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Jordan St. James

Nice bit of trivia: the narrator of the documentary was Kelsey Grammer, who played Beast in X-Men: The Last Stand, one of the better parts of that movie. He's also the voice of Sideshow Bob as well as the voice for a lot of animated characters.


If I remember right the last time we saw that girl was season 3 where she told Lance that the Canary is someone else but not Sara (Laurel became the Canary)

Chris Peacock

Also fun fact. Sin was (kinda) wrong. She said you should know that wasn't your daughter. But it was. Just not that daughter. lol

Luis Garcia

I had that same reaction when I started watching this episode. I thought I must have had the wrong video.


Rene had his 'classic' costume since the start of the season, I'm pretty sure you even commented on that in like episode 1 or 2.......and I hated that armored crap from season 6, so I'm glad hockey mask and blue shirt with the red dog is back, looks like it ripped from the comic book pages, *mwah* #chefskiss Also, Ollie is probably like an Executive producer or something on this documentary, and probably had some say into what footage gets cut, so Emiko showing up on this crew's cameras is not a big deal, I imagine)) I loved that episode, kinda wished they would stick to documentary style for the whole thing, but I know why they didn't, people who don't like this style would whine a lot on the internets and crap on the episode probably, and it's the 150th episode, it's a cause for celebration, not discontent!!! P.S. You did not recognized someone in the episode, but I imagine if we say something, you're gonna be mad at us, like you were mad about Kuasa.......not justifiably mad, might I add, so I won't say anything.

Kevin Tran

It’s not unjustified. She may not recognize a character right away but she might recognize them later on especially if they reappear. You ruin the “click” moment when she figures it out and pieces together who the character is when you tell her like what happened with Kuasa. It’s one thing if it’s a one off character she doesn’t remember, or a character like Ben Turner who she admits she didn’t remember but it ruins the reaction when you basically tell her who it is just cause it didn’t click with her right away and it might later


No, it was unjustified! She was mad, because apparently show was gonna reveal Kausa to her like it's a super secret mystery WOW OMG moment, but it wasn't treated as such by the show itself, 'cause it wasn't meant to be like that. They straight up said her name, then Ray said that he fought someone with the same powers and then Kuasa said that if she were to kill Amaya, she would only be killing herself........so if you have seen Vixen(which Shan had), all those things mean something to you, if you haven't, they just don't, and for those people Kuasa just tells Amaya who she is in the conversation in the middle of the episode, it wasn't some cliffhanger worthy shit that Shan made it out to be when she was upset at people and like ranted about it for 5 minutes.

David Brown

Rene having gone back to his original costume is a BTS thing. Fans had expressed their preference for the original.


Back to your old ways I see, Sad. I kinda liked the new you. If Oliver was a exec then William shouldn't even have been in the documentary, He explicitly stated he didn't want him in it. But they made it look like he was, With that in mind. Emiko was in it, Or was she? Was this the finished product we saw? I am glad this is not the norm of shooting an episode, Sure the little guest star thing was interesting. But it was a mockumentary. Not everyone likes those, Including Shannan and me. I played this recording at 1.5x the speed just so I could get through it faster. Doing this all the time? No thanks. Kevin Tran is right, It's people like you who ruined the moment for her. She watched Vixen well before the Kuasa intro episode ever came out. And she didn't catch the name reference. And 3 episodes later it was touched on again and explained in greater detail for people who either hadn't seen the Vixen show, just simply didn't catch it or didn't remember the character. But by this point people like you had already called Shannan out for it. You along with other people (Myself included because I mistakenly quoted you guys in my notes to her) ruined that for her. And there is no way you can justify that. So I'm glad you're not mentioning who she missed this time. I suppose progress has been made after all.

Kevin Tran

I get why you prefer the Season 6 costume for Rene but I’m glad they brought back his original costume. I much prefer it. It’s unique and interesting not to mention comic book accurate and it’s everything I love about when shows/movies actually translate the comic book costume to life rather than try to change it to look “better” or seem more practical

AshLand Writer

The Emerald Archer sounds so much cooler than Green Arrow, honestly. Bonus points if his arrow heads were made of emerald, but most importantly the name would have highlighted the archer instead of the arrows. Anyone can carry green arrows. Not everyone can be the archer behind those arrows… if that makes sense.