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Excuse my language but this whole Nora/Speedforce and Forces being Barry and Iris' kids is just straight up **tarded.


Oh god we're here. The forces being Barry and Iris' children is just... it's just so stupid. Normally I am all in for the wacky craziness the Flash has to provide, like I've had nothing but love for the past 6 seasons, but this is just so moronic. Nowadays, I absolutely do not blame the people that dipped out of the show during this story arc.

Joseph Jimenez

Oh God I was praying that we wouldn't make this far but. We're here now I hate this arc with every fiber in my body like whyyyy Joe NO the forces aren't not barry and iris kids just stop talking they have a daughter in the future who has the DNA of Barry and iris just stop Iris just stop the speed force isn't Nora it's not a person It's makes no sense are writers trying to disrespect the real Nora Allen and the daughter of Barry and iris Last point don't get mad Cisco should leave he since his powers are gone he has nothing to do after that like why give up his powers in the first place that just stupid

Brandon Wiesner

Your last sentence is a spoiler. Might want to delete it, or the mods will probably tell Shan to avoid the comment altogether.

Brandon Wiesner

This and your previous comment are expectation spoilers. Since she hasn't seen the rest of S7 yet, you might want to delete them, or edit them to only reference up to this episode.


Agreed, I've told Shannan to avoid the comments until further notice.


This is episode gives me Arrow Season 6 vibes. With the division in Team Flash & everyone disagreeing with Barry. All they need is for someone to constantly repeat “This don’t change anything hoss!” Speaking of Arrow, this season is really giving Arrow season 4 & 6 a run for title of worst Arrowverse season. With Arrow season 4 & 6, both had at least good moments if not good episodes. I can even think of an episode or plot-line this season I really enjoyed. Hopefully it turns around


There's always been moments throughout the show where I've had to act like plot or story points made sense. The first part of season 7 really stretched that ability of mine. As I'm watching these episodes for the second time, it's cringier than I remember.