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James jackson

I was unfortunately spoiled on the reunion by the cw's own youtube channel. So Prometheus betrayed everyone to break the curse Zeus placed on him but the part about him being hunted by monsters had already been neutralized so is this a Cain from Lucifer situation? The chain had a manacle on each end so they had to have cuffed one hand then wrapped the chain around prometheus and the tree and then cuffed his other hand using the tension to hold him so when he cut his hand off the chain fell loose.


With the Sirebond I feel like it was different from what we have seen. She probably bonded to her sire because she didnt wanna be alone after her connection to Josie was lost. And the moment she was invested in Aurora and wanted to help her she could break the bond to Hope. And I feel like with the switch situation they were just trying to visualize the struggle. She was fighting to keep it of for a few episodes but eventually it succeeded now and is probably like a dimmer switch that Damon had in the beginning. But the way they doing it now is probably just to visualize it more

Susan Deans

Sadly I was spoiled on the reunion by Claire Holt's instagram. Although it did make it a little funny to hear during comments the question of them holding back budget from last week for something big. I assumed that's what happened when I seen Claire's stories.

Frank Tremel

The battle between the Hopes reminded me of the battle between Angel and Angelus in Angel Season 4 when Faith was in his head. Speaking of, I like to call No Humanity Hope Hopelus. Also, while Hopelus may not have not have done a lot of horrible things like say No Humanity Stefan, you have to take in consideration what she has done. She put her father figure in a life or death coma just to send a message, put all her friends through mental anguish over what would happen to Rick, disowned her entire family with the threat of killing them if they tried to stop her, killed an alpha to gain leadership, only to then force them to spill the beads on Aurora's location knowing that they would then burn to death, killed Lizzie, not knowing she would become a Heretic, then tried to kill while she was a Heretic, tortured Aurora, then forced Lizzie to help her torture her, and killed an innocent man in a Damon way. She's done a lot of emotional torture to her loved ones and some random violence.


Elijah was the one who compelled all three of them. Aurora, Lucien, and Tristan. Also when you say it’s Aurora fault that Cami is dead, you mean the first death? You can’t blame her final death on her. It’s not that girl fault that she ain’t love that man(lucien) 😂 The Mikaelson reunion was so beautiful. 😭 I miss my family so much. I love the Vincent, and Davina mentions. I wish we had gotten a Keelin mention. Also I really wish we would learn more about Nik. I know Vincent was supposed to be the biological father but is Freya, or Keelin the biological mother? If, it’s Freya, he just a witch but if it Keelin wouldn’t he also be a hybrid? I, notice that you was looking at little confused when Hope, and Marcel was talking about that toy soldier, and how she gave it back to him. That was in season four episode seven? It was when Marcel was locked in there basement. Maybe, it just in my head but I feel like Marcel, and Kol we’re the only two that Hope wasn’t a complete bitch toward, and I love that because Klaus relationship with Marcel, and Kol we’re two of my favorite Klaus relationships. So, I’m really glad that just like her father, Hope have a soft spot for her two uncles. Now, I don’t know if I just didn’t care about the God storyline. If, I was telling myself that we shouldn’t trust Ben or Jen. Maybe, I am just over meeting new characters, when we still don’t know anything about the characters we love, and know. (Ex: How did Kaleb become a vampire) but I knew one of them couldn’t be trusted. My money was on Jen. I thought all of her ‘dude’ talk was some type of cover. I completely understand Ben wanting to break his curse, and him attacking Aurora. She had done nothing but beat up on that man since they met but my question is would he had done that to anybody else in her place? Would he attack Jed? He never thought about cutting that key out of himself, and why not having a witch to do a locator spell to find Jen whereabouts? I understand that they we’re setting up Ben, and Jed but everything that happen just feel like, they could had been done it but didn’t. I don’t like the two Hope thing. I feel like that they making it into two different people. And, taking away her consequences. There basically saying that Hope isn’t responsible for anything that no humanity Hope did, and I don’t like that.


1. Ben never cut out the key because I don't think he ever knew that it was there. 2. I completely agree on the Hope thing, it also feels sort of like they are just rehashing the Dark Josie stuff...


1. Aight.... Lets see if all my efforts of keeping you safe from spoilers were successful ...I got spoiled by the appearance of the Mikaelson family cause of a post on Instagram a couple weeks back... It is what it is though.. Like I always say.. Better it be me than you ...And if it helps me keep you safe then it was worth it 2. Yup.. I can see you saw the article on Screen Rant ...They're treating these gods like they're shockingly new.. But we've seen gods before.. Cupid was a lesser god.. We had the spider monster in Season 1 (I think) ...She was not a god herself but was cursed by one.. They also met a Gorgon a.k.a. Medusa ....And the article mentions something else.. The students have been hanging out with a god for quite some time before Ben showed up ....A certain muse by the name of Cleo ...In Greek mythology muses were a group of sister goddesses .......The writers need to brush up on their own lore and learn some mythology in the process 3. EXACTLY! That chess game made ZERO sense.. There's external factors that this game would NOT be able to account for unless it were MUCH more powerful than we are led to believe... And look... I'd like to give Wesley credit for being able to pull off a lot of cool shit... But this ain't our Wesley... No way THIS guy could make a device that could predict EVERYTHING 4. Crappy timing for your headset to start fucking up... You were forced to pause on a shot of seeing the Rousseau's bar sign... That gave away some expectation 5. Yeeeeahhh... I find it kinda weird they're having Klaus's funeral now ....Has it not been like 4 years or something since he died? ...Did it take them 4 years to find all his ashes and separate it from Elijah's ashes?? Cause I guess THEN it'd be believable ...added a minute later... HOLY FUCKING SHIT... THAT'S ACTUALLY WHAT HAPPENED!??! It took them THAT long BECAUSE the ashes flew away yeah! ...added during the edit... Oh ok 3 years... I'm imagining this in my head and it looks absolutely redonkulous.. How pissed would they be if there was actually a spell that could've gathered those ashes in like a split second?? Accio ashes!!! I suppose it's a good thing they're immortal and got nothing better to do than NOT visit their troubled niece 6. Riiiiiight so at the first mention of Chronos getting woken up.. Ben is like "Jed who?" ...Yeah we've got some epic love going on here /sarcasm 7. Yiiiiiiikesss... They did NOT do a good job on de-aging Ric ...His "young" face looks janky as FUCK. 8. I am so NOT interested in this Cleo side story right now... Nor am I interested in the Lizzie side story.. And Lizzie is mah gurl! ...added after... Yeah I wanted more Mikaelson stuff! 9. Always ......And forever ...You: "I'm not nearly crying.. You are" ...Yup.. The combination of that scene and seeing you get emotional is killing me Froots 10. Yeeeaahh... I'm also a bit unclear on how cutting of your hand would get you out of those chains ...I legit can not come up with a solution ...TV show gotta TV show I guess 12. So I made a prediction a bunch of episodes ago (WAY BEFORE I got spoiled) ...I got 3 out of 4... I predicted Rebekah, Freya, Kol and Jeremy to show up at some point to bring Hope back ...Obviously I was wrong on the Jeremy part.. But again.. 3 out of 4.. Not bad ...Admitedly though.. Last weeks note on them skimping out on the special effects cause they probably needed the budget for something special .....That was me being cheeky 13. Awww maaaannnn... Ric with a beard looked kinda cool 14. Wait what??? Who's who? What? .....Is Hope now back to normal ooorrrr... I am so confused.. So she's got her humanity back and now evil Hope is haunting HER? ....But.. Like.. Why?