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Brandon Wiesner

At the time, I think only the Punisher was announced but for sure DD S3 wasn't, so people weren't sure whether Matt really died, until the scene before the end. Anyway, yeah I agree that this wasn't as great as I was hoping it would be. I think the fact that they made Danny, the least interesting character, in this universe anyway, the main protagonist was a misstep. His solo show leading up to it was by far the worst one and he was more of the same in this show as he was in the that one. Too bad they didn't make a second season of The Defenders. They could have redeemed themselves and made it everything this could have been. Maybe there were talks to do it but the Disney buyout made sure that wouldn't happen.


I know Matt and Danny are the only real ones that have faced the Hand and Gao being a big part of that makes sense, but they could have focused more on Matt imo than Danny for the leading into the Hand stuff, then you could have had Matt learning more from Danny and Vise versa and Danny getting more of a resolution to his story like Danny could've learned a fair amount from Matt but i'm not mad with how it went it just could have been written soo much better, Luke and Jessica's parts were fine for what they were. And with Jessica and Luke not buying into the Hand at first makes complete sense, since no hero has the same experiences no matter what kind of world you live in heck the Avengers didn't even believe time travel was real until Hulk confirmed it was a thing same with Agents of Shield they thought Ghost Rider was an Inhuman. And the whole Black sky thing in Daredevil S2 still makes no sense to me I guess Matt was right its just a belief thing the Hand has but even they don't fully know what it is, like Stick killed that kid in S1 cause he thought he was Black Sky, and the substance the Hand was using to come back to life like Nobu was the dragon bones to me it was obvious after they showed it they mining that stuff. And lastly I liked Elecktra and Matt's confrontation in the end it made sense and was exhausting to watch I loved it and everything they said to each other holds merit and Elecktra is so fun to watch as an antagonist makes me wanna rewatch season2. Not the best show but glad I watched it to have context for Daredevil S3

Jordan St. James

The door that Elektra forced Danny to open wasn't a portal to K'un-Lun. It was just guarding the entrance to the tomb of that dead dragon. The dragon's bones are processed into the "substance" that gives the Hand eternal life. Their ultimate goal was to live long enough to return to K'un-Lun. The entrance to K'un-Lun only opens once every 15 years. At the end of Iron Fist Season 1, you saw a bunch of dead Hand soldiers when Danny and Colleen tried to go there, because the entrance was open and the Hand tried to get in, but they failed and the portal closed. By that point, they had run low on the "substance" and Sigourney Weaver chose to use the last of it to resurrect Elektra. Which brought us to the plot of The Defenders, where the Hand sought to get more of the "substance" to help them carry on until they found another chance to get to K'un-Lun.

Jordan St. James

Gao, Bakuto, and the other heads of the Hand rule over the entire organisation as a whole. But each one of them also governs their own factions, more or less independently, allowing the Hand's power and influence to stretch all across the world. But, as they touched on before, they would occasionally come into conflict with one another: Disagreements, discord, attempted hostile takeovers of each other's portion of the organisation. These things are likely to happen when you've been around for centuries.

Jordan St. James

Danny at the end watching over the city with the Iron Fist may have been a reference to the comics where Danny did, at one point, take over as Daredevil for Matt, even wearing the costume. In the comics, the two were good friends.