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There is only a Patreon schedule this week as most YouTube content is in dispute and cannot be posted until it's finished, so please check certain show notes for more information.

Stargate SG-1 -

YOUTUBE: 1x15 today but it could get blocked as MGM is a bit mean :(

PATREON: 1x03 & 1x04 on Wednesday!

Stranger Things -

YOUTUBE: TBD - 2x03 is edited, just needs to be disputed and released.

PATREON: All 3 seasons are available at the $2 tier.

Once Upon A Time -

YOUTUBE: TBD sorry, blocks are harsh

PATREON: 6x21 & 6x22 today.

Iron Fist -

YOUTUBE: 1x02 on Tuesday!

PATREON: 1x11 & 1x12 on Tuesday!

Ally McBeal -

YOUTUBE: 1x13 on Wednesday... hope its unblocked in time tho!

PATREON: 1x16 on Wednesday.

Chuck -

YOUTUBE: No more Chuck, at least for the time being as I have not finished another season.

PATREON: All of season 1 is available at the $2 tier, 2x01, 2x02, 2x03 & 2x04

Revenge -

PATREON: Revenge is finished.

The Boys -

YOUTUBE: All of season 2 has been declined, we're working on something to try get them up.

PATREON: Nothing for now.

iZombie -

YOUTUBE: 1x05 will be up soon, it's in dispute.

PATREON: iZombie season 2 won the poll and will be binged next!

The 100 -

YOUTUBE: No plans to edit for YouTube right now. Or is there.... 😏

PATREON: 1x05 & 1x06 on Thursday! I've finished all of season 1

Titans -

YOUTUBE: No plans.

PATREON: 3x06 & 3x07 this Thursday! We're watching weekly together!

Arrowverse -

YOUTUBE: am having some scheduling, blocking & just overall issues right now so for now it's all TBD.

PATREON: Batwoman 1x12, Supergirl 5x12 & Legends 5x04 this week!! & Maybe something else.... If you're curious about the rest of the Arrowverse, check out the schedule for upcoming weeks here: https://www.aftershowreactions.com/schedule

Legacies -

YOUTUBE: No legacies this week.

PATREON: Legacies 4x08 this week!

Hawkeye -


PATREON: Hawkeye 1x04 this Wednesday!

Gossip Girl Reboot -

The rest of the season has released. I'll react to these when I have a free spot soon.

Pilots -

I'm always late. Sorry. If ANYBODY has any issues with this, please send me a message. I always feel like such a let down when they end up being late, for whatever reason but yeah. 7/12 done so far... Sorry D: (6 people have banked) - Last week there was some fkd up weather. 2 days in a row were TOO hot to record much, the following day there was a weather warning for a storm that had me paranoid to record and overall, sorry.

Update on me -

Feeling a little bit like a letdown considering I've fallen behind.

How you guys doin?


The past month, we've been working on on a website that will be updated with the posted reactions each week. The idea is so that you're able to find content much easier for both Patreon & YouTube, we've put in a LOT of extra effort into the website and I'm really excited to be able to share it with you all. By the time I post this, I'll have released it to you guys!

Check it out here: www.aftershowreactions.com

I'm really proud of it.



Luis Garcia

I personally think pilots are always worth the wait, even if they take longer than usual. When you release the pilots, we get so much content all at once and there's almost always at least one reaction that I watch. I think that since they don't come weekly, I don't come to expect them at any given date and I'm just pleasantly surprised when they get posted.

Patrick - Excelsior

What do you mean, you're not late. Last month was just early. Not to mention it was Birthday month. Always got to cut some slack for birthday month. Were fine. You just take care of you. Stress is not good for you. We can wait.

Tom Tattershall

Sounds like you need to move your recording "studio" to where your air con is. It's not even summer yet.

Tom Tattershall

Wow, I learned something new. In the US, winter starts Dec. 21 and assumed that's when summer would start in Australia. Googled it and in Australia summer starts Dec. 1. I'm surprised it's different.

Andrew Polinski

yeah that is because Dec 21st is the start of Winter solstice or Summer Solstice here in Australia where December 1st is the start of Meteorological Summer or Winter depending on where you live in the world. So depending on which way you look at it you are both correct.

Andrew Polinski

I am also going to take this 1 step further and say you are both completely wrong due to the earth ever so slightly moving from it's axis every time it rotates around the sun so now summer/winter would actually be something around December 22/23 / December 19/20 or December 2/3rd / November 29/30 :D