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Chris Peacock

Haven't watched yet, but love the thumbnail.


If you'd like you can find the Year 8 schedule on Discord in the Spoiler-Arrowverse room, We can ofcourse not discuss it here


I don't feel like Emiko changed her mind due to Oliver - the Ninth Circle betrayed her and she had to fight alongside him. To me, that betrayal is what kind of opened her eyes, alas it was slightly too late for her potential redemption. Still, I don't think she was a particularly great villian, compared to Deathstroke or Prometheus (or even Darhk).

Jordan St. James

They totally killed a bunch of those henchmen, if not all of them. That's just par for the course for this action and superhero stuff. Henchmen are just cannon fodder for the heroes, expendable pawns. Sure, some of them might have families or maybe they were working for the bad guys under duress, but naw, their lives don't matter, it only matters that we don't kill the boss villain, cuz they're a main character.

Chris Peacock

Yeah. She didn't switch sides so much as had the sides switched on her.

Andreas Froby

I find you during you reaction to Buffy, don’t know exactly when. But remember I was happy when you annouced that you will start the Arrowverse. So been here pre Arrow reaction and countine since then


The mark of 4 thing is pretty dumb, but they had to put it in as a callback to the beginning of the season. The mark of 4 is what Roy found in the bow with William on Lian Yu that led him to come back to Star City.

Luis Garcia

I think I would put this season in my bottom three seasons of Arrow. I enjoyed the beginning of the season with the prison stuff and getting to see Felicity and Laurel work together and develop a friendship, but I didn't really care for the rest of the season. I found it funny when you said that Emiko's "redemption" was the type of thing you would get on the Flash because that is totally accurate.

James jackson

Yeah that editing style only works in super specificly parralelling scenes like the ollie v slade fight of season 2 you cannot slant rhyme it and shrug "eh close enough it'll do" or it causes whiplash or disinterest like the kovar fight last season

Zach Hershman

I found your YouTube channel that first week you started AoS, Arrow, and Angel. Joined your Patreon almost 3 years ago now (I think).


The first 7 episodes(aka "the prison ark") were great. Slabside Redemption is a finale level episode(loved it). So if you separate it from the rest of the season. It's up there with season 2 and season 5 as my faves. But the rest of the season is meh. Some good eps, some bad eps, some mediocre eps. The 150th episode was cool, and Star City Slayer was dope, I liked Star City 2040, the episode with interrogation when they covered for Roy. I loved seeing Caity back for the Birds of Justice episode. And Emiko's Ninth Circle suit was awesome. She and Ollie had some cool bow and arrow related fighting moves\tricks.... But still, the second half weighs the season down in rankings. Down, below season 1 and pretty much on par with season 3, maybe a bit higher than 3, 'cause they upped the fight scenes and stunts a lot since season 3)))