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Definitely an unpopular opinion, but I love season 7. It's in my top three, with some relationships/storylines my favorites of the entire series. IDK, maybe it's because I didn't watch it in its original run (I dropped the show in season 5 and only recently watched the remainder), or maybe because I'm lukewarm towards Captain Swan so it was a breath of fresh air for me that for once everything doesn't revolve around them (in fact, I actually like Wish Hook better than OG Hook). Regardless, apart from a few aspects I really, really enjoy this season and I hope you warm up to it as well. You may not, of course, but I just figured I'd throw in my two cents to show that it's not universally disliked!


i really like s7 and roni is amazing. love her style. it was also the first season i watched live

James jackson

I get that they wanted the pirate bottle to bring in wish Hook but why didn't Regina use some mirror magic to make an imitation FaceTime because by the looks of it Henry spent at least 5 years maybe 10 away from home without seeing his moms


It's possible Regina's mirror magic doesn't work from the Land Without Magic to the New Enchanted Forest. But more likely is that Regina didn't feel the need to. Why? Because the NEF is time-dilated. It was ~10 years for Henry but only a few months in the LWM, hence why Regina was shocked that Henry was so much older than when she last saw him.


1. Look.. You may not like your new hair colour.. And like I told you before.. You might grow to like it or just let it fade and never try it again.. But.. You tried.. And it never hurts to try ....That said.. My own personal opinion is still the same.. I think you're looking real snazzy.. I LOVE IT! But.. Pink.. Blonde.. Dark Auburn... Makes no difference to me.. And the most important thing is how YOU see yourself though.. And whether you grow to like the pink.. Or go back to blonde.. Or whatever... You'll always be Froots to me 2. Me calling you beautiful and saying you won't fight me.. You: "I will.. I will fight you" Get real Froots!! You're not fighting me! ...But then again.. I won't fight you either 3. The FUCK. kinda Dr Strange portal did Henry just open!? And also... If he's 14.. Isn't he a little bit too young to be riding a motorcycle??? Over here I'm pretty sure you have to be 18 for that 4. Don't even try Froots... You were totally guessing that tower was part of Seattle... I saw that look on your face.. Like you were thinking: "Oh gawd did I get that right?? Please don't make me look like a dum dum" 5. Y'know what.. New Henry kinda looks like Joe from You ...Hopefully he didn't grow up to become as fucked up as Joe 6. You see Henry is a Swift Driver: "I'm a Swift driver too..." ...I ....I can't even 7. Oh look yeah it's Maya from Heroes... Her character kinda sucked yeah.. But she did look hella cute though 8. You're asking why they're not just using green screens ...PLOT TWIST... ALL OF THIS is green screened... You think that's Seattle??? Nah bish!.. That's a green screen! ...You think that's Henry? NOPE. ..Green screen! They upped the budget after they finally managed to pay off the debt for Jafars hair 9. It only took them 7 seasons to start hiring black people.. I'm both glad for black people but also kinda appalled it took them this long 10. Is Hooks name really Officer.. ROGERS?????? Jolly Rogger! C'mon son!!! 11. I was expecting Emma to be Hooks partner... Rumple?? Aight... But where's mah gurl? 12. Honestly... I know there's a shitton of notes on this episode alone... But I was distracted most of the times cause it felt TOO MUCH like a Season 1 rehash ...Been there.. Done that.. Move on 13. EMMA!!! I got worried she wasn't on the show for some reason 14. This whole grandmother wants to take the kid away from Maya story.. Very similar to Henry/Emma/Regina only in this case Regina is turnt into Grandmother 15. I'mma say it.. The actress who plays the Grandmother ....Needs to lay off the sun tanning sessions ...Looks VERY unnatural 16. Ok yeah Emma showing up outta nowhere to tell Henry she's preggers... Very weird.. And I'm thinking this isn't Emma ...I could be totally wrong though... But she literally came outta nowhere.. Soooooo 17. Yup I definitely missed some plot points... 2 Hooks and 1 Emma.. I guess I might be wrong about my previous note then 18. Yup... No fucking clue why everyone is splitting up and why they go live in Seattle 19. Ah ok you say this isn't our Hook and he has a daughter... I was sooooo distracted by other things that I completely missed that ...I'll try to pay more attention in the next one


I guess its like Narnia, 10 somethings years passed for Henry but for Regina its only been a couple of months. If that's the case you think he go back to being 18 again, since he reentered the "real world" Or they are applying the rules that they never age in Storybrook. I don't know the writing is all over the place with this show. Its weird Emma being pregnant since Henry is all grown up but some people have kids way later in life so teaches on I guess. Now she has a baby and a grandchild LOL