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Jordan St. James

I am most decidedly not cold over here. At least you have an air con. All I got is a fan. And I don't know how to feel about the fact you decided to comment on the weather using the Jonas Brothers, of all things.

James jackson

Yes the drawing is for you and I've seen it so far looks great but different from what you'd expect. But no spoilers.

Jordan St. James

That's nothing. I grew up in a country where days could could go up to at least 30 degrees.

Jordan St. James

What do I think about this POC thing? Put simply, I think people are reading way too much into certain things and overlooking others. And if you're going to talk about being unsure talking about it because you're white, then maybe I shouldn't have to hold back. I'm Chinese. From a Southeast Asian country. Did I enjoy Mulan? Sure. Did I enjoy Raya and the Last Dragon? Sure. Am I complaining that half of Disney's output is not catered specifically to me and my people? Nope. If I wanted to watch another movie like that, I'd seek out something from Chinese cinema. Or Hong Kong cinema. I just wanna see a good film. But, obviously, my opinion doesn't matter.


Alice being Hook's daughter was kinda obviously when you think about it. They both have British accents although Hook's actor is actually Irish. And when Hook first said he had a daughter, he talked about how they used to play chess before his heart was cursed and we see them play in Hyperion Heights a couple times

Jordan St. James

They kinda already foreshadowed who Alice was in a previous episode, when she was playing chess with Hook for the first time.


I already made that comment. How about, I dont know, you stop taking over the comments section because it's hard to see other people's comments when 98% of it is flooded with yours. Just stick to one comment per episode, maybe 2

Jordan St. James

I suppose we have to assume now that that Wish Realm had always been there and didn't just spring into existence when Emma was sent there. Or maybe after it sprang into existence, it took on a life of its own and created its own history or some shit like that. Of course, there's always the convenient retcon excuse.

Jordan St. James

This would the second time now that a villainess has manipulated someone into bed to get a baby out of it.


The way I've decided to see the Wish Realm (Despite it not being explained in the show) is similar to how some time travel stories work - it didn't exist until the wish was made, but when the wish was made it made it so the realm had always existed. So if someone had went to the new realm before the wish was made, Gothel would have still been trapped in the tower waiting for someone.


That’s how I’ve always seen it as well, that technically it didn’t exist until the wish was made but at that moment it then butterflied itself into existence, otherwise things like Wish Hook visiting a tower in the New Enchanted Forest 30-something years before the Wish Realm was created just doesn’t work. I’ve also seen the theory that the Wish Realm *already* existed as a parallel universe, so all the wish actually did was make it accessible and merge our Emma with Wish Emma.


it was great foreshadowing


female on male rape should be addresed better but it's not alas. also love the alice scenes. give me more of her!