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Andrew Polinski

I think we will be seeing the end of Kaleb in the next couple of weeks, I just don't see him coming out of this. I too loved the interaction between Hope and Freya, always good to see Riley in TVD universe.


I think so too, and it's a shame ! I wanted to know who turned him 😂


Loved to see Freya back, this was such a well kept secret that she came back. And also with Raf, there were no spoilers about these to cameos. But where was she when MG and Kaleb entered the room ? I can't imagine that she just left and not be there for her when she wakes up. So I'm hoping to see Freya next week 😱 Really liked this episode, I didnt like that Kaleb turned on them and I hope he has some kind of other plan ?

TAIWAN Jackson

Spoilers do she doesn't know that yet


She has been warned not to read the comments until this is removed


Shannnan doesn't look at trailers or news etc about the shows. Joseph please remove or alter your comment.


That was actually a pretty good episode. I was expecting them to find a reason to stop from Hope dying. Glad they went through with it of course with them bringing back Raf and Freya it would have been bad if they still found some way not to go through it. Shouldn’t they be able to get the monsters/parasite using that same spell Josie used in season 2 to get the monster out of Lizzie? Speaking of season 2 and Lizzie, it is ironic that you are reacting to Legacies the same day you start Crisis reactions. When Crisis aired, Legacies had a scene with Lizzie reading MG’s copy of Crisis where they started with a zoomed in look at the comic. I had wanted to say something in the comments that episode but didn’t want to spoil anything. I have to admit I fell for Cleo getting out. It is interesting that Jed is the one that Malivore chose to have find Cleo. Which brings up Kaleb and I am really going to have to see how this whole thing plays out. I love the character but to basically sell out everyone to save a girl you aren’t even in a relationship with, might be something that would difficult to comeback from. I am hoping there is more to him going to Malivore. I know that Finch is probably going to have some epiphany and realize she wants to stand by Josie but I would be satisfied with their relationship to end right here. I am sorry but between these scenes with them and Kaleb selling out everyone to save Cleo, I find myself more annoyed than any other feelings. I can’t help but feel there hasn’t been enough to make me care about either couple and hope things work out. Haven’t liked Finch and as much as I like Kaleb, I have enjoyed Cleo more with Jed and Landon. Glad Dorian was here. He is definitely part of what is missing. Alaric is a guardian/mentor figure but he is too emotionally involved. Dorian is also a mentor but he is more clear headed. The show needs that to balance Ric out.

James jackson

This was an amazing episode with some beautiful moments. Your hair looks incredible.


"damn why couldn't that be ethan?" !!! exactly. it's the way they created a whole character just so they wouldn't kill ethan, who is no longer a valuable character 🤣 that could have easily been ethan

Zach Hershman

I don't see it happening. They would have had to build someone up to take his place and they haven't done that. Writing Raf off was a different story because the actor got a new show he is starring in.

Zach Hershman

This season has been good so far. Last episode was really good and this one was even better. Loved Hope's emotional scenes with Alaric and Freya.


That "Hello, Gorgeous" from Freya...I immediately thought of Enzo saying it to Caroline on TVD lmao. (I was a Carenzo shipper) Also, surprise surprise Kaleb is a hypocrite...doing whatever it takes to save Cleo. Something he judged Hope about doing for Landon. Which sucks cuz he was my favorite character but now he just got bumped down a few tiers smh. That line of Cleo saying "Landon Kirby, I may have to kiss you one of these days" definitely sounds like foreshadowing to me...


Wow. That was good. The best ep since "Kai Parker Screwed Us". And one of the best episodes of the show in general. Saw Riley Voelkel's name in the credits in the beginning, so I spoiled myself, but it was still great to see her. I asked for some oldies from TVD or TO, and they gave it to me, so I'm greatful. BUT I WANT MORE!!! A lot of emotional scenes. Hope and Freya. Hope and Alaric. Good to see Raf. Is Kaleb a dragon now? That's hot) "Why couldn't that be Ethan?" should not be so funny!) This one feels like a penultimate episode. So I think next one will feel like a proper finale. I have a good feeling we a losing a regular in the next episode. Maybe that will be Ethan. Shan will throw a celebration.......or not, I don't think Ethan deserves even that)))


1. Me thinks Malivore can see into Landons mind cause Malivore is a supernatural being who has absorbed Landon.. Whereas Landon is just a human (I guess) and is no more able to see into Malivore's mind than any other person who has been absorbed by it 2. Oh whoops... You're right.. It's Jenny Boyd.. Not Jenna... I guess we both have problems with names 3. Jeebus... Hope is SO MUCH like her father.. Impulsive.. Ready to go to war.. A little less calculated than the old man though 4. YEAH!?! Why couldn't Mork turn Ethan into this flamey Discount Doomsday looking thing!? Then he'd have died here! Missed opportunity! 5. So become the Tribrid already!!! Less talk-ey more do-ey!! 6. DAMMIT.... Why couldn't it be Raf I got spoiled on and NOT Freya?!!? C'moooonnn!!! 7. Yeah.. Imagine being trapped in a prison world with your mum and dad... And nobody else... I think that would get old pretty fast ....Also.. Notice their absence... I guess they bailed on their son... Again .......Fair enough.. Raf is pretty boring ...DAMMIT.. Again.. I would've been fine with getting spoiled on Raf being in this episode! AAAAHH!!!! 8. MG and Kaleb are such good friends.. UGH.. Kaleb says he'll always be there for MG and then bails... MG's talking about levers killing dozens of people and then just snapped Kalebs neck in order to save Hope or whatever... These 2 guys do NOT know what friendship is 9. Had to replay that scene as we got into a call literally 5 seconds before... I saw the smile.. I figured it was coming... WEEEE!!! HAHAHA! ...added later... DAAAMN STRAIGHT I added that to the edit! 10. Jed is just randomly walking through the woods??? Did mah dude get lost? ...Actually scratch that.. It's Jed.. He's so stupid ...After his little notebook scribble incident last episode.. Josie looked at him realising how stupid he was.. She probably told him he lost his mind.. So he went looking for it 11. Soooooooooooo... Jed has been absorbed by Mork??? Cause that's how he's able to impersonate people right?? 12. FREYA!! I know I got spoiled... But still.. It's mah gurl!!! 13. A mention of Lizzie potentially becoming a vampire... I'm here for it... Let's face it.. It SHOULD be Lizzie.. Josie had her dark arc.. I'd like to see Lizzie have one too ...added later... DUDE!! What if it HAD been Ethan that got killed in this episode instead of Random Jock #6.. Hope killed him.. Lizzie came in.. Drama ensued for the next couple episodes.. MG was there for Lizzie the entire time and somehow Lizzie convinced him to turn her into a vampire!??! ...Bish.. THAT.. Would've been cool 14. Kaleb has Lucifers wings... If I know one thing... You.. Don't.. Steal.. Lucifers wings!


I usually don't watch your Legacies' reaction. But when I saw Freya show up, I was like I wonder what Shan's reaction will be to this. So funny I thought about you cause I watched all of your Vampire Dairies and Originals reactions and knew that would make you happy to see her. Did not disappoint. I will need to see your reaction this week cause you will be probably discussing more about her return.