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Andrew Polinski

I think you forgot about the end of Crises when they showed all the new earths in the multiverse, I.E. the one with Stargirl, the titans and doom patrol ETC and this being Earth Prime now


when toyman winn is from another earth it means it happened because of crisis example there were multiple brainy, two beth in batwoman something like that.

Brandon Wiesner

Did you not see Terminator 2? By your reaction to "come with me if you want to live," I'm guessing not, lol. It was great seeing Winn again and to see Jeremy Jordan's acting chops playing an evil doppleganger as well. It sucks to see what Brainy is going through. He should be with Nia and happy. Instead they keep doing this will they won't they thing and it's BS. As said before, the AV's song choices have mostly inept but I agree, Eye of the Tiger was spot on!

Andreas Froby

And the characters in shows do not now it exists other earths. Toyman-Winn was from a Earth in the destroyed multiverse not the new one


Nicole Maines is such a huge fan of Nura Nal/Dream Girl (Nia’s descendent), that she dressed up as her for Halloween last year. https://preview.redd.it/gttlcllz8pw51.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ec653636d4eeb1073f7691f460ba240a06fc1fa https://64.media.tumblr.com/97de295baac66dc2331bd141e8315862/6411ec256871db5a-8d/s500x750/77276b589cd9bfa3f2e2ecaacf68afe1eb0e6d39.gifv Also, when Winn mentioned his wife Ayla, that’s the same person Mon-El and Imra were talking about when telling Kara and Alex about how a friend of their’s home planet was destroyed by The Blight/Pestilence back in season 3.

Susan Deans

I think I'm in the minority but I kinda ship Kara and William... I could see that coming for a while tbh.


What do you mean she's out? Winn said Kara Zor-El, not Kara Danvers. Supergirl has been publicly as Kara Zor-El. At least at last season protest when Ben Lockwood (Agent Liberty) was a secretary of Alien Affairs and was trying to put some anti-alien laws in motions. And Manchester Black with The Elite attacked him. And you were asking couldn't people just put two Karas together and figure out her secret identity. William doesn't know about SuperFriends stuff, so it would've been weird to see a terrorist Winn "Toyman" Schott play Jenga with Kara and her friends. So Winn had super duper disguise glasses and was going by Marty.....obviously a Back to the Future reference as is the title of the episode) Like people above said the Toyman Winn was not from one of the new multiverse Earths, he's from an earth that was destroys during Crisis. In the previous episode, the eccentric Brainy doppelganger was playing with toy monkey at the Al's Bar that was in the lost and found box. And it was mentioned that a lot of doppelgangers from a lot of different Earths that happened to be in their respective Earth's Al's Bar wound up at Earth-Prime's Al's Bar. So that is probably how Toyman Winn came to Earth-Prime. And by the end of that ep Lex alrady had his mugshot, 'cause he was already arrested. So not a lot of time passed between the end of Crisis, last week's episode(The Bottle Episode) and this one.


Well Stargirl is not on Earth prime so not on the Arrowverse earth but its still part of the CW and it looks like the Arrowverse (or Oliver) created Stargirls world because before Crisis earth-2 was part of the Arrowverse (so Stargirl wasnt in it) and now since old earth-2 got destroyed this earth is a new one which probably didnt exist before.

David Brown

Nia saying that "Wildcat" was her nickname for Brainy is a callback to a conversation they had last season in the hospital after James was shot. Brainy made a reference to a certain Keanu Reeves movie, and she then called him "Wildcat", also in reference to a line in that movie.