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"Ryan, baby. Come back to bed" was a fanservice line, tailor-made for Holarke shippers.....and I appreciated it thoroughly!!!

Frank Tremel

I do hate it when shows don't kill off characters or find ways to keep them around. That was one of the few issues I had with SHIELD; they always killed off the characters they just introduced or weren't popular with the fans like Mace or Lincoln, rather then kill off any of the original characters. Mace had potential to be a really fleshed out member of the team in later seasons, but it felt like they brought him in just to kill him in the Framework to cement anyone can die without actually killing any of the main team. But, Legacies wasn't the only show who did this. Diaries brought back Rick, Jeremy, and Bonnie more times than I can count. Originals brought back Davina. So, I wouldn't harp on Legacies so much when it's a theme in this universe.


Aria is literally 2nd on the credits, why would Landon die? This should be common knowledge he is the 2nd main character when it comes to Legacies whether people like it or not, the only way Landon will remain dead is if the actor decides to leave the show and I highly doubt that. The frustrating part is the fact he keeps dying, he's probably still a phoenix somehow, but the writers should have never regressed his supernatural side cuz its just a repeating storyline for him. Honestly his character deserves better, in his scenes during this episode it was more about Ted than him which is so dumb like what? The question is why are they still not telling the viewers what supernatural creature or powers Landon has?

James jackson

Every time one of the twins said some variation of " I don't know what to do" I shouted at my TV "CALL YOUR MOTHER"


Whenever I watch a Josie and Finch scene I always find myself cringing for some reason. Like that scene at the end there when Finch was comforting Josie, its supposed to be a nice and heartfelt moment but for some reason it just made me feel awkward watching it...I do think they have some chemistry but I think the whole relationship got ruined with how fast it was and how it feels a little forced.


Well, Freya has a wife and a kid. And Vincent is maybe still in the picture......a lot of people for Hope to kill if they don't listen. So it makes sense that she doesn't intervene after what Rebekah reported back. Bex had a tete-a-tete with Hope and said her piece. So it also makes sense that she'd back down. The Originals never flipped their switches, so they don't know how to deal. And they can't stop her by force, she's super duper tribrid now...... Except for Marcel maybe. Where the hell is he? And the way family treated Kol, I get it if he doesn't really care much and maybe even not in the contact with the rest of them) They are guest stars, not regulars, the actors have their own stuff to do. JoMo and Gillies had to get their characters killed so they don't have to show up again. We should just be glad that at least someone is appearing from time to time)) Ted and Landon were the best part of the episode. Then Hope and Clarke. I LOVE THEM!!! And also I loved Hope murdering her friends in the simulation. But I did not care about the "school" plot at all, it was funny, but not really interesting. Finch and Josie are already boring for me. Kinda wish she died or leff already. The worst of Jo's girlfriends is the one that stays? Oh maaaan( Lizzie's stuff would've been great if she had actually killed someone so save Ric and it didn't work, but I guess it's too dark for the show. Cleo is backsliding to me not liking her again. Keeping secrets again. Being kinda shady. There's no way it woulde be that easy to stake Hope. I call BS!!! Can you stake Kaleb? Doesn't his new dragon powers give him some protection? Like some scales. Or like in Heroes of Might and Magic The Dragons had a magic immunity. That would be cool. Wings are kinda cool too, so if that and fire breath is all he gets, let it be so)) The illusion ring was used by Clarke to look like Professor Vardemus in season 2. It was last seen in the school and worn by Hope. It's not out of nowhere, but your tone suggest that you are annoyed about it for some reason. It's like you are just looking for something to get mad about, Shan. Don't be a Negative Nancy! And it is pretty easy to bring someone back to life. The show does it all the time. The bloody Necromances did this all the time. The witches in the Originals and TVD did it all the f'n time. So why are you surprised?


on one hand, i love bex and freya coming back but on the other hand it's ooc for them to not stay and help also where is kol and davina? wouldn't hope's crazy uncle be able to help since he had similar issues? And why isnt Marcel dropping everything to help his little sister. It was a crime they didn't acknowledge him.


Good reaction. This wasn’t a bad episode especially compared to some of the clunkers from last season. Main issue was not much was done. I like no humanity Hope for the moment. Though I would like if we saw her actually do something bad instead of tip toeing to the line but not crossing over yet. Hell we have’s even seen her feed on anyone yet. Liked Clarke in this episode but I am hoping that this is the end for his character. But considering this shows love Malivore/Landon, I highly doubt it. Josie and Finch have become wash, rinse, repeat. Josie does or says something that angers or hurts Finch then eventually either Josie apologizes or they talk around the actual issue. Seen this mentioned in another comment, but the illusion ring was actually last in Lizzie’s possession. She used it to be Hope when they were trying to convince Dark Josie and the Necromancer that Lizzie had died in the attempted merge. Can kind of understand the annoyance that they have had this all this time for Lizzie to use it now. Maybe Cleo and Kaleb do deserve to be together. Neither seems to understand the concept of being on a team. Both need to be open with the squad.


1. Yeah Rebekah could've been daggered.. That'd make her absence more believable.. And Freya.. Well I remember a certain character not showing up for most of the final season of AoS and me making a joke that perhaps he got stuck on the newly installed space toilet on the Zephyr.. So who knows.. Freya could be stuck on a toilet at the school right now.. A toilet that is obviously cast with spells strong enough to hold her there 2. Yeeeeahhh.. Hope is killing off everyone??? Nah bish... Unless the end credits start rolling any second now and you are about to launch into the longest fucking outro EVER.. This is the box .....FUCK! ......Mah gurl just straight up killed UGHthan!?! Yeah!! WHY COULDN'T THIS BE REAL!?! That box needs consequences! Specifically the kind where annoying little shits who can turn invisible die and stay dead! 3. Hold up.. I'm guessing Lizzie just found a spell inside of some hidden journal.. Sure.. BUT.. Why was it shoved in there like she was supposed to stumble on it? She opens the book and just haaapppeeenns to find a spell that can maaaaaybe save Ric??? C'mon son! 4. I'm not at all phased by the return of Landon.. I'm annoyed by the return of Ted.. But that's more annoyance... One would've hoped they would've hopped on that boat already.. But no.. Apparently they're not allowed to move on.. Ted can stay there.. Landon I FULLY expect to come back to life at some point 5. 2 week anniversary?? Oh boy.. I'd almost feel sorry for Clark... Almost 6. Very true... The curlies aren't working on Hope.. They work on you.. Hope? Not so much 7. This Oscar dude is better than me... If someone lied to me and used me.. I'd make sure they would be miserable for the rest of their life and I would take great fun out of it too ...What can I say.. People who lie to me and use me end up getting hurt ...No coin for me 8. Suuuuuurrreee.. That stake is gonna instakill the shows lead like that... Come on.. As if anyone would believe this shit ...Can the box show people what they want to see?? Cause that's what I think is going on here 9. Kaleb has the opportunity to make amends and instead opts to go fight a monster on his own... Part of me kinda hopes he dies... But this is Legacies.. Nobody ever stays dead 10. Ted gloating after he got the 2nd coin should have had his coin disappear again.. It would've been funny and justified 11. And then there's Ric.. Is he dead now? ..I'm sure by the time you read this you're about to find out.. But also.. As stated before.. Legacies.. No deaths.. Sooooo.. Whatevs