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Luis Garcia

Lala and Lady Eve really do feel detached from the rest of the show. They seem to occasionally interact with the rest of the characters, but not enough. I think they could have easily been taken out of the show and used that time for the other characters.


All right, you wanted some BL comments, I got you! First off, Painkiller is not really at fault for killing Khalil's mom, those were his orders, and he can't refuse them because of the chip. It's a control chip first and foremost, they stated it in the show multiple times. So, for example, if you're not blaming Bucky for his Winter Soldier Hydra days kills, you also shouldn't blame Painkiller for his kills under the infruence of his chip. And if we're to continue the Bucky parallel, he was almost unstoppable as Winter Soldier, but look at the WinterFalcon show, he's getting his ass whooped all the time. I guess good guys pull their punches is an explanation, but still feels wierd that as soon as the big baddie joins the good guys and gets his redemption or whatever, he becomes weak. Or like when you unlock Shao Kahn as a playable character he's a little b!tch, but when he's the final boss in the arcade mode, he kills you in a couple of punches)) Also, you are right about how meta boosters work, you do need to have a person with that power, to take their dna and give yourself that power. But you seem to forger that Markovia has the biggest meta army in the world according to this show, so Gravedigger has a variety of powers that he can choose from. We just never see them, they are apparently sick and that's why doctor Jace and Lynn were kidnapped, to stabilize the cure and save the Markovian metas. Wayne Brady is fantastic, his comedic timing is perfect, he has a great singing voice, he's also great at improv, I love him on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?". He's so f'n funny. And I like him as Gravedigger, but like, 4 episodes before season finale you introduce him? And with all other storylines going on, it's a lot. They shoehorned two flashback sequences for him, whether it fits into the flow of the episode or not. I'd happily sacrifice all that Lala and Lady Eve bs for more of Gravedigger. Like give him and his backstory and motivation a full episode, with a lot of screen time, and not snippets here and there, to make it look like he's fleshed out, when he's really not. It does feels rushed, you're right.