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In American courts, a defendants remorse (or lack thereof) has no bearing on their guilt or innocence, It can affect the punishment they receive. A jury is more likely to give a harsh punishment to someone who is unrepentant. However, given the severity of her crimes, even a lenient sentence would likely see her behind bars for the rest of her life.


yeah now both Barry & Nora(from legends of tomorrow) have read Micks book. Definitely agreeing that the emojis were silly but I liked the idea you get that this might be a prototype batmobile :)


Well Reverse Flash got erased in season 1 and LoT s2 but he prob just wakes up in his bed after he gets erased 😅 no but srsly i wanna see his story.. what happened after Flash s1, LoT s2 and Crisis on Earth X


Like Savitar said "See, that's the thing about time travel, Barry; the more you do it, the less the rules apply to you" But seriously, I have the answer for you. Flash season 1: Eddie's death should not have erased just Eobard and changed nothing else in the moment, but they didn't figure out their time travel rules fully by that point(someone might say they still haven't fully figured them out........and I'm inclined to agree with that), so let's just pretend that Eobard just erased himself for cool season finale twist and a great visial storytelling device that would be used in the future, 'cause if he didn't do that, Eddie's death would look really stupid. Legends season 2: That was the same Eobard that was taken from the timeline when Barry created the Flashpoin and he was Barry's prisoner in some cell in Flash 3x01, untill Barry let him go to kill his mom and reset the timeline. And then he showed up in Legends, at least it was a time remnant of his probably. In the LoT season 2 finale thare were two Eobards in that episode, just like there were two sets of Legends. So let's say that Eobard from the Doomworld is the one who created all those time remnants and he was the one in the final showdown with Sara and the Spear of Destiny, and he was killed by Black Flash and all his time remnants dissapeared.....but where is the OG Reverse Flash? In his original timeline from the episode 2x15? I can assume that Future RF warned his past self to run away. Let's say he ran to Earth-X. Got himself a couple of Nazi friends and new\old Wells face and showed up during Crisis on Earth-X crossover, where Barry let him go and let's say that Eobard that we see here is the same one that Barry let go. And he's starting to get blonde in his hair because that's his actual hair, maybe that device that he used to keep Harrison Wells' appearance is wearing off.......It kinda makes sense)


Funny how Gideon thinks that all the Wells doppelgangers are the same person, called Sherloque 'Dr. Wells', gave him full acess, what a silly computer she is))) Also, you are too harsh on Joslyn, I think. In both episodes she didn't hurt anybody, she saved stupid Nora from being ran over by the stupid invisible car. And she tried to turn herself in and be cooperative, but Nora didn't listen and kinda screwed her over, so that reinforced what Silverfox lady was saying about second chances.......yeah, you are being to harsh, I think you just don't like her........but this episode was crap, usually all episodes coming back from midseason break are very weak. I only oved Tom with both his Sherloque and Eobard scenes in here)))

Jordan St. James

I suppose they mean to imply that everything that's happened has taken a toll on Cisco and he's just been holding it all in. It's all just been internal. But, yeah, if that's the story that they were going for, there should've been set up. They should've actually SHOWN his arc.

Jordan St. James

Honestly, I find the whole Weather Witch/Nora remorse storyline frustrating as well. That's just the show's identity, I guess. Arrow is the harsh, morally grey show. The Flash is all about the kindness and rainbows stuff, sometimes to a ridiculous degree. And Supergirl is... well, Supergirl is pretty much The Flash cranked up to eleven. All of the shows have that kind of sensibility to varying degrees, really.

Jordan St. James

It's kinda funny actually. This whole remorse and second chances theme is gonna seem reeeeaaally ironic down the line. But we'll get there when we get there. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with actual spoilers. Just some behind the scenes stuff.

Patrick - Excelsior

I thought this was the Eobard Thawne that got away in the Earth X cross-over. Now how he got there???