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I am incredibly frustrated. I made a plan and I want to stick to it the best I can. However, I've been in contact with somebody that had COVID symptoms and they tested postitive.

I am almost certainly going to be getting the symptoms for sure.

I will try my best to keep everything coming out as smoothly as possible. This is just to inform you guys that there could be delays due to COVID issues. 

I have at home rapid tests, and have currently tested negative. But I am certain I'll have it as I needed to drive the person to get tested since I was their only option to get to the testing clinic. 

Probably a bit wreckless, but I'm bound to get it at this point if I took them or not. I am vaccinated, so hopefully I never see the worst of it. 

I am sorry. 

I hope for the time being there's enough content to keep everyone satisfied for now. 


Jordan St. James

You've certainly given us plenty to chew on for a bit. Don't worry about it. You just take good care of yourself.

Colin 3of5

Look after yourself and get yourself right

Dev Bhavsar

Personal health should always be your number one priority. Take all the time you need. Anyone who says different has no decency. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️


Hey no worries just hope you and your friend and family stay safe best you can wish you all a good recovery


Wishing you the best Shan. I've been bunkered down the whole pandemic but even I'm resigned to the fact that I'll get it eventually. Maybe lemons will be the secret to getting through it ... :)


Its okay, everyone is literally getting this new variant right now even if you're we're super careful. Hope you feel better.


yeah focus on yourself first, you have such a vast archive of reactions so people will always find something to watch if they need to


What's more important right now is your health and the people that are here for you. You are in my thoughts .🍋 I wish you the best 🌄

Jordan Haddow

Do not feel bad. I've been double vaxxed for a while now and have been keeping safe, still, this last weekend I caught it. It hasn't been fun, but for the most part, it was like a medium flu to me. The worst part is it seems your ribs hurt for some reason, so coughing and laughing hurts your ribs more than your throat Something everyone should keep in mind that I learned with my experience. The rapid tests, at least the ones I took, don't start to work until you been infected for about 3 days. I had symptoms Saturday and tested negative. I tested again on Monday and it came back positive. I had been in isolation the whole time, so it wasn't that I caught it later. If you have it, just rest and drink plenty of fluids. Also, don't worry about the reactions. This thing is messing everything up.


its ok your health comes first