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James jackson

They 100% had me. I was so let down and I am so happy to be wrong. I want Hope to go full Klaus. Until watching your reaction I had no idea Kaylee left I am 80% sure I know who the burnt dude is but after the Aurora thing I will keep my speculation to myself and take a victory lap if I am right. Aurora wanting to repeatedly drown hope is because of Elijah doing the same to her brother.


Im assuming the writers will think of a Claire Holt situation for Kaylee where she can come back for a few episodes each season. Especially considering its weird that they're dropping The Merge just like that after all the build up and it being the excuse for Caroline not being around. If they're actually not gonna drop it, maybe they'll come up with a explanation that they'll still have to merge as long as they both have a heartbeat (and it's safe to say Lizzie still has one since staking and ripping out the heart kills a vampire) and one of them isn't stuck in a different dimension, only it's more likely Lizzie will win as she's now immortal and Josie is not. And maybe while we're at it, maybe they should also explain what's stopping them from refusing at all and add in some bad omens or natureal disasters since they made a big deal how the Merge is inevitable when so far vamprism, prison worlds or straight up death aside, nothing's been shown to prove they can't say no


I went into the episode excited and nervous about what would happen with Aurora. I was terrified that they just brought her back to finally kill her off. I know it was announced that Rebecca Breed sign up for a recurring role but you only need to be in like two to count as recurring, and if we count her voiceovers episodes, she been in four. So, while I was disappointed in what happen with Aurora character, I was happy that she got away, and once again the door is left open for her come back in the future. As for, Kaylee/Josie it never occurred to me she was leaving the show while watching the episode. Mostly because her goodbye scenes was just with Finch. You would have thought that she’s got one with Hope, MG, Rafael, Lizzie, her dad. Literally, anybody else beside Finch who she’s basically just met. It didn’t feel like a goodbye because she’s wasn’t saying goodbye to the people that we all care about. When I first saw the article headlines(without reading it) I was like ‘Oh Jenny leaving the show to learn how be a heretic’ like I would had never thought that Kaylee was leaving. I am really excited about heretic Lizzie but I’m also kinda like what’s the point because we don’t see the vampires on this show being vampires. We never see them drinking blood. I also don’t see the point of them making their vampire face just to throw a punch. I don’t remember them having to do that in the other shows.

Andrew Polinski

I never knew Kaylee was leaving and I am always reading sites like tvline and it wasn't until after this episode had aired that is was reported, it has been kept heavily under wraps. As for the episode probably the most solid episode since episode 4 aka season 3 finale ;) At the end of one of this seasons episodes Lizzie told Alaric that they have to consider someone had to become a vampire or Werewolf (I can't remember) to break the Gemini Curse, so i wonder if Lizzie becoming a Heretic breaks the Gemini Curse.


I am super sad that Kaylee is leaving the show, but I am confused on how Josie leaving like this is going to help Hope...The therapy box showed her that she needs to leave to save Hope, but like what does that mean? She is just never gonna come back and thats somehow gonna turn Hopes humanity back on? Like, what is she going to be doing while shes gone that will somehow help Hope in any way? I feel like you have to be there for Hope to help her...what is leaving going to do? I feel like that makes no sense story wise, but I hope for Kaylee that whatever she does next is good for her and she is successful in whatever it is. And who knows maybe sometime in the future she can come back as a series regular(maybe in season 6, 7 or 8...if the show lasts that long that is...). I just hope there was no bad blood behind the scenes, because not seeing Josie Saltzman again will be a disservice to everyone watching.


1. Like I said in voice before... This season reminds me too much of Star Trek Enterprise Season 4 in where they tried their best to make connections to previously established canon and it wasn't enough to get renewed for a 5th Season... I'm thinking the same will happen to Legacies.. It just feels so similar 2. I can't answer your questions about Aurora.. Since she was so uninteresting to me I wiped all that from my memory 3. HA! True! Lizzie and Lamethan coulda put the fire out instead of watching the tree completely burn down 4. Yeah who the fuck is this dude?! Some random new headmaster???? We want Bonnie! ...Or maybe Caroline 5. Josie is leaving? Kinda rude when Lizzie is off on a hunting trip and is gonna be away for a while 6. GWHAT!?! Since fucking when do you need to pay that dude more than 1 coin to go to the good place??? 7. Stefan got drowned in a lake Froots... It was Angel who got thrown into the ocean ...Is Julie writing this? 8. A speech is all it took... Alright.. You'd think it takes more to bring back a fucking Tribrid ...added later... Ah ok noice.. She's still "evil" 9. GEEEETTTT FUCKKKEEEDD... The fuck was the point of having this boring ass character back then??? ....Oh I know... Trynna catch the attention of the The Originals fandom just like you said 10. I just totally missed that cause some chat on Discord... Did mah gurl just snap mah other gurls neck!?!?! GHWAT!?!?! 11. Why the fuck is she not leaving WITH her?? What kinda shitty girlfriend is this!? If this were me I'd follow my girl to the ends of the Earth and then some 12. Also I'm guessing Lizzie is gonna be a vampire maybe?? Cause... Fuck The Merge story.. Right? ...added later... Vampire Lizzie! NOICE! THOUGHTS PART: 13. Alright... So she's ACTUALLY leaving??? Well I did kinda get the hint with the last episode when she realised she had to live for herself... I didn't actually think they'd go through with it though 14. Yeah true... We've been so taught to believe characters keep coming back that even when the actual actors go away we feel nothing since we believe they'll return... This show man.... This show


im gonna miss kaylee. aurora felt wasted, also why does she solely want revenge for what happened to her? i thought maybe she'd want revenge for tristan dying (after hollow offed elijah in s4) but nope. i wanted more aurora as hope shenanigans. i hope they don;t kill her. she;s the second best villain they;ve had after kai oh and random sidnote, i want hope and baby nik to interact. *let hope interact with her cousin*


so who do you hate more, ethan, matt or the version of esther from TO s2 who became a vampire? also finch is just boring, she makes me miss sophie deveraux i dont care who but somebody needs to drag hope home to new orleans to knock some sense into her

Tsukiakari1203 (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 19:13:13 so since lizzie's a heretic now, can we get valerie back to mentor her? i think valerie;s still alive. i remember the lesbians dying, oscar's dead and the other heretic dude also feels like he died. she's the only one left right? or am i crazy? anyway bring valerie back. i miss her and her accent
2022-01-02 10:40:12 so since lizzie's a heretic now, can we get valerie back to mentor her? i think valerie;s still alive. i remember the lesbians dying, oscar's dead and the other heretic dude also feels like he died. she's the only one left right? or am i crazy? anyway bring valerie back. i miss her and her accent also, lizzie, how idiotic do you have to be to not have more than one stake, i mean honestly. no one has a braincell on this show except maybe hope and aurora. god. also i bet that they'll retcon another red oak stake down the line when they need to up the *heh* stakes for hope's fate.

so since lizzie's a heretic now, can we get valerie back to mentor her? i think valerie;s still alive. i remember the lesbians dying, oscar's dead and the other heretic dude also feels like he died. she's the only one left right? or am i crazy? anyway bring valerie back. i miss her and her accent also, lizzie, how idiotic do you have to be to not have more than one stake, i mean honestly. no one has a braincell on this show except maybe hope and aurora. god. also i bet that they'll retcon another red oak stake down the line when they need to up the *heh* stakes for hope's fate.


i hope josie's going to new orleans to rally the mikaelsons but she's probably just going to some nebulous place, maybe where caroline's been chilling


this has been nagging me since s1, but isn't hope supposed to the crescent alpha? since when jackson died, hayley took over, and since hayley's dead, it should be hope right? she's the last labonair and there are no other kenners we know off and they were the two families that were the crescent alphas.