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Jordan St. James

I'm not going to pretend to be so conceited as to believe that I fully understand how this whole Sacred Timeline/TVA/Variants thing works and how it all fits into the overall Marvel Universe (I dare anyone to say that they do), but I'm going to offer my best guess, which is that [deeeeep breath] the TVA is like the Legends or the Time Bureau from Legends of Tomorrow who fix "anomalies" or "anachronisms" or "variations" across time in order to preserve the Sacred Timeline, which is the "one, true" timeline, so to speak. So the existence of multiple versions of Loki (and very radically different ones at that) could be explained by something similar to the Flashpoint Paradox, which resulted in an entirely different version of the original timeline where we have Thomas Wayne Batman, a depowered and gay Barry Allen, and so on, so forth, etc. However, in the MCU, instead of it being ONE change that alters EVERYTHING, it's multiple changes that occur across the Sacred Timeline, not necessarily at the same time, but every now and then, here and there, for various reasons that only result in small changes to the overall timeline, but enough to result in the creation of multiple versions of a character, in this case, Loki, with radically different individual backgrounds, experiences and life circumstances due to a change in the timeline. And it's the TVA's job to fix these "anomalies" and ensure that every trace of their existence is wiped from the Sacred Timeline, which is why, in the MCU as we know it, nobody knows about these multiple versions of, say, Loki, because, even if they did at one point, their existence was wiped clean, so nobody realises that they were ever real. Only the TVA would know. This could also explain why the 2012 Loki Variant was able to be captured so easily while the Evil Loki Variant/Lady Loki was able to evade capture. Due to her unique circumstances and background, she may simply be more capable, more careful and more dangerous than the other Loki, who may also have been too arrogant and that may have been why he was captured so easily. Alternatively, these different versions of Loki may have been "leftovers" from the Multiversal War who managed to escape the creation of the one Sacred Timeline.

Jordan St. James

I'm also going to offer my two cents about the whole TVA overlooking the Avengers messing with the timeline situation. Now, of course, taking Endgame by itself, I feel like the only way for it to make sense would be that alternate timelines or "branches" were allowed to exist. That's just my opinion, though. However, because of the Loki show being, presumably, introduced into canon, we have to assume then that, for example, any changes, even small ones, that the Avengers may have made on their time travel journey did not affect any major, like super-significant, events and their consequences, thus ultimately preserving the overall Sacred Timeline and not requiring the intervention of the TVA. After all, Steve did take the Infinity Stones and Mjolnir back after the battle was over so it's not like the original timeline would ultimately be missing those things and their effects on the timeline. What this implies though, is that Peggy Carter's husband, which she mentioned having before Endgame and with whom she sired children, was actually Steve all along and that nobody else knew it. To be fair, that was a legitimate theory that may have been floating around in fans' and theorists' minds. But, if that's true, then that would be extremely weird and gross because that means that Steve made out with his grand-niece a la Luke and Leia kissing session in Star Wars/Empire Strikes Back. That still leaves other questions hanging though. Chief among them, for me anyway, is that the 2014 Thanos and Nebula and that whole army would have been eliminated from what we have to assume is now the original timeline, thus creating a paradox, unless the TVA found some way to put at least a version of Thanos and them back to the timeline and thus preserving Tony's decision to kill them in the future, but, of course, that would be reaching and making excuses to justify this and that. Ultimately, we might have to just do what we did with, say, the Fox X-Men universe timeline: If we think about it, it doesn't make sense, and anything the filmmakers might say is mostly just copping out and making excuses. But we just have to not think so hard, just accept it, and enjoy the ride.

Jordan St. James

As for your comment/complaint about the Marvel people gender-flipping their heroes, Shan, to be fair to the folks at Marvel, Lady Loki, Female Thor, Girl Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Shuri being Black Panther and so on, are ALL things that did in fact happen and do exist in the comics, but I don't think all necessarily at the same time. Now, I DON'T mean to offend ANYBODY by making presumptions. I just notice a trend going on at Marvel nowadays that may also relate to the way things are in the world right now that I can't help but form a theory out of. The fact that all that gender-swapping actually exists in the source material (but not necessarily all at the same time) may just be an excuse for the Marvel filmmakers to justify a greater female presence in the franchise as part of what seems to be their "progressive" and "inclusive" initiative for the future of the MCU. Notice that the showrunners for WandaVision and Loki are women. Heck, the main episode director for Falcon and the Winter Soldier was also a woman. Now, having more women in the franchise, in and of itself, is not a bad thing, but it's the INTENTION behind those decisions that I can't help but question. Consider a lot of the movies and shows that have been confirmed for the coming future: Black Widow, a female-led movie that they want to kickstart the next phase of the MCU in terms of the movies; Shang Chi, a movie dominated by Asians, a minority group; The Eternals, a movie directed by a woman and that has what they pride as being a diverse cast and supposedly, the MCU's first serious attempt to introduce LGBT themes; Ms Marvel, a show about a Muslim-American teenage girl, thus touching on more than one type of minority; Moon Knight, a show about a Jewish superhero; She-Hulk, quite self-explanatory; The Marvels, the sequel to Captain Marvel starring multiple female superheroes; Ironheart, a show starring Tony Stark's replacement as Iron Man who is both female and African-American (despite the supposedly homophobic storyline in the comics); Echo, an apparent Hawkeye spin-off series that is supposedly being developed starring a superhero who is deaf, another minority. And, of course, there's all the gender-flipping that has already been mentioned. And that's not even the end of it. There was apparently talk about doing an A-Force movie, a team of heroes from the comics comprised of only female Avengers, as well as rumours that when Marvel Studios finally adapts X-Men for movies or TV, they're going to change the name "X-Men" into something more "inclusive". Again, I DO NOT mean to offend or make assumptions or make any kind of political statement, but nobody can deny that everything I have just mentioned, which to my honest knowledge are mostly, if not all, supposed to be true, is very, very telling.


I dont know much about female Loki from the comics except she has black hair (?) but this one has blond hair, has "green power" and they mentioned her using enchantments.. so maybe this is not just female Loki but also the MCU version of Enchantress? Btw Loki should be stronger than humans but maybe the variant gave them strength?

Chandler Ennis

I think the reason there are so many Loki variants is just that he's so chaotic that he can make the "wrong" choice at any time, but I don't understand why they all look so different either. Maybe since a variant is only detected when they start changing things around them the other Lokis all technically split off way before and had a lot of time to change as a result? (I assume that the variants shown were all comic references that a dozen youtube channels will have videos explaining by tomorrow) As for the "female version of a male character" thing, I think its less of an originality or shock-value thing and more of a way to get established fans of the male character to take interest in a female-lead superhero story, which typically aren't as popular due to the whole genre being marketed more towards males. From what I understand, Lady-Loki is a version of Loki from the comics where he hijacks Lady Sif's body to avoid dying, but that doesn't look to be the case here, so maybe she is a version of Loki that just chooses to shape-shift into appearing as a woman(?) Either way, I think Loki makes more sense for a gender flip than other characters because in the original Norse mythology Loki flipped genders in some stories as well, but I hope they execute it tastefully and don't try to pander so much that it detracts from the story.


Also im excited to see what they are gonna do after "Loki" and the Dr Strange movie. Maybe they merge some timelines? I dont know if its true but they said Deadpool will be a part of the MCU so maybe this is how they introduce him? Also after we got some hints that Wanda could be a mutant (because of that flashback in Wandavision) maybe they are also slowly introducing the mutants? Maybe from the X-Men movies or maybe new ones. Maybe in that new timeline we also have Magneto whos Wandas father for example

James jackson

Loki is a nonbinary individual blessed with the ability to shapeshift i would be more shocked if they did not have a go-to feminine presentation. One of my favorite panels with loki they are being asked if they identify as nonbinary and loki respinds "i am nonbinary i identify as a bitch"


For Loki I don't mind it at all, especially even in original Norse Mythology he was both father & mother to mythical creatures so he could be whatever gender he wants. Also at the moment I just see all Loki-Variants as Loki's from parallell universes anyway (this might not be the real explanation but this how I see it for myself, and why else would there be several infinity stone if not multiple parallell universes)


Yay another Wisconsin shout out!!! Also Lady Loki? Don’t know much about Lady Loki but I have seen her in a couple Marvel games. As for why the surge of female characters, they are kinda just following the comics. A ton of the second or third versions of these characters went from being mainly white males to females or minorities. I think it’s less “let’s make all the characters women because equally or whatever” and more like the original actors of these characters are into their 6-9 movies and wanna leave so let’s do the next version and that happens to be a lot of female characters.

Zach Hershman

In the credits she was listed as Sylvie. That would be the Enchantress and not Lady Loki.

Andrew Polinski

Wait was she, that was my first thought when she was first revealed that it was enchantress, but then watched a episodic breakdown talking about Lady Loki. It always made more sense to me that it was enchantress.

Andrew Polinski

I honestly don't see how you can call this gender bending, gender bending usually is when the sexual orientation is swapped from the original medium to a new medium or project, Lady Loki has been in comics since 2008 and depicted as being able to travel through dimensions and realities, Jane Foster's Thor hasn't replaced Thor in the comics in fact they are both in the same comic book series together, and finally Hawkeye is training his protege in the same vein as Oliver trained Speedy in the arrowverse I feel this whole variants stuff is quite easy to understand, each Loki variant is a Loki from within his timeline, each variant they showed has done something they weren't supposed to do and were recorded as variants and had the timeline fixed. The other question of how what the avengers did was allowed, its simple again from "THIS LOKI'S" perspective what the avengers did was supposed to happen that way Loki taking the tesseract wasn't. But this doesn't say the avengers did it right every time no, they probably stuffed it many times but those times aren't in this show because it's from the perspective of this Loki. They could do this whole TVA thing with any character from the MCU and see how they stuffed up the timeline, but we are seeing the story from this Loki's perspective because this is the Loki they decided to use to catch this lady Loki or enchantress whoever she is. Right from the very first episode when miss minute did the whole video in the DMV style area explained nearly everything to understand how variants work.


We do not have the ability to delete posts, We can only warn Shannan to not look at the comments while we politely ask that people remove their comment. I suppose in this case it was Patreon fucking up. Sorry for the inconvenience but sadly that's the only logical conclusion :(

Vincent Valentin

well yes if you theorize about movies and a TV show that haven't come out yet all at the same time then sure it seems like its all happening at once even if all of those examples have comic storylines that they're based on. and also, Kate Bishop isn't his daughter.

Andrew Polinski

yeah ok, wasn't sure if there was anything like moderation, that is completely weird that my post disappeared. So I have edited my previous post to reflect that.

Patrick - Excelsior

Holy crap, just found out who is voicing Mrs. Minutes..... Bubbles?


At the end when the timeline got destroyed the monitor shows the events which are happening right now and it shows events happening in Asgard, Vormir (soul stone), Xandar (power stone), Ego, Titan, Knowhere, Sakaar.. man I hope Loki travels through some of these places

Brandon Wiesner

I get what you're saying about the gender flipping but it is nothing new. It is just part of Hollywood's agenda to push diversity, whether that be gender, race, orientation, or whatever other categories there are. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all about representation and it is important. As much as you and most people that watch the channel love Friends, it would never happen today where the main cast are 6 straight, white people. I think that the change to include different types of people in roles is indicative of how we as society are progressing. Here's the thing though. It's gotten to the point where they are overstating their representation. It would be nice to live in an area where it has such a mix of White, Black, Asian, Latino, East Indian, Native Americans, Middle Easterns, straight, gay, male and female, transgender, etc. but the reality is, there is no one area that is that diverse. Also, they seem to be throwing out ideas like making a character work in favor of oh well we need to check our diversity boxes or the show won't get picked up, so let's make sure we cast someone besides a straight, white person in this role. That's where I think the line became blurred. The way to truly be equal is to consider all possibilities and the best person, no matter their appearance or orientation, gets the role, not to set out to cast a certain type in a role, whether your intentions are to be diverse or not. There is nothing wrong with having powerful women be heroes (or in this case anti-heroes) but I agree that it is obviously being done with the intent to overstate their representation, just like it is being done with race and orientation. I don't have as much of a problem with it as some others do but I also think that there have been some missteps along the way in regards to casting for the sake of diversity. The biggest one for me is *SPOILER IF YOU DON'T WATCH SUPERGIRL OR ARE NOT CAUGHT UP WITH ASR REACTIONS* casting an African-American Jimmy Olsen (oops sorry, James). Not only is he nothing like Olsen from any other medium but he is basically useless as a character, pretty much there to be a love interest for whatever character needs one ATM. Plus the whole Guardian thing was way out of left field. It may have made sense for that character but that character should never have been named James Olsen.

Samantha M. Quinn

Why do you feel bad about the guys? The MCU has been a sausage fest for going on twelve years. Their main female lead has not even had her first solo entry. For every new female character introduced, there is usually at least two other male characters. Of the three shows so far, there has been mostly male representation. The two new women (and now the third) are depicted as villains. Sure we are getting Ms Marvel, Hawkeye and She Hulk. Yet only Black Widow and The Marvels are new movies featuring primary female leads. To say nothing of diversity involving race and creed. It is getting better, and that's kind of the point. It might seem all at once, but this is a much shorter timeline than we were originally going to get. It should've started last April, and we might have gotten four or five projects this year instead of ten. Plus, every single character they have introduced so far is from the comics (well main heroes anyway) including Lady Loki. It would be weird to do a Loki focused show without introducing her.