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James jackson

Teal'c's symbiote is a baby and as such has to grow in his kangaroo pouch until its strong enough to overpower a human mind.

Mark Chrisco

Why was Sam so sad? Jolinar had indicated being a host could be a rewarding and profound experience. If so, Sam may feel the loss of such an intimate relationship and perhaps even misses it.


Did you notice right after Teal'C got the tok'ra's name, as he was leaving the room he had to swipe his card to open the door? Well if you paid attention you would have seen that the card was backwards and the 'black stripe' was not inserted as it should have been to work. It's something I've seen Teal'c do at least 3-4 times. Not sure if maybe the first time he did it it was accidental and then they decided to make it a sort of running joke. But I laugh everytime I see him swipe a card like that with the stripe on the wrong side!

Chris (darkwater)

I like season two and beyond quite a bit. S1 has it's charms and some very key stuff but after S1 they start to expand on that foundation in some great ways. Looking forward to more!

Chris (darkwater)

Also confusion is fine... SG1 is good at eventually explaining things. If not in that episode then in something later on.


1. Yup... Red stargate on blue background looks horrible.. Keep the gate blue 2. Nope... It was Michael Shanks (Daniel Jackson) who was quite arrogant in the beginning.. Not Richard Dean Anderson (Jack O'Neill) ..You probably got confused over the "Jacks" again ....Also the explanation given in those comments is completely made up and not canon at all.. People like to pretend it's canon but unless they can show that Richard Dean Anderson has stated this at some point.. Then it all comes down to the actor just pronouncing it his own way in the same way a lot of others do too 3. The first DVD players came out in 1997 and I'm guessing they were still quite expensive then.. But people might've bought the VHS tapes yeah.. IF those were a thing.. I honestly don't know 4. Yeaaaahh.. It'd be awesome if I could erase "Hathor" from my memory.. As I told you before.. One of my LEAST favourite episodes 5. You like your doodoos better..... Yeah.. Fair.. Hey I'm not gonna judge you.. I like hearing you doodoo (just in case you forgot.. This was about you humming the theme song) 6. Normally black symbols on Jaffa mean lower rank.. But I dunno what black marker symbols mean... Maybe he's a Jaffa groupie and wanted to be part of the gang.. He had a black marker.. Put a symbol on his head and noped into a Goa'uld mothership.. And got more than he bargained for 7. NAQUADAH!!!!!!! (turns on infiniteweight) 8. Bra'tac: "Bra" = pray ...And "tac" as in tic-(tac) ...His voice is very recognisable you probably figured it out from having heard him on OUAT 9. Bra'tac has a few Jaffa loyal to him who much like Teal'c and himself believe the Goa'uld are false gods.. Hence why the guy in the background wasn't doing anything 10. Me thinks the rainbow on the screen might just be a thing the visual effects department did to make the layout on the monitor look more scifi ...It most likely has something to do with visual spectrums on the sattelites pointed at the ship.. But yeah I think it's just for show 11. I can hear the house shaking.. If it were any louder the bass in my headphones would go off 12. I find the thought of us humans using a spaceshuttle to battle a Goa'uld mothership to be absolutely redonkulous and kinda funny.. Sadly you didn't.. Maybe it's just the storm keeping you occupied though 13. "From your mouth to god's ear" is a phrase that originates from Arabic.. The expression can be used to indicate true heartfelt agreement or can also be used in a sarcastic way.. In this case Hammond was telling Samuels that he hoped he was right about not having to send more people to the Alpha Site 14. Yeeeeahh.. The pouting face... Apophis just looks like a big baby 15. That little no-good wimp wanted to go to the Alpha Site now that his little rockets didn't do shit against those ships.. HA! Nah bish.. You stay and fight! 16. You seeing Daniel own it: "Let's go Daniel" 2 seconds later Daniel gets shot.. Me: "Awwwww Froots... You jinxed it!" 17. How are they gonna get out of those Death Gliders and in to the spaceshuttle without.. I dunno.. Dying?? 18. Yup... The doodooing to the theme never stops being adorkable 19. Yeah the ominous music in the background is more for us I suppose.. And true.. Sam hasn't really said anything TOO "out there" to raise suspicion 20. Nah... A Goa'uld is a parasite.. It can burrow it's way into you from anywhere and take control 21. Yeah the drugs took some time before it had effect on the Goa'uld and "Sam" passed out 22. Teal'c: "When you see her, Do not see your friend" O'neill: "How do you do that?" Me: ".....Easy.. Keep your eyes closed" BOOM! MIC DROP! 23. Yeeaahhh.. If Jolinar hadn't laid it on so thick trynna pose as Carter to convince O'neill he was telling the truth.. Maaaaaaaaaybe O'neill would've believed him earlier 24. O'neill said he will never trust a Goa'uld... Teal'c is a Jaffa.. He carries a Goa'uld larva but he is not himself a Goa'uld ...A Goa'uld is the snake that takes over people and pretends to be a god ...Also.. Teal'c would not be offended by what O'neill said.. He despises the Goa'uld even more than anyone else at the SGC aside from maybe Daniel 25. Technically there were 2 unconscious guards in the holding room.. Those guys who entered could've though that this Ashrak dude only just woke up and found Carter this way.. But yeah... Once again security at the SGC is kinda slacking 26. Yeeeahhh.. If you know that there's a bad guy on the loose who can look like anyone.. And you happen to see the doctor posing as a military dude at the SGC.. PRETEND EVERYTHING IS FINE DANIEL!!!! 27. Yup.. 1 shot with a Zat gun stuns the person.. 2 shots kill.. 3 shots disintegrates


Yeah when Sam gets possessed you can hear a Goa'uld symbiote screech, and then her eyes glow in the exact way the Goa'uld do. So you're supposed to know the whole time. That's why the music is so ominous (and why it's previously established Goa'uld music). But I got the feeling you missed that, so you learned when the characters did. How interesting!


Teal'c is an incubator to his symbiote, nothing more. The symbiote doesn't possess him or communicate with him in any way, and the relationship is entirely against Teal'c's will. Teal'c would be the first person to say, "The Goa'uld? Yeah fuck those guys." He wouldn't be offended by badmouthing the Goa'uld, that would be like someone saying "I hate eggs," and me being offended because there are eggs in my uterus. It just wouldn't happen.