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Chris Peacock

I didn't like this at all. I went in with a negative mindset though so I'm gonna try and be more positive for episode 2, but right now. MEH.


What If ... the tentacle monster was Hive?

Patrick - Excelsior

The tentacle monster is possibly a creature from Marvel named Shuma-Gorath. This monster is from the 1970s (an Elder God creature). It also appeared in various Marvel based games. I liked Captain Carters look, reminds me of Union Jack and Captain Britain. I liked CATFA and enjoyed this twist on the story. Of course with Red Skull squished there is no one to greet people on Vormir. Sad. People milling about with no idea how to get Soul Stone.


I really like that this show has many MCU actors doing their voice. For example in this episode we have the actor of Bucky, Nick, Hawkeye, Zola, Peggy, Howard and even the actor who played Damien Darhk. Its not Chris Evans but this Steve really sounds like him. And I think Redskull also used the tesseract in Avengers earths mightiest heroes to open that portal to get some monsters

Jordan St. James

Stan Lee wasn't a Watcher. He was the Watcher Informant. Essentially, all of his cameos were him observing important events in the MCU and reporting them to the Watchers.

Jordan St. James

I personally think that Captain America: The First Avenger is a bit underrated. Sure, it's probably not the best of the standalone films, but it had a tone and style that made it unique. I feel like some superhero films could actually learn something from that movie.

Jordan St. James

Would've gone with "Captain Britain" myself. Would've been a fun little easter egg. But I suppose "Carter" kinda became a brand name for the franchise. Some of the sexism stuff was probably a bit over-the-top and/or obvious but it definitely could've been worse.

Jordan St. James

The episode essentially followed the plot outline of Captain America: The Avenger, using the same major plot points, but it tried to make the individual moments a bit different. Some might argue that it's still too much of a rehash and I honestly wouldn't say that they were wrong. But it was enjoyable and different enough, for me at least.

Jordan St. James

Honestly, I don't think pulling a Hellboy and trying to summon a giant Lovecraft monster from another dimension is something Red Skull would've done, but whatever, I guess...

Jordan St. James

Yeah, you were right. The red-head (Dum Dum Dugan) was voiced (and previously played in live-action) by Neal McDonough, who was Damien Darhk. He's also played a bunch of other comic book characters in various projects through voiceover including Deadshot in an animated DC movie as well as the Flash and Damian Wayne in the Injustice game. He also voiced a version of Green Arrow one time, which is, of course, hilariously ironic.


Some of the differences: - They didnt put Peggy in a costume like Steve so she had time to go to Berlin to take the tesseract and Zola - In Captain America Zola experimented on Bucky thats why he survived that fall but Peggy captured Zola in Berlin thats why he was in the cell with the other soldiers - Red Skull couldnt build weapons without the tesseract and Zola - Red Skull never fought Peggy and died because of that monster. In the movie he fought Steve and the Space Stone teleported him into the universe

Edwin Bertilsson

This is all confirmed canon in the MCU

Brandon Wiesner

Although I agree that the first Cap was the weakest one, I probably enjoyed it more than you did. I think though that this episode provided a better version of the events. Even though of course, severely shortened because of the run time.


I agree. That film had a lot of heart and was much better to me than something like Incredible Hulk or the first Thor movie


I think I read somewhere that Red skull summoning a giant squid was supposed to be apart of the original plot of cap 1.

Jordan St. James

Honestly, I have a fondness for both those films too. Maybe they didn't have the style that The First Avenger had, but they were decently directed and I enjoyed the stories.


I don't think that Howard creating an Iron Man suit is lessening Tonys achievements, the difficult thing isn't building the suit, it's finding something that can actually power it - Howard got a lucky break since he had the Tesseract as a power source so already had a solution, but Tony is still the first one to be able to build those tiny ARC reactors that power his suits and he even did it in captivity.