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Originally the $10 tier was a rewatch tier, I intended to rewatch a lot of Charmed, Smallville and movies I'd seen in the past.

But I just got too busy to do that and now the tier is there collecting dust.

All of that content is still available at that tier, but there's really been nothing really new there for a long time. I think the people at that tier are just there to support a bit extra which is lovely, but I like to make everything here worth the time. 

What could we potentially do for the tier instead? I don't want to pick up too much for the tier as things could get overwhelming again and it could end up with the tier reaching the same fate again.

Let me know what you guys think. 


Alyssa Bernd

Maybe just get rid of the top tier and bump everything down


Maybe one movie reaction per month selected by a poll. Every tier can vote, but $10 or higher tier can suggest movies for the poll and watch the reactions.

Andrew Polinski

Removing what i posted because Luis and Saem made good points.

David Brown

With so much on your plate, maybe just eliminate the Re-Watch Tier. And make the content that is already there available to those at the Premature Reaction Tier.

Luis Garcia

I actually think voting on lower tiers should be a thing. I speak as someone who has supported people at a $1 tier solely for voting in polls. Being allowed to vote in the polls allows those in lower tiers to see what's being put on the polls and what wins. If they see something win that interests them, they might jump up to the $10 tier to watch it.


My English is bad so please excuse me. You are right. But I think not many supporters will continue to stay at the $10 tier just for one movie if the movie is not their favorite. So many people will change their tier to $10 only when their favorite movie is picked. Then It's going to be a vote that doesn't get many samples. Every tier can vote -> many samples -> good movie picked -> more people will change their tier to $10 that month


I agree with David and Alyssa that the best choice might be to eliminate the 10$ tier. It has been a very long time since content was released that requires the 10$ tier to be watchable and I don't think it would be realistic to say that that will ever happen again. Or at least not frequent enough to be worth it to keep the tier in its current form alive. The main reason I say this is that in the past year you have decided to add more shows to the schedule, post more content on Youtube and that you created a website. Obligations that take up a lot of time each week. And then of course there are the Pilots that you have to do every month. All that together is a lot of work and now sometimes it is already too much to sustain. Which has sometimes already led to you having to postpone reactions, with great reluctance, to the following week. What I'm trying to say is that you're already doing so much every month that I don't think that trying to create more content to make a specific tier relevant is neither realistic nor sustainable. And I'm afraid that if you're going to try to achieve this it may place you at the (high) risk of burnout. Therefore, my advice would be to make all the 10$ tier content available at the 7$ tier and then either eliminate the 10$ tier or change it to a charity tier. A tier for people who really like your content and who would like to support you more financially for this.


Some ideas I had for this are: - Early release tier. Drop binge & release shows as they're recorded into this tier. Once a whole season is done, they move to the $7 tier. - Movie Saturday Tier. Ban movies from the pilot tier. Use the $10 tier to release 1 movie per Saturday. I like others' idea of doing this via a poll. - Rewatch-along Tier. Find 1 timeslot per week to stream a rewatch live with fans. Chat about the episode, mock it, laugh, etc. This could be key Buffy episodes, or Smallville/Charmed type shows.


Maybe it could either be a movie tier or an anime-exclusive tier


Saturday morning Cartoons! (sorry for calling anime a cartoon) :)


It is so funny that you posted this because I was wondering the same thing too. I have been at the 10 tier for about 2years now and I have not change to the $7 tier because I do enjoy ASR content and would like to support. Really cant think of what exclusive content right now. But if I do I will post it.

Tom Tattershall

I like the idea of making it an early release tier for the binge & release shows. It would give something to the $10 tier without the need for Shan to add to her work load. The episodes & movies currently in the $10 tier could be added to the $2 tier where pilots are available including movies requested by the pilot tier or to the $7 tier. - As a pilot tier patron, I'm not in favor of banning movies as possible pilot selections. I rarely request a movie but like having the option to do so.

Zach Hershman

Making it anime-exclusive tier is a good way to get me to drop down to the $7 tier.

Zach Hershman

Making it an early release tier for binge and release shows is my favorite idea.

Brandon Wiesner

That would mean the $30 pilot tier would be $10. I would feel bad if she had to take a $300 loss every month.


The foulest stench is in the air The funk of forty thousand years And grisly ghouls from every tomb Are closing in to seal your doom And though you fight to stay alive Your body starts to shiver For no mere mortal can resist The evil of the BARF TIER.


The only thought I had was maybe one exclusive movie a month? Not too much added work, I wouldn't think.


maybe extra episodes on shows that you have binge or just an exclusive show for them.