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Funny thing. The bad guy from the 2040 timeline, Keven Dale, is said to be the leader of terrorist organization Eden Corps. You're already familliar with Eden Corps, you've met them on the Flash episode 4x15 "Enter Flashtime", it was Eden Corps who blew up the bomb just before Barry could stop it, and the reason he went into flashtime. In that episode Eden Corps leader was Veronica Dale. Same last name as Keven, probably related, so terrorism runs in the family, I guess)

Chris Peacock

I loved that Nessa trained Mia. And after thinking about that I totally agree with your earlier complaint about how the villains know how to fight so well not being explained. That's how you show how a character is so good at fighting. It literally took a single 1 minute scene and suddenly all of Mia's skill is 100% believable. We see her with Nessa as a young child and close to current age so we know that not only is it League training. It's 20ish years of it. Which means Mia has more League training then Sara.

Luis Garcia

Jack Wright was an Arrow crew member who passed away the day after they finished filming this episode.

Jordan St. James

I can just imagine, Mia is talking to Nyssa about her dad and she refers to him as "husband".

Jordan St. James

You're right. There's nothing wrong with being an assistant. But, of course, the writers want to take every opportunity they can to say something about this and that, to show how proud they are to be on this side or that side of things. Mia's disdain about being called an assistant? Feminism. That comment about how nice it is on the other side of the wall? "Eat the Rich" jab at one-percenters. Even Felicity making a point about being a fan of Jordan Peele, a guy who makes social commentary horror movies. They do this kind of stuff all the time in their shows. Actually, it's even more obvious in the other shows. In Flash. In Legends. And Supergirl... wow.

Jordan St. James

Sooo... if we're to believe that Spider-Man exists in this universe (as fiction), then we're meant to assume that DC Comics is... ?

Jordan St. James

Merlyn's Undertaking was just about murder and destruction. Merlyn wanted blood. This Dale guy and Galaxy (apparently) want power.

David Brown

Yes Jordan, in DC, Marvel if fiction. In Marvel, DC is fiction. Both franchises have mentioned each other like this several times. And this wasn't the first time they have done if in the Arrowverse.


lol what u have to remember is that oliver in season 1-3 was a very big asshole who was cocky and no one could tell him no or get in his way.. and that's how they are portraying Mia to be just like her dad. and william calls felicity his mom because he grew close to her while oliver was in prison plus they are both computer nerds and thats something william and his dad had nothing in common so he shred it with felicity and i loved that! jusy how oliver had to grow and let go and turn to a team in the future.. mia will have to go through the same things.. alot of people call her a bitch but she grew up knowing nothing and people putting bs in her head and she never got the truth from her dad or mom. plus she never got to have her dad as a teen so all those feeling will come back even if ur 30 or not.. just like nora with barry on the flash

David Brown

But William calling Felicity Mom is still kind of weird. I have a stepmother whom I love and acknowledge as a parental figure. But I don't call her Mom, I call her by her name.


I think you’re overthinking a lot of this. The assistant thing wasn’t a feminism thing it was as Mia said “I’m more important than an assistant” as in a brother/sister wanting to be equal thing and it was played for a joke. If they were trying to make a statement it wouldn’t have been in joke form Also the Jordan Peele thing was probably more “Hey, who is an up and coming director/writer who might still be popular in 20 years we can reference? Get Out just won Best Screenplay this year. Why not Jordan Peele?” Don’t get me wrong, Supergirl and Flash do a ton of what you said, that’s just not what is happening here


I remember when this aired, a lot of people disliked this episode and stated they didn’t like the flash forwards but I actually enjoy them. They are a nice change after not having flash backs in S6. I’m gonna say is Mia’s attitude is annoying at times but completely understandable given what she’s experienced. Speaking of flash forwards, there is a question I’m surprised you haven’t asked or brought up yet...


Thea Queen is actually based off of Mia Dearden.