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Andrew Polinski

This episode was sooooo good The Sylvie and Loki relationship is so well done. They are so awkward towards each other like teenagers dating for the first time because for each of them it's the first time they've actually cared about someone in that way. Tom Hiddleston's performances have been so on point this series, couldn't imagine anyone else playing Loki.

Jordan St. James

I gotta say, you make a good point that Sylvie seems the most un-Loki-like of all the Lokis. I suppose the writers want you to lean on the excuse that her traumatic background is the reason for her attitude. She does seem to have more in common with characters like Black Widow or Gamora: girls with dark pasts that forced them to become serious, cunning warrior women. I guess Sylvie is still an interesting character on her own. She's just maybe a bit too familiar, too reminiscent of that particular character type. You know the one I'm talking about. The "stereotypical badass woman" that we see everywhere in sci-fi and fantasy nowadays. It's a bit of a shame now that I think about it. It would have been a bit more fun and interesting, I think, to have a female character that was more like Loki. Someone who was capable but maybe not as good as she thought she was. Someone who was self-aware but still gave in to her worse instincts and temptations a lot of the time. Someone who needed to rely on wit rather than strength sometimes and even then, it doesn't always work out in her favour. I don't think we have a lot of female characters like that nowadays, except in maybe comedies, but not really in genres like this.

Andrew Polinski

You have to remember Sylvie has basically been on her own her whole adult life. The other Loki's have been influenced by those around him, Sylvie hasn't had that. Nature versus Nurture.


Will you be reacting to Black Widow this weekend?


She'll most likely watch it at the theatres, So no reaction


Ravonna not knowing whos behind all this destroyed my Kang theory :/ . Now I dont think its gonna be Kang. Maybe its even another Loki variant. Ravonna said she wants to help the person whos behind all this (maybe she is lying) so you might think thats how she meets Kang because in the comics she has a relationship with Kang so I thought she meets him at some point in the MCU but maybe they put Ravonna in this show to fool us and they will never meet 🤷‍♂️ But I wonder if Ravonna knew about them beings variants because she lied about C20


Sylvie asked for a new outfit so maybe she gets her Enchantress costume soon. Im pretty sure she stays in the MCU as Enchantress but Enchantress is a evil character isnt she? So I wonder what they are going to do with her (if she stays) Also I like the story of Old Loki because the way he survived Thanos was what many people wanted/expected for Loki And that helicopter with "Thanos" written on it is from the comics. Thanos had a Thanoscopter 😅

Patrick - Excelsior

The thing buried in a jad next to Mjölnir is Throg, the frog version of Thor. Thor was once turned into a frog by Loki. He is trapped in a jar labeled "T365" (the issue of Thor in which the frog version first appeared was Thor #365).


That looks like Fenrir, a wolf that is a child of Loki and a giantess. That will eat the sun and the All Father at Ragnarök.


Yeah apparently Australia is one of the lucky parts of the world

Brandon Wiesner

You will likely know this by the time you start next week's ep but yes, this was the penultimate ep. Next up is the season finale. Strange, only 6 eps.


THE THANOSCOPTER!!! It’s so dumb but I love that they referenced it. Also I see the producer who thinks giant clouds are scary and made Galactus and Parallax clouds worked on this show. (Doubt anyone gets that Pitch Meeting reference)


ADDED CAUSE I KNOW YOU LIKE TO READ (evil smirk) 1. Ehm... I've stated several times there are only 6 episodes.. I dunno who told you it was unclear.. But it sure wasn't me.. It was clear from the beginning.. I ain't half assing when it comes to getting you shit :P 2. Same.. I had much blonder hair as a kid.. And now it's waaaay darker.. Kinda fits my personality I guess 3. Ok I tried avoiding spoilers before watching this show.. But I've seen a promo picture of Loki before where he's wearing that business suit with the horns.. Figured it was just our Loki.. Turns out it's a Variant.. I was not expecting that yeah 4. The ship appearing out of thin air is another nod towards an urban myth.. (Earlier in the "Season" they referenced D.B. Cooper with Loki in the airplane) The USS Eldridge was a ship during the 2nd World War that was supposedly equiped with some experimental stealth technology.. When turned on.. Witnesses said they saw it disappear right in front of them.. Some people claim is suddenly appeared in some other places before disappearing again.. It's part of a urban myth called The Philadelphia Experiment 5. You at the alien creatures: "What the hell are they?" Welp Dingus.. I'm no Ornithologist.. But that looks like a alien space turkey to me (nods knowingly) 6. Ok I'm guessing Loki and Sylvie are off to see the wizard behind the curtain? Great visuals this show has... But damned if I know what's going on half the time.. Then again.. Story of my life am I right?