the bars as he starts crying and screaming like his last scream at the end fucking kills me because you can tell despite what they've been through Bellamy loves Octavia with his whole heart and soul so to him, being in a world where Octavia isn't is soul crushing to it. he would be absolutely dead inside if she was actually dead but for now, he only thinks that which is heartbreaking. Though it's funny thinking about how behind the scenes of that scene how Zach Mcgowan who plays Roan, and Tasya Teles who Plays Echo were like making fun of Bob Morley being in the corner and poking fun about getting him to cry harder for the scene but I think Bob still did an amazing job because he certainly ripped my heart out.


She survived because she fell in the water not the ground. They need to believe octavia is dead so they dont expect her. While its very unlikely she would have survived in the real world, i would think it could be possible depending on how she landed in the water. Also a tv show got to tv show, im just glad they revealed it at the end of the episode instead of making us really believe she was dead for a while bc then it would have annoyed me. With them revealing it right away makes it better in my opinion.


There's absolutely no way for Octavia to have survived that fall if this were real, the water in that river looked much too shallow to break her fall, this was an extreme case of "TV Show gotta TV Show". If this were anywhere close to real and it's already far fetched as is. She would've broken a bunch of stuff on impact, most likely her neck which would've paralyzed her for life or worse killed her on impact. I would've accepted 2 outcomes to this fall, A. She's actually dead. The end. (it sucks but it's the more acceptable outcome of that scene.) B. She's found unconscious by an outcast Grounder, somehow DIDN'T break her neck and can over the course of the rest of the season be nursed back to health where after she goes after the entirety of Azgeda and slaughters them all (cause she is Octavia after all) further lending credence to the name Skairipa. C. Tatsu/Katana finds her and brings her back to life.


Well im glad she didnt die! Shes one of my favorite characters. Even if unrealistic its nice they didnt lead us to believe she was dead for long. I would have hated if they didnt reveal she survived for a couple more episodes. I like to believe that octavia was just the 1 in a million chance type of person that survived. I know im just making excuses i just love her lol


I mean fair enough, she's a bad-ass :D

AshLand Writer

Yeah. I was thinking too that at least they could have had her unconscious, maybe her armor become loose in the fall. I can believe that her armor helped brace her from the impact of the water (because it was pretty high up), but she should have had more cuts on her exposed areas… and the stomach isn’t as harmless of an area to stab as TV always makes it out to be. I’d almost like to have seen a scene where Octavia takes a coagulant (blood-thickening agent) in preparation for being hunted. A warrior must have some basic medical herbs on hand for such an occasion.

Zach Hershman

Why be mad at Echo for following her Kings orders? She did everything she could for there not to be a fight. She wanted to bring Octavia back alive. Octavia is the one that was hell-bent on fighting her way out.

Zach Hershman

Kane hasn't told Roan about any of their plans. He hasn't told Roan that they are rebuilding Arkadia to protect only Skaikru. Not telling Roan is probably the smart move since it wouldn't have gone over well. It looks much worse when Roan finds out on his own though. I don't blame him for arresting Bellamy and Kane. As far as he knows, Skaikru is doing everything they can to save their own people while doing nothing to save the Grounders. Clarke's story this season is 100% a mirror of her fathers story. She is doing everything that her father was against. I agree with your comments about Jasper. I'm glad they decided to tell his PTSD story. I absolutely hate his character now though.

Jenna Young

I mean its understandable why Octavia wouldn't want to be taken alive by Echo because of the things she's done already because again she's the reason Gina died, she threatened Clarke and then threatened Skaikru. I think that's enough reason to be mad and hate her for her actions even if she has just been "following orders."

Jenna Young

People say they understand what Jasper's going through but then contridict themselves when they say they say they hate his character or find him annoying even through mental health issues right now. Yes I know that at the same time, his actions are self destructive to himself and other people around him but at the same time I understand why he just wants to live his life in the now, knowing that he's going to die in the six or two months he's got to live anyway. Yes I am frustrated with his actions but I don't find it annoying or hate him for it.


1. Mah bad.. I mentioned that one of the faces you saw in the City of Light was Ontari... I meant Emori ....Turns out we're both stupid ...But at least we're fun-stupid ..So there's that 2. Soooooo... Murphy said he didn't have a choice staying with Ontari while this whole Allie thing was going down ...So I'm guessing Murphy got sexually assaulted then ...He looked pretty happy about it at the time though.. Does that still count? Or did he just say he had no choice to justify he cheated? I'm sorry but if you say something like "The things I do to survive" while having a smirk on your face before getting into it with another girl.. "I had no choice" seems a bit eehhh ...I like Murphy.. I hate cheaters though.. Dude knew what he was doing 3. I think you know the actress playing this new flamekeeper (Indra's daughter)... He's a very recent obsession of Joe.. She moved to Paris so he moved there too ...Her name escapes me but You... You.... Should know who I'm talking about 4. Yeeeeeeeaaaahh... I remember you talking about this in voice... Wondering how Bekka was walking around on the surface with all the radiation and I was just sitting there trying not to say anything (which doesn't come natural to me as we both know cause I'll say whatever the fuck is on my mind) ....Nightbloods are much more adapt to overcome radiation 5. Sorry but I have to agree with Jasper... I don't think he's annoying... Some people take life waaaaaaay too serious and thus lack a sense of humour (I hate those kindsa people) ...I know he's super depressed (I know the feels) and sees this whole thing as a way out... But come on... Live a little.. It would already be depressing enough knowing the world is gonna end.. Do we NEED to be serious 102% of the time??? ..I GET that lives are at steak and all that ...But if I were there... I'd try to keep some humour alive too cause if I'd be forced to be serious the entire time I'd rather just run head first into praimfaya then to be stuck inside with some boring losers 6. Buuuuuttttt I do have to agree with you though.. Jasper trynna tell everyone about the list.. THAT... WAS annoying.. Just cause YOU'RE not happy doesn't mean you have to sabotage things for everyone else.. They need people to work together 7. Aight Monty... Seems like the secret is out.. Chaos incoming in 3.. 2.. 1 8. EXACTLY!... Holding a lottery for people who get to survive is fucking stupid.. You're gonna end with a bunch of people who serve no purpose being there 9. Echo.... You went a bit overboard on the warpaint mah gurl... And stabbing Octavia... Not cool 10. Oh look... It's the bunker we've seen in the intro since the start of the season 11. Yeah... This bunker does look like a great place to hang out... But I doubt it fits a fuckton of people 12. True... A fall like that and getting stabbed as well.. Octavia would've been dead if this was real life ...But this is a TV show... And if you can learn anything from a TV show.. It's that if you're a bad ass... You're just gonna walk that shit off