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In this post is a gif for the schedule, there are also separate images for the schedules if you wanted to specifically look at those.

Legacies -

YOUTUBE: On break!

PATREON: We're finished with season 3. It's on break.

Charmed Reboot -

YOUTUBE: 3x17 today!

PATREON: 3x18 today! This is the last episode I'll be reacting.

Daredevil -

YOUTUBE: On break.

PATREON: On break.

Luke Cage -

YOUTUBE: One week break between Daredevil and Luke Cage.

PATREON: 1x03 & 1x04 this week!

Supernatural -

YOUTUBE: 14x12 will be posted on Wednesday. (We've bumped down to 1 episode a week as editing is very time consuming). I've been organizing something special for the end of Supernatural. Stay tuned for that :)

The list of episode for season 14 will be: 14x13, 14x14, 14x17, 14x18, 14x19 & 14x20

I finished season 15 of Supernatural a few weeks back and if you want to watch the full reaction to the finale and all the other content on the channel in full, it's a simple $7, no pressure at all but it's linked here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/supernatural-on-44114518

We've been working on the edit for the series finale and it's going to look amazing. I hope you guys are into watching it when it comes out because it's really special.

Chuck -

YOUTUBE: The first season has been selected monthly at the pilot tier and I'm working on getting some of the stuff on YouTube. 1x05 was edited for YouTube on Wednesday!

Revenge -

PATREON: 3x15 & 3x16 this week.

Once Upon A Time -

YOUTUBE: 4x21 will be posted on Thursday.

PATREON: 5x09 & 5x10 today! I'll be watching these two episodes today and reading your comments in the video as well!

Thursdays - The Umbrella Academy / The Boys

YOUTUBE: 1x06 this week! I watched season 1 over the course of 10 months at the pilot tier.

PATREON: 2x03 & 2x04 of The Boys!

Arrowverse -

YOUTUBE: Supergirl 4x05 & Arrow 4x05 on Friday!

PATREON: Flash 5x19, Supergirl 4x19, Legends 4x13 & Arrow 7x20!

WandaVision/Falcon & The Winter Soldier/Loki -

YOUTUBE: 1x09 was posted and disputed, it says it's viewable but it's not for some reason so we just have to wait until the month is over for the dispute to entirely disappear. (I have seen Falcon & The winter solider, they're not being edited as it has taken too long to even get WandaVision up, sorry).


Mondays -

Stargate SG-1 is one of the secret shows! It'll be one a week for both YouTube & Patreon for now when it comes out.

YOUTUBE: 1x01 & 1x02 will be posted together on 6th September.

PATREON: 1x01 & 1x02 will be reposted together on 30th of August.

Season 1 of the other show is halfway done, I've seen 1x18 out of 23 episodes done!

Update on me -

Monday through Wednesday will be a difficult time. Tuesday is my procedure and the previous two days before hand is prep time. I want to record still, but can't promise I'll be up for it. Wednesday is also going to be a bit busy as it's someones birthday that I need to celebrate. So all and all, this week could be shakey on the schedule. I've tried to record stuff in advance but just letting you know.



Patrick - Excelsior

You should take the week off Shan. Rest, recover and enjoy the birthday party. Come back next week feeling better.

Rob Flynn

I hope the procedure goes well and the recovery is a quick one!