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Well...here's my take on Charmed reboot..and quite a few other shows. And to be clear, these are my thoughts and opinions and no one else needs to have the same thoughts and opinions. What shows/movies that people like/love is personal to everyone and everyone has different preferences. For me, I absolutely detest (if I could think of a more pronounced word for that I would) "woke" culture, or "intersectional" stuff or "feminist" stuff. I firmly believe that everyone is equal and should be equal. But those "cultures" are not about equality or justice, they are about virtue signaling. Any show that has ANY "woke" or "intersectional whatever" or "feminism" (you know...woman power and man bad) is a show I will not watch. I say that as a huge fan of Buffy and Sarah Connor from Terminator and Aliens, and a LOT of other led by strong females shows/movies. I'm not against strong female characters or strong female leads, just make it believable within that "universe". None of that 5'2" 110lbs woman throwing around men (highly trained at that) 3 times her size like they are rag dolls and taking punches from said men as if it's nothing, all without superpowers or magic. That is propaganda that they are trying to push, while at the same time telling me... as a 51 year old white male ... that I'm evil and mysoginist and racist and toxic by default just because I'm a white male. I loved the original Charmed. It was a great series (certainly not perfect). It had strong female leads, but the men were not treated as idiots or morons or useless. There's also the aspect of gender and race swapping characters. To be clear, they will only gender swap a male to a female or a white character to a POC or they will make a straight character gay or transgender or something...thus destroying the original character all on the alter of "woke" and "intersectional whatever" and "feminism" They are doing this with ALL the great franchises in history...they did it to Star Wars, they did it to Doctor Who, they did it to Star Trek, they are doing it to James Bond, they did it to Terminator, they did it to Ghostbusters, they did it to Walker Texas Ranger, they did it to...well the list could go on. Besides the fact that they destroy these old franchises by doing this, and create garbage new IP's... the other important part is that the writers/creators/producers who create these "woke" shows/movies are focused on the "woke" aspects, to the detriment of the story and characters. All of those "woke" shows/movies are garbage...the writers/producers/etc.. have no clue how to write a decent story. There are shows that you Shan are currently reacting to that I will not watch because they are woke. There are also a LOT more shows that you react to that I do watch. I won't mention which shows I do not like, because I don't want to influence you in any way or spoil any upcoming episodes. It was never about "diversity" and "inclusion". The lgbtq community make up about 5% of society...yet "hollywood" is making them 95% of every tv show and movie, while removing as many white characters as they can, especially white males. Especially if it's a redhead ... seriously, look it up! Tradionally redheaded characters are ALL being replaced with non-readheads.


Haha for real! Are you serious with this comment? It's an insult to everything I stand for.


I stopped at they ruined Star Trek and skimmed the rest. I don’t know how anybody who can “detest” woke culture call themselves a fan of Star Trek. That show was woke before they even had a word for it


I grew up watching Star Trek TNG with my dad, And the message I grew up with was to accept others for who they are. Not by what they look like or what background they had. I agree with ar47yrr4p that this woke stuff is bad. I do not need some show to tell me that women can be powerful or that people of color have rights too. To me these things are a given. I treat all people as my equals because that is what we all are, Equal. People who keep bringing up this woke discussion haven't yet realised this. But it's alright. Someday they will. And we will be here to welcome them.


I’ll start off by saying I’m not a fan of this Charmed because of the writing. But is this comment real? Wow. Yes we are entitled to our own opinion, but as a white male maybe you wouldn’t understand why some of these iconic show reboots center their stories around women and people of color. Many now feel seen and represented by seeing themselves more and more on tv. I truly hope that you educate yourself on the history of people of color, women, and lgbtq communities, as well as the history of them on television shows/movies. Maybe you will feel some empathy and not be so offended by not seeing as many white characters as before. Tony, it’s great that you welcome all opinions, so if we think something is offensive I hope you welcome those opinions too.


If they really wanted to be inclusive and diverse...if that was the goal... then they wouldn't take existing characters and race/gender/sexuality swap them. Instead they would create NEW characters the way they wanted. Race/gender/sexuality swapping shows that it's not about "inclusivity" or being diverse, instead it shows it's about bashing white males, or white people in general. I can assure you that I am very well educated on these topics and I truly do understand this "issue". As a white male I've been attacked for my skin color and degraded for being male. In other words, people have been racist and misandrist towards me simply because of my skin color and gender. When I was younger I sometimes had a hard time finding jobs because...even way back then... I had to put up with employers telling me that although I'm the best candidate for the job they are hiring a POC because they need to fill a government quota. That's called institutionalized racism. "Woke" culture isn't out there to make things equal or for justice. It's out there to keep all of us divided and fighting against each other by pushing ideas that are not real. As long as we keep fighting each other then the "elites" who run things can continue to get away with their crimes because we are all too busy fighting each other. You need to educate yourself on this and need to understand that we are ALL in this together, and that we are stronger together as equals. I have seen MANY POC and women talk about how they NEVER felt like they were not represented, or that they couldn't see themselves in people of different races or gender. I am able to see myself in Buffy..yet I'm a 51 year old man and she's a teen girl. I'm also able to see myself in Blade, but he's a black vampyre and I'm a white 51 year old human male. But here's the thing when it comes to entertainment. Keep your politics (when I say "your" I mean the writers, producers, etc...) out of my entertainment. I don't watch tv/movies to be preached to and told I'm a bad person if I don't believe as they do...which is pretty much all tv/movies is nowadays...it's a bunch of self-entitled rich hollywood out of touch celebrities telling the rest of us that we are bad people because we don't believe as they do. And it's ruining our entertainment industry. There's a reason why this past year the top 20 selling comics in North America were ALL Manga with not a single North American comic on the list (no Marvel, no DC, no IDW, none of them). And there's a reason that 1 single comic book (I think it's called "Demon Slayer", but don't quote me on that one) all on it's own is outselling the entirety of the North American comic book industry. It's because our "western" comics have become "woke" and preachy whereas Manga is still just writing good comics with good characters and good stories. It's the same problem with all the "woke" movies... ghosbusters 2016 was a bust. Terminator dark fate was a bust. The disney star wars movies have lost money...they went from a little over 2 billion (that's not profit) on the first movie to barely making a billion on the last movie and their toy sales have been garbage, and Solo lost money. The star trek movies barely made money and the new shows are all tanking in the ratings. Doctor who ratings have tanked to levels not seen in DECADES since they introduced the "woke" stuff. Everything "woke" loses money...which is why the saying "get woke, go broke" has become such a mainstay. Like I said in my first paragraph of my first post...everyone has different opinions and preferences. But why is it that people who claim to be "inclusive" and "accepting" are the ones attacking me (it's not a big deal to me..and in this case it's VERY mild...just saying) personally by saying things like "I truly hope that you educate yourself" (meaning you are calling me uneducated), and "Maybe you will feel some empathy and not be so offended" (meaning you are calling me a psychopath, because it's only psychopaths that don't feel empathy...and also saying I'm offended when that's not true), and "I'm embarrassed for you" (meaning I've done something wrong/bad), and "Haha for real! Are you serious with this comment? It's an insult to everything I stand for" I truly am accepting of all people...excepting the dark triad personalities, because the vast majority of those people are truly evil and are not redeemable (I've studied a lot of psychology over the years). But of everyone else I am fully accepting. The difference is that I don't go through my life always seeing people's skin color or gender or wondering what their sexuality is. Instead I just go through life without all that going through my mind. You'd think that the people who are constantly talking and thinking about what other people's skin color and gender and race and sexuality is would be the ones with the problems! You all, each and every one of you can disagree with me on some or on everything. That's fine. What a boring world it would be if everyone agreed on everything. But it's the way you treat other people that counts (and to some extent how you think about them, because some people only treat others kindly as subterfuge..but that's another story) I accept that some of you like or even love these "woke" shows/movies/comics/etc... and I don't think you are bad people, or dumb people, or uneducated people because of it. I think a large part of it is simply personal preferences, though I also think there is some mis/disinformation there as well!


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I will not hold that against you or anyone else. As long as respect is shown to me and someone doesn't try to force their opinion on me to try and change my mind. We're good. And I bear no ill will against you or anyone else. I'm open to change my mind on things if I feel like my own opinion isn't right. But when it comes to this subject. I feel I am in the same boat as ar47yrr4p, And I hope that one day these people who are keeping us all divided by trying to push their "woke" agendas, Will see that they're not part of the solution but that they are part of the problem.


I am definitely not calling you a psychopath. I’m just saying people of color as well as the lgbtq communities have endured things you have not. Obviously racism goes both ways and should not be tolerated, it is terrible you were treated that way. Not seeing color is actually very problematic to me. Yes it is great that you treat everyone the same but people should recognize there are black people, white people, color should be seen. That is a part of us. A reboot is a different show, some things will be the same and some different. I don’t think people should be offended because a character’s race/ethnicity or sexuality was changed. That is just my opinion. Yes, many don’t care about representation and see themselves already, but many others also value seeing characters like them on screen. I am not trying to be rude, but as a person of color I was truly offended. For me, it is great to see representation on screen. That matters to some. Seeing real life situations on screen, especially living in America and knowing it’s problematic history, is important to me. That being said, I understand when some shows try to do too much and end up causing more harm than good. That’s problematic. And I do feel that this show has done that a few times. ar47yrr4p I apologize if I offended you. My experiences growing up shape how I see certain things and we will differ in our opinions. I respect everyone’s views, but I do feel the need to say something when I feel a statement can be harmful or offensive to some. But again that is my opinion.


no worries Asuncion Cora I wasn't offended or hurt and I understand where you are coming from, and I'm not trying to bash anyone either. When it comes specifically to tv and movies, my opinion is that you should NEVER race/gender/sexuality swap pre-existing characters (I can see some very rare exceptions for really good storylines). If the creators of these shows/movies want something that is "more inclusive" in their eyes ..and they have to ignore the fact that tv and movies have been extremely inclusive for DECADES... but if they want to create something they call "inclusive" and "representative", just don't do it by changing pre-existing characters. Instead, create new character within that universe (hey...John Diggle on Arrow is a perfect example...he was never in the comics, he was created for the show...and I loved John Diggle, he was a great character, well written and well played by the actor) or create a new universe for their new characters.


ha...sometimes this system doesn't recognize when I hit ctrl+enter to change paragraphs and cuts me off. ahh..no wonder..it's shift+enter :) OK Just wanted to add....it's insulting when they take an existing character and change their race or gender or sexuality to fit their "narrative" (and I don't mean narrative in a negative way here). It's like saying "you are bad as you are and you need to be fixed" ...and it's always the white people, mainly white men being race/gender swapped. It would likely be insulting to you (not trying to put words into your mouth, maybe I'm wrong and it wouldn't be) if they switched a traditionally black character like Blade or Black Lightning or any of the dozens and dozens of other traditionally black characters and made them white! FYI, the latest...DC comics have now made Robin (Batman's buddy) gay! And here's the other thing... people like you (meaning just the average person on the street who watches these shows/movies or reads comic books or whatever) are genuine about your reasons for all this, you are genuine about what goes on...but the "hollywood" people that put these things together (the shows/movies/etc...) are NOT genuine. They are doing it for "virtue signaling", they have shown in their actions that they really don't care anymore about this stuff than they care about an ant under their feet. And I think that's another part of the issue..the fact that my issue (and people that believe as I do) don't have an issue with people that believe as you do...the issue we have is with the executives of these companies that puts out this garbage (it's garbage to us...I'm sure some things we love is garbage to you...that 's how personal preference works), and with the "hollywood" elite's involved in preaching down to us lowly peons! If you and I were face to face I'd have no issues sitting down and having a beer with you while enjoying a good conversation about anything! I really do understand where you are coming from