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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pikt8nj25hagk1b/The%20Punisher%20S01E13%20-%20Memento%20Mori%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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The Punisher has almost superhuman durability. They don’t really go into it but he can survive what would normally kill someone. As for recovery, he wasn’t really recovered. Frank also has an extremely high pain tolerance. Basically he can operate at a semi-normal capacity while in enormous pain. I think Frank sent Madani the location of where Billy wanted to meet for their showdown. Most likely as a fail safe to either clean up the mess they left behind or to get Billy if he failed. She also didn’t do nothing. Billy had a gun to Frank’s head. He was gonna kill him but he was distracted by Madani, allowing Frank to get his gun away and get the upper hand. Put simply. If Madani doesn’t show up, Frank dies


With all the shit we seen Daredevil go through in his own show its not unbelievable that Punisher has a high tolerance for Pain even Joker anytime he face's batman lol. Overall didn't have a problem with it and Frank's legs didn't get messed up that we saw it was mainy his face and head that all the blood came from and the dead guy. And I assumed Micro was the one who sent Madani the email to where Frank was or Billy. I enjoyed this season it was slow but not bad definately liked Karen more in this than in DD so far I like how much Frank cares for her with how little he interacted with her