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The events of iron man 2, the hulk, and Thor actually happen within a week. It’s known as “Fury’s big week”. I didn’t really like how easily hulk and Thor died but the others were easy marks imo.


Iron Man 2 and Thor did happen in the same week. Not sure about Hulk but it could make sense


I dont think they died easily. In the movie Thor almost died because the Destroyer punched him (because he didnt have his power). And the others couldnt do anything because they didnt even see him


Thanos went on Gamora's planet in 1996 from what we know. So T'Challa had between 1988 and 1996 to change his mind. T'Challa is a prince, the heir to the throne of Wakanda, he would've been trained in diplomacy at around that age. Also, New Rockstars made a good point. All the people trying to talk and change Thanos' mind were probably desperate not to die, and/or adults having an agenda (at least from Thanos' perspective). T'Challa is a kid, theoretically devoid of corruption. He also comes from a place that lives in a literal bubble, technically untouched by the outside world. They learned very very early on to depend on each other and share their ressources. Thanos was a scientist who saw the end of his planet coming and nobody listened to him. All these people had "just" ideas, theories. T'Challa had actual proof of concept, through Wakanda. Idk, I think that might've helped change his mind. (I agree tho, it's still a bit ridiculous). Anyways, I don't think they were easy to kill, I actually thought their death made sense. Tony, Clint and Natasha are just humans, Thor didn't have any powers at that point, he was just a mortal being and so able to be killed like any human, Hulk died from the inside. Anybody would die if their heart grew bigger than their bodies, even Superman would die.


Also, don't forget, this is in 2011, they haven't gone through what they have yet. Janet, Hank's wife, was an agent in the main timeline too. So the change was Hope joining SHIELD despite her father's opinion and overprotectiveness. Losing his wife and then his daughter while both working for shield is what broke him. This is before any of the character development the movies gave him. And Hope was the only thing he had left. I thought it made sense but then again, I'm used to comics Hank Pym. I mean, he is a bad guy in the comics, he was yellow jacket but the mcu choose that other guy in Ant-Man 1 instead. It was weird seeing him be a good guy in the movies lol Also, don't know if you caught this but Hope died in Odessa, Ukraine, the same place and time where Nat was shot through her stomach by Bucky to kill an engineer. Meaning, Fury sent Hope instead and she was killed instead.

Jordan St. James

I'd be careful about mentioning Black Panther in the context of it being overhyped. I imagine that there are people out there who are hiring hitmen out to get you now because of that. I'm kidding of course (mostly). I honestly did think that Black Panther was really good. But I'm just speaking of its merits as a movie. Most of the people who heaped piles and piles of praise on it focused more on it's "cultural importance" than anything else. It was the same thing with Wonder Woman. It was a good movie, but people cared more about the "statement". Consider this: Black Panther is the only Marvel movie (so far) to be nominated for the Best Picture Oscar. The freakin' Oscars. These snobs love to turn their noses up at superhero movies and blockbusters until they have "something to say". It's a bit frustrating really.

Jordan St. James

Your comment about Marvel movies nowadays being too "jokey" is perfectly understandable. As for the whole Natasha (and all the other Widows) being sterilised thing, I think there's more to it. The movie in which they revealed that was Age of Ultron, which got a lot of criticism with respect to how they supposedly treated Natasha. The stuff about her being rendered unable to bear children and being sad about it was accused of being "un-feminist" because it implied that Natasha, a woman, didn't feel fulfilled as a human being without the ability to have kids, or something like that. The scene in Black Widow where they were making light of that idea may have been an attempt to address that criticism and "take back the power for the women" or something like that. It was also more likely to make fun of Alexei for being an "ignorant" and "sexist" man-child and father because he made the assumption that his foster daughters' aggressive attitude towards him was because they were on their period. Maybe I'm reading too much into things, but I think there's some merit here.

Jordan St. James

Hold on, how did Natasha escape the truck? When they stopped and Rumlow checked the back, it looked like she was already gone. But how?

Jordan St. James

Honestly, I thought Natasha kept saying Hulk instead of Hope too.

Jordan St. James

I did also think for a sec that Fury might've been Loki in disguise. It seemed really weird for Fury to suddenly turn out to be a gymnast. Then again, given how cartoony (no pun intended) this series has been, I shouldn't be surprised if it was actually Fury.

Jordan St. James

I like that they brought Betty Ross back since people seem to forget that The Incredible Hulk is canon to the MCU. I actually liked Bruce and Betty's relationship. I wished that they had referenced it more.

Jordan St. James

I don't like that Clint was once again pushed to the wayside. I wish that they had him go on the run with Widow and have them investigate together or something like that. Poor guy never gets enough attention.

Jordan St. James

This episode really shows just how lethal the Ant-Man tech can be, especially in the hands of someone who really knows how to use it and has nothing to lose. Hank wanting to revenge on S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't surprise me actually. Back in the first Ant-Man, they already set up that he had misgivings about the organisation before he left. Hope being his motivation seemed compelling enough. Simple but effective. Also kinda calls back to comic book Hank Pym, who was a bit of a crazy bastard sometimes. I mean, he created Ultron and abused his wife. Aah back in the days when Marvel Comics could get insane at times.

Jordan St. James

Honestly, this episode is probably the best so far. Just in terms of premise and structure it was already better than the first two episodes.

Brandon Wiesner

I think that it's hard for some people to get into this because they are too attached to the universe already established in the MCU. Introducing all these new ideas and paths can be a bit overwhelming but if you go along for the ride, it's a lot of fun. This one I think I liked the the least of them so far but I still enjoyed it.


I really liked this one, maybe my fav so far. For once, Coulson doesn't die!! It was interesting to see the Avengers die very early on - Fury and Coulson didn't have much of an emotional connection to them yet. I love these What If's. Reminds me of afternoons sitting around with my nephew tossing random what if's at each other (what if Emperor Palpatine fought Thanos??) and having fun creative conversations.

Brendan O'Connor

I think the thing Fury gave Natasha was the same device he used in The Winter Soldier to cut himself out of his car

Jordan St. James

If that were the case, would've been nice to get a shot of the hole that she drilled to avoid the confusion.

Jordan St. James

Not sure why, but some of my comments are disappearing. Anybody know the reason?

Brandon Wiesner

There can be a number of reasons. Editing comments can sometimes kick them out. Or if you are posting comment after comment in the same comment section, it can sometimes confuse the algorithm and some of them will disappear because the system thinks they are spam or posted mistakenly. That's why it's often better to compile your thoughts and write one comment.

Jordan St. James

Your concern about the MCU having become very "jokey" is perfectly understandable. As for the whole Natasha (and the other Widows) being sterilised thing, I think there's more to it. Natasha’s sterilisation was revealed in Age of Ultron, which apparently received a lot of criticism with respect to how they supposedly treated her character. Her being sad about not being able to have kids was accused of being "un-feminist" because it implied that Natasha, as a woman, felt like less of a whole human being for being unable to bear children, thus conforming to, what is seen as, outdated gender stereotypes, or something like that. So them making light of it in the Black Widow movie may have been an attempt to touch on the criticism and "take back the power for the women" instead of them feeling victimised, or something along those lines. It may also more likely have been to simply make fun of Alexei for being a seemingly "ignorant" and "sexist" man-child and father for suggesting that his foster daughters' aggressive attitude towards him was because they were on their period. Not that I blame Alexei for that, though, since that was just how he was written, seemingly in order to serve the movie's predictable messages and disguising it as comedy, instead of making him what he probably should've been: a Russian Captain America who could fight (at least) on par with the Widows.


He handed her the injector for Starks cure. That's why she had it when she went to see Betty Ross.


1. The people nitpicking.. I'mma have to say.. This is the multiverse.. These characters look the same and have the same names.. But everything else is different.. Their entire upbringing might be a complete opposite of what we know.. People are trying to compare a character to the character we already know.. But again.. Multiverse.. Infinite possibilities... Not the same characters... THAT SAID... The writers have to explain this in better ways or write episodes that would actually make more sense and not just have things written in for fan service.. Show me WHY and HOW Thanos became such a different character! Don't gimme some bullshit T'Challa influenced him crap and then just carry on with the story.. That's lazy writing.. SHOW ME! 2. I've seen Black Panther once... Definitely not the best Marvel movie.. I like Iron Man 1.. Infinity War and Endgame the most I think.. Off the top of my head 3. Thor getting killed doesn't make sense.. When he got killed in the first movie Odin brought him back by giving him back his "power"... I'm expecting it to be explained that Odin is dead in this verse.. Or it is just sloppy writing (They didn't explain it.. Slopppyyyyy) 4. True... Where is Steve? Did they explain his absence? They killed off all the other Avengers 5. For Hank Pym to be the one behind all this was a bit eeehhh.. But I suppose different verse different character.. I stick by 1. ..They need to show more of the how and why.. Yeah sure his daughter got killed.. But gimme more than a 1 line reference.. Show what he went through to get to this point!


Odin wasn't the one to bring him back, the hammer was. It gave him his powers back. And it happened because he proved himself to be worthy. That wasn't the case here. This is still at the beginning of his journey, it's the fact that he couldn't lift Mjolnir anymore that started the change. In this timeline, he died beforehand. And he could die because at that point, he was mortal.


Also this is 2010, Steve is still under the ice at this point. :)