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I'm feeling a little bit defeated.

I was supposed to have most of the pilots done last week but I had such bad luck that I honestly... couldn't be bothered and took a few days off.

Let me explain... (If you want to hear I mean)

I started this year with an appointment to help my stomach pain - a stomach specialist.

The earliest appointment I could get was 2 months from idk probably April? Then another 2 months after that for a follow up appointment which is ridiculous. Anyway, In August I was referred to a physiotherapist and the earliest appointment I could get was NOVEMBER. I booked in and waited... and a week before I saw her, I saw the doctor again. Informed him that I hadn't seen the physio yet. He said he'd make another appointment for me and has still yet to do that. This was at the start of this month. I should probably try calling him but I'll be on hold for an hour before the phone decides to just hang up on me (this happens a lot). 

I saw my physio and she booked me in for 2 other appointments, both two weeks apart. I was unable to do the thing she wanted me to do in the first 2 weeks so I had to "RESCHEDULE" the first appointment and the earliest I could get for that one was MARCH.

This is all just to fix my stomach issues. This has legitimately taken all year and I have NO progress. 

Then there's my hair. 

I went into idk like 250 days of lockdown or something and so my regrowth got really bad, nobody would secretly come over and do my hair. The Arrowverse event was coming up and I wanted to look my best. LUCKILY, we came out of lockdown in time that I had a chance to go to my local hair dressers and get... something done... to be honest, they fucked up my hair. There's like 6 different types of blonde in my hair and the "pink" was more red and it washed out in like one wash. So, I contacted a friend's hairdresser and she got me in but only for a consultation. She needed to see what was the issue with my hair and then she booked me in for 2 days from then to fix my hair.

She got sick and had to cancel that appointment and now there's no available appointments until New Years.

I don't understand what is wrong. Why do I have a string of bad luck here?

I did a good thing. When $15k worth of bra's and underwear were delivered to my house by accident (bra's n thing's stock) I went out of my way to call them and organize to get it picked up. They didn't pick it up by the way, I had to call them TWICE to get it all sorted out and I got nothing in return. I wasn't expecting a coupon or whatever. Just a thank you would have been nice. But I didn't even get that. I mean I couldn't in good conscience keep the content in the boxes, I wanted to sort it out so that nobody lost their jobs or anything but damn. I thought doing good things made you feel good, but I just don't. 

I didn't get any good Karma from it; I have to ask... What is the point?

Sorry if this comes off as complainy, or whatever. I'm just feeling very defeated right now and wanted to express to all of you. 


Scarlett Monrow

I'm really sorry for what you are going through. It's absolutely not fair. But things will get better, sooner than you expect. :)))

Brandon Wiesner

Sorry about your struggles Shan. Life is just like that though. You will have your ups and your downs. But in the end, good things happen for good people, so stay strong and just keep on being you.

Dev Bhavsar

Hopefully this helps: In September I started a new job after being out of work for over a year due to the pandemic. My first month was absolute hell. My knee was on fire due to the weather, which sucked because my new job involves 100% walking for 8 hours. Then my computer that I bought less than 5 months ago broke down on me, and they were saying it would cost me over 500 dollars to fix it. I was getting into arguements with my mom, and most of my first two paychecks were going to bills. Life was kicking me while I was down left and right. In my personal experience, whenever things get bleak in life, it usually means there's something amazing waiting for you around the corner. You just have to hang in there. My knee got better, and the store I bought my computer from had a 1 year policy, so it only cost me 40 bucks for them to install a new motherboard. My mom and I worked through our problems, and now, I'm about to get 100 dollar gifts for all my friends, which I've never done before. Everyone feels defeated at some point in their life, which means you're not alone. You'll get through this. And when in doubt, ask yourself: What would Buffy do? What would Spike do? What would Angel do? What would Fred do? What would Coulson do? What would Sky do? What would Daisy do? What would May do? What would FitzSimmons do? What would Ward........you know what, Ward's not the best role model, so we'll just skip him. What would Oliver Queen do? What would Barry Allen do? What would Kara Danvers do? What would Malcolm Reynolds do? What did every one of your favorite characters do when life beat them up and threw them to the ground? They got up, dusted themselves off, spit out the blood from their mouth, and kept fighting!

Jordan St. James

I can certainly understand what that must be like. Really sorry, Shan. But hang in there. We're all rooting for you.

Patrick - Excelsior

Sorry to hear you are down Shan. You deserve better. Know that you are not alone in this. Many people around the world are feeling the exact same way. Just different specifics. There is an ancient Persian saying "This to shall pass". It cliche but true. You are a strong woman and you can beat this ennui. Best thing to do is to focus on the things that are good in your life. You have started a new chapter in your life, moving out. You are a successful woman in your field. Many people both admire and genuinely care about you. There is no higher praise then that. Know this as well, when we say feel better Shan, its not just words. Know we care. Feel better Shan.

Zach Hershman

My biggest suggestion when it comes to doctors appointments is stay on top of your doctors. You are your best advocate. Call the doctors and find out how they handle cancellations. One of my doctors often has a 3 month wait on appointments. A workaround for that is they told me to call once or twice a week to see if they have any openings thanks to a cancellation. There was a time where they told me to call them once a day to see if there was an opening. Most doctors want to help (and so do their staff), but unless you are advocating for yourself they won't prioritize you.

Adam Knapp

Sorry to hear about the pain, it can suck. But it is good that you did what you could to help fix someone else’s mistake, most people wouldn’t. I only hope you don’t let this even sour you against helping people, a saying I like to live by: you bring the world closer to heaven whenever you do what is right and not what is easy.


I just want to leave this little story here that I find helpful from time to time. This guy's walking down a street when he falls in a hole. The walls are so steep, he can't get out. A doctor passes by, and the guy shouts up, "Hey you, can you help me out?" The doctor writes a prescription, throws it down in the hole and moves on. Then a priest comes along, and the guy shouts up "Father, I'm down in this hole, can you help me out?" The priest writes out a prayer, throws it down in the hole and moves on. Then a friend walks by. "Hey Joe, it's me, can you help me out?" And the friend jumps in the hole. Our guy says, "Are you stupid? Now we're both down here." The friend says, "Yeah, but I've been down here before, and I know the way out."


Shan, I'm really sorry you have been going through so much problems and pain, things will get better I promise. I wish for you an eternity of happiness and good luck. Since I joined, you have made me smile and laugh for the first time in ages, its because you're genuine, lovely and really funny. and I thank you. Focus on the people in your life and what you have now, because we are your strength. Never give up. As Jemma once said "The steps you take don't have to be big, they just need to take you in the right direction" 🍋

s jaco

Oh, wow. I'm sorry to hear everything has been dealt with so poorly. I know waitlists all over the world in the mental health care sector are super long these days due to lockdowns. So many people are hitting lows due to isolation and fear. But if you haven't tried yet, you might find more luck in the alternative sector. So lifecoaches, acupuncture, Nei- therapy. Maybe someone online. In my country they recently started a whole website with therapist online, to help with this lockdown situation. Maybe Australia has something similar. Or you can try a psycho-somatic physiotherapist. I have one of those and mine is super helpful. But a wellness coach might help too. :)