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I kinda had a feeling for months that if we ever got to this point, Hope was gonna flip her switch as soon as she killed Landon. I do agree though that halfway through The Vampire Diaries, the show relied way too much on the humanity switch, especially when it's with characters who's flipped it more than once (Stefan flipped it 5 times both on flashbacks in 1864 and the late 1910's- early 1920's and in present day in seasons 3, 6 and 8). Also, I think the reason why Ethan and Kaleb didn't get return to their normal selves is because they were turned directly by Malivore whereas the ones who were returned to normal were turned by Kaleb and Ethan. Speaking of Kaleb, what are we gonna start calling him? Drampire? Vragon?

Frank Tremel

Every time I think I'm finished, I just add more. Sorry. I think what makes Hope turning off her Humanity more impactful then Elena or any other Vampire in the TVDverse is we've seen Hope's whole journey from the moment she was concieved up to her transformation into the first Tribrid. So, we feel the connection that characters like Freya or Rebekah have for her because I still remember her as a baby, toddler, and 7 year old innocent girl. These first four episodes were already filmed before they were cut from season 3. So, Hope realizing she was selfish with Landon, that was written before the backlash, and they might still write Rick off in the actual season 4 premiere and say Hope injured him to much that he's in a coma or dies from his wounds. I also really like that Hope told Ted to tell her mom, dad, and UNCLE not to wait for her. Because she blamed Elijah for Haley's death, this was a nice way of showing that she's moved on from that and wants her uncle to find peace just as much as she wants her parents. With Hope now a Trybrid, I want what Haley foresaw in The Originals Season 5; Hope being able to unite all three factions. And we get a scene similar to the Lucifer Season 5 finale where all the Angels bowed before Lucifer as their new God (I know he didn't), but here, we see the Vamps, Wolves, and Witches, including Lizzie, Josie, MG, Kaleb, and Jed, bowing before Hope as the ultimate Alpha.

Andrew Polinski

I am going to be honest, Ted is growing on me. Kaleb on the other hand is getting more and more annoying as the seasons go. Someone really needs to put his flame out (Pun intended) MG really needs to grow some teeth (again pun intended) he's like a delicate wallflower. And as for Ethan the only way he is still on the show is if the actor is sleeping with someone behind the scenes, not a good character. Maybe he can turn invisible and forget how to become visible.

James jackson

Not gonna lie i was hoping ric would die.


Perfect moment to get Bonnie off of the Bennett Blood draining device in the secret basement and put her in charge of the school.


Really enjoyed your reaction. This episode really is the epitome of everything right and wrong with this show. Agree that last scene with Hope and Alaric really made interested in what happens next which frustrates me because how much they take missteps or just easy outs. I saw the same thing with the Buffy parallel except the show’s version has to always force the point it wants to make instead of letting the scene tell the story. They couldn’t just let Hope do the right thing, they needed Landon to tell her that it was okay. I thought the Hope turning off her humanity is good and her using Alaric is a nice twist. They will still stop from going too far and really doing something series changing like having Hope kill Alaric. Speaking of pulling back there is Kaleb. yeah that is just frustrating that not only is there no repercussions for him. He is almost rewarded by Cleo seemingly now be interested in him. Agree with your Damon comparison and I’ll go a step further. At least with Damon (and this is coming from someone who wasn’t always the biggest Damon fan. Yes I know the shame) when he did bad things for love there were usually repercussions either from the plan going wrong or from people not forgiving him right away. Going back to the Buffy season 2 comparison, there was also something else the show didn’t do that Legacies couldn’t help but do, they didn’t basically tell the audience that the big heartbreaking death really isn’t going to last. Seriously was the Ted scene with Landon at the end needed especially with Ted basically saying that they would find a way back. You know I was like you at during this scene as you were when you first saw/heard Ted at the beginning of the episode. I kept thinking ‘Why!?!?’ With Finch/Josie, I give the show credit for having queer characters and having a relationship. However, if this is the best they can do, than I feel sorry for that community because they have rushed the relationship and have basically tried to convince the audience with magical firework kisses that this is supposed to be some special relationship instead of showing it with their interactions. If this was just about Josie getting some loving than I wouldn’t have a problem with it. However, this feels like the people in charge didn’t like the criticism of how Josie’s previous attempts for relationships ended up so they put them together in a way that screams ‘here is your queer couple, we good now?’. I hadn’t had the same issues with Ethan that you did but honestly I wasn’t expecting him to be sticking around past this season. I honestly thought that him getting the memories back from MG compelled him to forget was going to push Ethan into being more of villain and forcing MG to ultimately kill him. Cause I thought this was going to be a growth moment for MG but of course I forgot this show doesn’t kill people even if it would create better storylines. Instead we are adding another character to the school.


1. If you wanna remove a band-aid.. One swift pull.. It might hurt.. But it'll hurt less then trynna peel it off 2. Can I quit the show?? ....Who wanted this guy back?? 3. Why did Cleo and Landon find eachother again? Well.. I dunno if you remember this.. But Cleo escaped through a freezer in the last episode.. Or at least that's what weeeee were led to believe.. Turned out Malivore was just making her see things and so I guess now she was searching for Landon again and found him hiding in a closet (Just FYI I have no recollection that he feared small spaces.. Good thing I have you to serve as my own personal wiki) 4. Yeah this scene is kinda fucked.. Lizzie JUST left the car 2 seconds ago when Ethan showed up.. Unless she's secretly a speedster she shoulda still been right next to the car 5. Ethan: "We both know where this stake belongs" You: "Yeah in your fucking face" HA! I'm LOVING all the quips! Keep them coming Froots! 6. MG about Ethan: "He's not breathing.." I look over to you and you're visibly celebrating.. I laughed out loud on that one 7. Jeebus Cleo is EXTRA as FUCK. ...Yeah look at the design on that door! What the hell gurl!? You're just trynna show off to Landon aren't you? 8. I'm sorry.. But seeing Dark Josie pop up when Finch came out from under the bed.. That was kinda cringe.. What's up with her look by the way? She's got like.. A bun with a needle sticking through.. What's that all about? 9. Hold up... Red skies??? We've been here before.. Are we having another Crisis?? HA! ...I guess it was an easy joke to make but I paused just before you asked "Is it Crisis coming?" to type this down 10. Hope... You look like an absolute bad-ass... Got get him mah gurl! End that puddle of fake Landon mud! 11. Ok pause again... While I'm totally rooting for Mole-Face to die so Mizzie can happen.. MG telling Lizzie that he also likes her in this moment is a bit out of place right now.. This is not the right time ........UGH.. They just had to bring him back 12. Me thinks Mork just switched places with Landon.. And Hope is about to kill the real Landon ...He probably won't stay dead though.. Sooooo.. Meh 13. You're right... This feels a bit like Becoming.. I'm guessing it's not a far fetched thought that it's inspired by that given Julie Plec is a Buffy fan 14. Same... I think while sure Malivore is destroyed now.. Landon's phoenix powers will somehow be reactivated and he'll be alive again 15. How is Ethan supernatural??? Yeah I thought he was just transformed into whatever the fuck he is by being in Morks presence.. And.. Do we really need this guy to stick around?? Also.. Yeah does this mean Kaleb gets to stay a dragon now? 16. HA! Lizzie chugged that beer down thinking "SHIT. now I gotta deal with Mole-Face AND my true love MG on a daily basis" ...I see you mah gurl.. I see you! 17. JEEBUS... This scene was so out of nowhere.. That for a moment when Josie took off her top.. I thought I saw boobs.. I was like YUUSSSS!!! ...Turned out to just be a weirdly lit bra ..Big sad 18. Evil.. Tribrid.. Hope ......LET'S GO! 19. HA! Mah gurl just said doody... I mean you said "Duty" but you asked for it and I went there.. I had to get my giggles out.. Problem? 20. Yeah that didn't make sense.. Freya was talking about bragging rights but just bailed after she put Hope to sleep.. Was expecting to see some more of her here 21. True.. They're kinda rewriting the Kaleb character a bit and not in a good way.. He's become a little less likeable now 22. ...added now... Have fun with recording this one Froots