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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u99tmlosv2yhkpn/Stargate%20SG-1%20S02E20%20-%20Show%20And%20Tell%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Colin 3of5

In The Opening scene a soldier pops his head from behind the machinegun he's manning is called Peter DeLuise. He was the director of the episode, he likes to make cameos on the episodes he directs


1. HOW!? How do you manage to screw up the diagram and STILL get it right!?!? Yeah Froots.. That's basically how the Black Hole gate lost it's connection... Now you know.. But knowing you.. You already forgot didn't you? 2. You did pretty good on your pronunciation of "Tel Shak Amel" Froots.. I'm sure any Goa'uld would be able to get that this barely 5.3 pink haired girl wasn't gonna take any shit from a false god 3. Alright time to up this episode to 2x the speed... Cause I reaaaaallly don't care for this one ...added nowish... The next one was also pretty shit.. GGGWHO THE HELL VOTED ON THESE EPISODES?!?!?1!?!one!?!?exclamationpoint!?! 4. Yeah... If that guy was really naked it would've made this edit REAAAAALLLY difficult... Can you imagine the amount of blurring I'd have to do?!!? ...I'd almost be inclined to NOPE. this one 5. Yeah we're almost at Season 3 already... Even the edits are done... Soz YouTube people! By the time they see this episode... Given no unforeseen changes.. We'll be watching episode 9 and 10 of Season 4 6. Yeah they're all male... No women... No boobs... Big sad ...It's not why I don't care for the episode though.. It's just boring... I don't think even boobs could've saved this one 7. I suppose this episode is all about how if you lived your whole life on another planet the environment that this planet has would affect you in ways it would not affect humans from Earth... Like a yellow sun affects Kryptonians but not us... Without those plants these people would die yet being around them only gives us headaches... Different people different effects .....DEEEEEFINITELY a weird episode yeah I fully agree 8. Yeeeaaaahhhh... About that... There WAS a RAWR RAWR in the previous episode.. But you missed it... It was right after you enabled your headset... I'm contemplating doing something with the edit to make up for it.. Or just to mess with you... Dunno which way I'm going yet ...smirk... (I did a previously on and cut to you staring at your phone during the RAWR RAWR) double smirk 9. When the kid came into the SGC from off world.. We see a soldier dude coming out from behind a shield with a dumb look on his face.. This is Peter Deluise.. He's one of the directors on the show.. He along with other directors and writers sometimes make background appearances in episodes.. When you watch more episodes you might be able to get familiar with their faces and spot them now and then 10. So this alien has been stalking O'neill since their visit to the planet with the Native Americans descendants.. Did she go with O'neill to Area 51... To the Asgard galaxy... How'd she like almost getting sucked into a black hole? ...Did she laugh as much as you did when Teal'c all of a sudden became a totally different person?? These are the questions that we never knew we needed answers to! 11. JEEBUS MUM!!! Could've just moved some pencil around.. Didn't have to shoot the shit out of that old ass monitor!! ...Yeah.. Could've moved a light... Now we're gonna have to go down to the mall and get a new shitty monitor! Y'know how many simoleons that costs?! 12. You're talking about how you just ordered some food after you paused for a moment... Ehm... Hold up Froots... Didn't you eat........... Yesterday? 13. HA! No you frikkin dum dum... A Trans Phase Eradication Rod (T.E.R.) .....Not a Transphasy Radication Rod! ....The FUCK. is a transphasy??? 14. Jack comes in to visit Charlie.. Charlie: "Mother says not to cry" Me: "Yeah.. Quit being a little BITCH!" 15. That Tok'ra guy who tagged along with Jacob deserved to get yeeted through that window... He didn't swipe for SHIT. ...Incompetent little snake! "Made a sweep of the base" ...BISH!.. Yo momma does better swiping on the toilet! ...added after... Shit.. That's wiping.. Welp there goes my joke 16. Nah Froots.. The kid was already hanging on by a thread to begin with.. He was purely "made" to serve to communicate between the mum and the people at the SGC... I suppose the trauma of seeing his mum die just took a toll on him ....Also trying to revive him wouldn't do much good.. We only have 3 minutes of episode time left ...added later... Ok never mind... They woke his little ass up anyways 17. Eeeeeehhhmmm I thought the Tok'ra were big on free will when it came to being a host??? ....I'm fairly certain this unconscious kid would have a thing or 2 to say about this if he was awake yeah ...added later... Ok.. He seems fine with being a host? Or did they just ceeb telling the little crybaby on what they're gonna do with him? 18. Yeah.. I suppose they tried to have a story where one of the main characters would have a similar connection with a kid as Sam had with Cassandra.. But they failed.. Honestly these 2 episodes were not amongst my favourites AT. ALL... NEXT!!!