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Also, enjoy my bunny covering the zombie's head I have named him George and I have a feeling he will show up again, thank you and goodnight.



Jordan St. James

Hell yeah, this is the one I was waiting for. Sorry, Shan. But not really...

Jordan St. James

Hello, George. What's it like being a zombie with a bunny head? Do the buck teeth make it easier scoop brains out of someone's skull?

Jordan St. James

They needed to make this, Shan, because of the famous comic storyline. The fans demand fanservice. Not to say that you're not a fan, of course, but you know, these things are... complex.

Jordan St. James

Maybe this will clarify the whole "Fury's Big Week" thing a bit better: in that tie-in, only the events of Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk and the first Thor are meant to take place in the same week. And the plot of the first Avengers actually takes place a year after all that.

Jordan St. James

So sorry about your lockdown situation. It's kinda crazy how different things can be even in different states. Over here in Brissie, I actually got to see both Shang-Chi and Free Guy. It's too soon to say where Shang-Chi ranks post-Endgame since... well, we've ONLY gotten three movies so far. But I can't help but feel like no matter what the critics are saying about it and however I feel about it, any praise given to Shang-Chi is going to be, at least slightly, overblown because of the whole Asian representation angle. Same thing that happened with Black Panther. And before anyone goes after me for what I said, I'm actually a Malaysian Chinese. So say whatever you want, but you can't accuse me of being biased.


Kurt is one of Scotts friends from the Ant-Man movies


Well you seemed to handle that a lot better than I would if I had a fear of zombies. As for why did they do this, Marvel Zombies was a pretty iconic story in the comics. I did feel like this was a fairly upbeat story given the subject and seeing all their friends die. I also kinda had a problem at how easily they shrugged off character deaths and especially the “guess this is the end of the line” part made me equally upset. Given some time to think about it, logically it would have been hard to give each character death the emotion it deserves in 30 minutes. An in world explanation could also be that they are all just desensitized at this point that even watching your friends die doesn’t mean anything. It’s a coping method often associated with soldiers. Still felt a little hollow tho As to why Hope turned so slowly, I think it was because she wasn’t bitten. In some zombie shows being bitten and scratched can have different effects. I thing that’s the best explanation other than the writers wanted her to have a slow turn. Kurt was one of Scott Lang’s ex con friends that he meets in his movies. He was the Russian hacker guy Overall, I thought it was a solid episode tho


Also a quantum virus? Do you guys just put quantum in front of everything?

Jordan St. James

Yeah, some of the line delivery in these episodes is pretty bad. And not just with Bucky. I guess this is what happens when you use actors who aren't used to voiceover work instead of professional voice actors. I mean, it's cool that a lot of these actors came back to do these roles. But it evidently didn't work out as well as we would've hoped.

Jordan St. James

And yeah, some of these characters seem a bit too cavalier about the fact that their closest friends have been turned into flesh-eating monsters and are as good as dead. They could've done better on that front.

Jordan St. James

Why did Hope take longer to turn than the others? Drama and emotional manipulation. Does it make sense? Probably not. But that's TV for ya.

Jordan St. James

Kurt was one of Scott/Ant-Man's criminal friends. The Russian one. Obviously.

Jordan St. James

I like that they made Peter/Spider-Man the heart of the group. I feel like it makes sense for him since he's the youngest hero of the bunch. It's a very "Spider-Man" thing.

Jordan St. James

I know you weren't the biggest fan of this episode, Shan, for obvious reasons. But I had a ton of fun with it. And you held up better than I thought. Or at least looked like you did. So proud of you. Like the last two episodes, this one feels like one of the better ones because it was just doing it's own thing. Such a fun idea to have a zombie apocalypse but with superheroes. Kinda like Shaun of the Dead or Zombieland with Avengers. It was also great to see character interactions that we've never seen before.

Zach Hershman

Robert Kirkman wrote the Marvel Zombies comic series. He is also one of the creators of The Walking Dead comics. Turning slowly after being infected through a cut (and not a bite) is in line with TWD.

Dusty Glover

As far as it not seeming like a conclusion I think it is already confirmed they are making a second season. Some but not all of the episodes in this season will probably get a part 2. So good news. There is a chance you may get to see George again. Bad news... you may see George again.


I liked this episode, I really did but there's a several things that just don't make sense to me. First, why in the holy hell would Heimdall (who can see everything that happens on Earth) send Bruce there. Even with the excuse of being busy with Ragnarok and later Thanos attacking, the zombie apocalypse had been going on for 2 weeks. That's plenty of time for him to look and considering they were basically evacuating the survivors, I feel like he would've looked to make sure everything was good. Second, why would the Black Order arrived in front of the NY Sanctum ? The only reason they did in IW is because the time stone was there with Strange. But he showed up there later. So why ? Then you have the Avengers showing up on the bridge... why ? Steve is supposed to be one of the best strategist in the MCU. And he shows up, completely unprotected ? Hawkeye is an archer/sniper why is he on the front line and not on higher ground? Why didn't Steve have Tony be air support, he can literally fly. The Avengers didn't have to fall like that is all I'm saying. Like yeah, they had to for the story but it could've been better. You also have Thanos in Wakanda. Why and how? Again, the only reason he went there was because of Vision and the mind stone. But here, the stone was in Jersey and then with Peter on the jet. Never in Wakanda. I guess you could argue that he went to NY first to get the time stone from Strange's corpse, got zombiefied and just used the space stone to get to what was probably the largest group of survivors so he could eat them. But that seems a bit too much imo. Anyway, the head in a jar happened in the comics with Janet and T'Challa being cut in pieces to slowly feed a zombie also happened but with Hank instead of Vision. Personally, I thought it was very OOC for Vision to do this considering we have seen him time and time again choose humanity over his own desires or Wanda so yeah. And yeah, I hated how Bucky was casual about Steve and Sam's death. Considering how important Steve is to him it was just ridiculous. You could argue that he's a soldier and so learned to distanced himself from these types of situations. Or maybe you could say he just didn't consider them his friends anymore but it's still ridiculous to me. T'Challa being dead weight because of his leg is fair but he's also the only one who could fly them out and with Okoye dead, the only one who could get them through Wakanda's shield. Anyway, despite all the complaints, I still enjoyed this episode. Peter and the cape were the best parts lol and I loved Peter and Hope's relationship.


Also I'm sorry my comment is so long

Brandon Wiesner

I think the episode was ok but not definitely not for those who are familiar with zombie lore. It just didn't make sense that the now dead heroes would still know how to use their powers, such as being able to create portals, growing big, shoot arrows (not a power but still) and everything that Wanda can do. Every other zombie around them were mindless and aimlessly moved towards people that were alive so they could feed, which is how zombies are supposed to be. I'm not familiar with the comics but I'm sure there's some sort of explanation as to how the Avengers can operate on a higher brain level than other undead. It would have been nice to see something along those lines in this ep. Also though, the one that played the Wankandan Okoye is one of the main characters in the Walking Dead, so that was a cool little meta crossover for those in the know.


1. MARSHYMELLOWS!!! ...Poor Froots.. They just won't be eaten will they... Trynna drift away inside the cup.. RUDE! 2. HA! Yeaaahh.. Hey knowing how much you fear them.. I would not have blamed you if you just noped out on the recording 3. Fuck ooooffffff.... Zombies who still have the ability to use powers and tech??? Zombies are already the most unbelievable "monster" out there... Get just a whoooooole lot of the fuck outta here with this shit! 4. I'mma laugh if this Wakandan warrior survives the episode.. She's voiced by the same actress who plays the character of Michonne.. On The Walking Dead... If anyone knows how to handle zombies.. It's Michonne ...added later... Michonne woulda lived.. Just saying 5. Bish.. I dunno what Happy was thinking having only a glove... I'd be raiding Stark Tower for an entire suit.. I'd be the most well protected zombie apocalypse survivor out there 6. Yeah true... There wasn't a whole lot of emotion in the delivery of Bucky's line.. Sounded a bit eeehhhh 7. I was about to say yeah... Everyone so far has basically instantly turned... Yet Hope is having this whole scene.. Why? 8. I looked it up.. Kurt is apparently one of Scott Lang / Ant Man's friends 9. Sooooo.. It only took a zombie apocalypse for Bucky to become the new Cap.. Alright 10. I suppose T'Challa would be the most expendable in this situation... I'd like to think I'd be like "No one gets left behind" though.. But I'd probably do the same thing as you 11. ............How did the zombie outbreak reach other planets? That ending made NO sense AT. ALL. ...added right now before posting this... Ok someone later said they got overrun while in Wakanda... Oh for real?? How did they get inside the shield? Once again.. They show but don't tell 12. Good job Froots.. I'm proud of you for making it through this shit!