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James jackson

Don't a lot of people sterilize their dogs? So they couldn't try this plan from chulak because it lacks a solar observatory to its sun and a computer core capable of predicting a solar flare.


1. Yeeeeaaahh... "Spares" is definitely a funny Kiwi word 2. I feel ya Froots... The whole kangaroo bit people throw at Australians is the equivalent of people asking me if I'm walking around on clumps or if I smoke weed all the time ...Ok.. The weed thing I don't really have a problem with (I don't smoke but I don't get offended by the joke) ...The clumps thing though ....Just cause ONE town in The Netherlands has some old timey idiots trying to entertain tourists with some old agey tradition DOESN'T mean we all wear them .....It's SO FUCKING ANNOYING when people ask that question 3. How could one use a vibrating bed for kinky means you ask??? ....I dunno.. A woman could lay face down on it in some sort of position to get something out of it I suppose... I don't think it'd work very well.. And it wouldn't work at all on a guy I guess 4. You about what I told you about the intros: "He just told me he made a new one....But I'm not gonna see that one until like.. Near the end of Season 5 or something.. So that's rude" ......Yeeeaaahhh.. About that... There's like... 5 intros in the planning currently.. 3 done.. One I need to polish a bit maybe (the one I told you about) and 1 I'm still wrapping my head around on how to pull it off but it might just become the best one ever.. IF I can make it work 5. I mean you MIGHT be right if the actor was TRYING to sound Australian or New Zealander ...But every bit of information online (and I've googled.. Remember.. You're talking to the guy who can find just about anything) the dude was born and raised in New York ...IF you're right.. We just stumbled on the only Murican EVER to pull off a convincing Aussie/Kiwi accent 6. Can confirm.. The Stargate map on Escape Simulator was really well designed.. Aside from the control room being on the same height as the gate room 7. HA! Although it would be COMPLETELY out of character... That joke was funny! Yeah what if Teal'c just gave Hammond a BIG sloppy one as a way to say goodbye ....I'm SURE it would be one of the most unexpected turn of events you'd have EVER seen on a show before... Teal'c with serious face: "This is how we say goodbye on my world" *SMOOCH!!!!* Carter looks wide-eyed.. O'neill secretly passes Daniel a dollar and says: "Told ya he'd do it" 8. General Bauer says 2 words ...You: "I already don't like him" ...Quick to judge hey Froots? But I'm with you on this one... Dude is a total boring asshat.. Luckily Hammond comes back at the end of the episode like you predicted.. Nice job Detective 9. To answer your question.. There are from what I can tell 5 different ranks of General in the U.S Air Force: Brigadier General Major General Lieutenant General General General of the Air Force (although that one doesn't pay well for some reason so it might be a crappy janitor like position or some shit) ....Why 5 different versions? ...Cause why make it easy?? I dunno 10. HA! Bauer is telling O'neill off about not using proper ways to type up his mission report.. This girl is talking about some "How about you just learn to read" .........You hear yourself? ...Right....... Froots? ;) 11. Yeah I'm glad nobody tried to non-jokingly answer your question about what happened to Maybourne... Almost 4 full seasons in you gotta know by now that sometimes.. Even when episodes end abruptly (which happens a lot) and you're left wondering what happened... Stargate has a way of answering your questions down the line ...Continuity is a thing that Stargate does best but it sometimes takes several episodes.. Seasons... Shows or movies to pay off ...Patience Froots 12. Deep Six (not Six-Nine.. Get your head out of the gutter.. Nobody mentioned a 9 you weirdo ...Who have you been hanging out with? ....Oh.. Right.. Me... Mah bad?) means to abandon or otherwise get rid of... The U.S told the Russians to "Deep Six" their stargate program and in return the U.S would share the information and technology gained from their stargate program ....Deep sixing is a Navy term that hails from the early 1900s that meant to throw someone overboard ....The 6 comes from a measure of depth (6 fathoms) a depth at which something would become difficult to recover but it can also be attributed to 6 feet ...As in.. To burry something 6 feet under ....Yeah I looked all this up... Tony is smart but not THAT kinda smart.. Although the 6-9 part I already knew about but that's besides the point plus it would divert my attention from the episode if I googled that 13. Yeah I hate the trope of "First guess IS the correct guess" when it comes to passwords too ...To top it all off Kinsey basically had the hint right next to his computer with a picture of his dog ....Also... Who the fuck uses such an easy password?? "Oscar"?!? Bish... If that was my password... I'd hide numbers in there and like a letter P or some shit... Yeah I know "Oscar" doesn't have a P in it.. How's about you get aaaaallll the way off my back about spelling a dogs name alright?? 14. Side note... I have NEVER voted in my life ....I don't see the use for it... There are no fines for it here so I can get away with it... But IF I was forced to vote I'd just randomly vote on something ..I don't care... ALL Politicians lie.. They'll sell you some bullshit and everyone who's too stupid to think for themselves will buy it.. But in the end EVERY politician (read; human) can be bought and/or will do what is in THEIR best interest ...So what's the point? 15. While there MAY be a looming threat that the NID would harm Hammonds grandchildren... O'neill and Maybourne are in possession of some evidence that could harm Kinsey and the NID quite a lot... I don't think they'll risk making a move knowing they themselves can get harmed in the process too... So little Suzie and Jacky with the one eye (I dunno their names.. They didn't specify and yes I'm adding background information) will be completely safe ....Until Jacky accidentally walk off a cliff... But that has nothing to do with the NID ...OR DOES IT!?!?! 16. You... Chair dancing to the boring Ra Statue intro like the total dork that you are: "I have to make it fun somehoooow" ...Mission accomplished Froots ...Keep being your adorkable self while I work on getting you more custom intros 17. I don't know why people keep bringing up over-population... We're not even remotely close to taking up every bit of space on Earth ...Add to the fact we have started the development of technology to artificially create food it's not like we're gonna run out ....And that's OUR world I'm talking about ....Now take into account the world of Stargate where people can just travel to other worlds .....I'm sorry.. But whenever someone brings up over-population it just makes me wonder what kinda weed they're on and if they shouldn't take it down a notch 18. Yeah the way they wrote this inability for 90+ percent of women not being able to get pregnant over the course of the past 2 years ...It doesn't make sense... SURELY someone would have noticed this earlier than Carter and Frasier ....2 years!?? Bish... Jacky would have seen that shit and she only had ONE EYE! (Yup she "walked" off the cliff) 19. Your impersonation of the SGC Tour Guide was hilarious Froots.. Well done.. If this whole recording stuff doesn't work out you can always apply to become a tour guide ..AAAAND WE'RE WALKING!! :D 20. I've mentioned this before to you but I'll say it again... The remotes we had on Ark.. While they look exactly the same.. Serve an entirely different function on the show.. You'll just have to wait and see what that function is 21. Sooooo... Walter a.k.a. Chevron Guy is now working in the SGC Museum?? ...Probably roleplaying that he's dialing the gate while everyone is away ...I guess he just can't stay away from shouting "Chevron one encoded!" ...Dude needs a hobby ...Can he help me make these intros? 22. I mean you make a good point... Although it wouldn't be possible to travel to Chulak AND timetravel at the same time... They COULD have all gone to Chulak.. Time travel THERE and THEN send a message to Earth FROM Chulak ...In effect not having to deal with getting shot at at this Stargate train station looking facility.. I mean it'd take them a bit longer to calculate the emergence of a solar flare to actually pull it off since they might lack the needed facilities.. But given Chulak was a free world in this alternate timeline I doubt there'd be much to worry about in the case of people trying to stop them