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I have used a random number generator and the results are in.

The poll will end at the end of this week (19th). The season will be at the $7 tier.


The rules:

1.You are presented with 5 shows selected from the Binge List. Located here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/binge-show-53980596

2. The winning show will get timed out for the next poll in order to give other shows a chance.

3. I'll be binging that season of said show to eventually release on the Thursday slot.

4. The winning show can come back later on with another season and while not on the poll, People in the Pilot Tier are allowed to continue picking episodes of this show until the show might end up winning another round on a future poll. (Example, If Grimm season 2 wins the first poll, Grimm season 3 will not be on the next poll but it will return on the third poll we have).

5. Considering some seasons of a show might have 13 episodes and some 22, these binges will not be held to a specified release date and a new poll will come up whenever a season is either nearing completion or has been completed. If said show has already had a few episodes reacted to that will make the binge shorter as I'll be completing the season.

6. Shows are subject to change in a consecutive poll if there aren't enough votes for them in the current one, they can however come back in a future poll as perhaps people have changed their minds on wanting to see a certain show.

7. There will be no multiple choice, you each have the option to choose one show in the poll. You'll be able to see the results if you have voted and are able to change your vote but it will only be one vote. The poll will likely close after a week or so of voting.

8. The winning show will be announced so that people in the Pilot Tier have a heads up on what not to pick, and so people have something to look forward to as well.

9. If a show on the poll doesn't reach a minimum of 20 votes it might not come back to a future poll for a while. There are 5 shows with each poll however, there should be sufficient people voting.

10. The first poll will be randomly generated from a bunch of different pilot selections.

My own personal rule: I'll do my best in binge reacting to a show but if I feel as though it doesn't interest me much I'll likely drop the show and make a new poll. I will give it a solid effort though, at least 1/3 of the season will be binged before making that choice.

There is 6 shows on this list as iZombie gets to come back onto it since its first season won the first poll.


Some of the shows that have been randomly generated for the selections of this poll have multiple episodes done through the season already. If they're selected, the chance for a new poll to occur will be sooner as those seasons will be completed faster.  --------------

DISCLAIMER: Shows winning this poll are currently only coming to Patreon. Due to busy schedules my editors and myself are operating by, We in no way are making promises of any kind that these will be edited for YouTube. It is possible that in the future a show might end up on the YouTube schedule. But nothing is set in stone at this current time.


Enjoy the voting process!



H20 is the best show

Brandon Wiesner

I'm sorry to have to vote for iZombie again but I honestly have no interest in anything else in the poll.


Same lol


I figure iZombie will win so I had to vote to give something else a chance

Jordan Haddow

IZombie all the way. Sorry, but if you watch the first season, you really should watch the second.

s jaco

went with Grey's on the poll. I don't watch any of the other shows, but to be fair, I also dropped Grey's at the end of S10. It's a long ride with 18 season, so it's rather a commitment.


H2O gets my vote just because.


Seeing as IZombie (got my vote in the 1st poll) probably wins I decided to vote for Lost Girl.

Fredrik IB

Sadly not interested in any of these, but good luck to you all :)

Eric Haefele

I have some interest in all the shows. I went with Grey's just because it has so many seasons.


H2O is the obvious choice. The first episode reaction was glorious.


so it looks like iZombie is clearly first place and Lost Girl is clearly second place...as of the time I write this comment and don't think that will change. I've never seen iZombie, but it must be good. I may even give it a chance! Was hoping for Lost Girl or Roswell. Thankfully you have a TON of shows you react to that everyone should be able to have a decent amount of reactions they love watching!

Tom Tattershall

I'm surprised Roswell (1999) is not doing better in the poll. I wonder if it's because it's the oldest show on the poll and/or because people are confusing it with the current (and IMO bad) CW reboot Roswell, New Mexico. I expect iZombie to win, I just hope Roswell (and also, H2O) get the 20 votes needed to keep them from being banished from future polls for an unknown amount of time.

Zach Hershman

I voted for it just so it might get the 20 votes. It's going to need another 2 (maybe 3) votes though.