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James jackson

Well my Clandon ship probably just sank. Having your potential boyfriend's father use his body to eat you is kind of hard to move past.


Great reaction. Thought the episode was okay but not a real finale. the twist with Landon being Malivore was well done though when I saw the end of the episode when he and Cleo left I wondered if Cleo was being led straight back to Malivore. Understand the Ethan frustration. At least with Matt he had history with the characters but Ethan doesn’t. If the show wanted to keep the actor not sure why they discarded his family. If the actress who played the sister couldn’t comeback recast and have her be Josie’s love interest instead of Finch. Then if you want to tie them to main cast have one of them be supernatural and the other sibling isn’t which causes tension. But mainly gives reason for both to be around main cast without all these forced situations. My only hope is that Ethan somehow wasn’t compelled and is going after MG using Lizzie. Have the opposite thoughts on Clarke/Hope/Landon. I feel it is because the writers don’t take chances that they will go with what is familiar and rehash another plot from TVD with a love triangle with the three. I may have to quit watching if they do that. I fear that they don’t want to break Hope/Landon up yet because they want to keep Landon as important and if they just break them up and have them move on Landon could get lost in the shuffle. However if the person who Hope might get involved with is his brother then he is still part of the main storyline. I agree the show wont take risks just disagree what I think would be a risk.


First off I am not a fan of this superhero story line, I think it is pretty dumb...lmao. They are suppose to be vampires, it makes vampires on this show look even weaker imo. Also I actually really like Ethan, but that's probably because I am a fan of the actor and Kickin' It was one of my favorite Disney shows...


This wasn’t supposed to be the season finale this season was supposed to be 20 episodes I believe they are moving the next 4 episodes for season 4

Andrew Polinski

If season 4 is like this season I don't see it making it to season 5, this whole season has been a complete and utter mess. I also don't think you can say it's because of Covid either season 2 finished early and season 3 started later than normal so they had a long time to work on story and scripts even by video calls and stuff it should have been a lot better than what we got.

Jordan St. James

Someone should tell MG that his former bestie/sidekick is moving in on his simp crush.

Frank Tremel

When did you stop shipping Handon?


The beginning of the season, they felt off and then I started to notice how the world revolved around them and it got annoying.

Frank Tremel

I'm sorry you feel that way. For me, Handon is Legacies FitzSimmons. Won't ever lose hope that they'll find their way back to each other.


Good episode. Not a finale good, sure, but what can you do. So they tricked me good. I expected that twist with Landon actually being Malivor in 3x04 when Handod had their first time. But they didn't do it, they "killed" Landon, "brought" him back, but not really it was a Golem, but they actually did he was just hiding, but he's a badass now and breaks up with Hope......so I kinda didn't expect that "Malivore possesing Landon" to come back anytime soon, or ever since Landon isn't even Phoenix anymore, would Mal still need him? But they got me.......a little to late maybe? But, better late than never, I guess! Love the fact that Aria can strech his acting some more, he's great. Love that my boy Clarke is back and human and being redeemed kinda......but It's still just gonna be Handon after they defeat Malivore right? Come on, guys. Give them a real break, give us a break. Maybe they need to permanetly destroy Landon's body to defeat Malivore and he won't come back. Or they will save him, but the whole experience will actually change him or change Hope, or both, and they for real break up? I can't give up hope) That song in the end was nice, I added it to my playlist))) I kinda like Ethan. And I just want good things for Lizzie, so if he will make her happy and not bail like MG did, it's fine with me! P.S. I'd still take Hizzie any day)


1. Landon starts beating the shit outta some guard.. You: "Show us more.. That's great.. This new Landon is kinda sexy.." Me: "Put your pants back on Froots" You: "I'm too easy to please" HA! True 2. Oh MG and Kaleb are Batman and Robin now? Ok.. When's the Arrowverse crossover? 3. And that is why you never leave Hope alone with a bad guy.. Or leave the keys in the ignition.. You'll end up stranded at a gas station while your impulsive best friend drives off with your car that has the bad guy in the boot.. Good job girls 4. (They compel a guard to forget.. I think.. I'm adding some of this stuff months later just in case you forgot.. But problem is.. I also forgot) Yeah what happens if that guard reads about the heist in the newspaper? Isn't he still gonna start asking questions? 5. (Ethan shows up when Josie and Lizzie need a ride.. I think) Ofcourse it's Ethan.... Why wouldn't it be? He's there to drive the plot forward.. And he's literally driving this time.. QUICKLY GIRLS... TO THE PLOTMOBILE!! 6. How about no? Clark and Hope ship? ...I'mma have to super neigh that 7. Wait.. Hope and Ethan? Dammit... Is there another super neigh in the deck? ...I NEED it! 8. Why would it be a bad idea to give Ethan a tour though... Aside the fact that he's a useless character who doesn't need more screen time.. Doesn't he already know about vampires and witches and stuff? Or did MG actually wipe his mind? I don't remember his eyes changing while he was in the car with MG last time (I remember you telling me at the time that the eyes changing thing isn't always the case.. But still) 9. Ok... Even IF Ethan doesn't remember.. Which I'm very sceptical about.. Wiping his memories shouldn't be a problem.. I don't remember the reason Josie is freaking out for.. But surely Ric has a vampire on deck to handle this kinda shit aside from Kaleb or MG 10. (You mentioned "Who wanted this?") Ehm... If by "This" you mean Ethan and Lizzie... HELL TO THE FUCK NOOOO!!! She can do sooooooooooooooooooooooo much better ...added later... Yeah where's the Mizzie at?! 11. Landon IS Malivore.. But... Is he trynna find some relics or something with Cleo? I am confused about that part 12. Not only does Lizzie say whatever is on her mind... She's also completely blind when it comes to picking up on romantic stuff... I've got both those things checked off on my own personality bingo card 13. Hi Froots.. Glad you're caught up on the fact Landon isn't Landon.. I realised this 2 points ago.. Grab a chair.. Take off your shoes.. There's snacks and Pepsi in the fridge.. Help yourself 14. Why? Who wanted this? Who's head do I have to rip off? Ethan and Lizzie are gonna be thing? WHY!? ...Like... Why though!?! Like not even hypothetically speaking... Why?! In what universe?! Spell it out with me ..W.. ..H.. ..Y.. ..!.. ..?.. ..!.. ..?.. WHY-ehh!?!?!?!