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The reason why Legends wasnt part of the crossover was becuase the previous crossover left the crew extremely exhausted so the writers decided to do a smaller one that would be more easy on the production

Andres Cardona

If you look closely when the Book of Destiny is open, it's the same time writing as Nora's journal and Barry when he came out of the speed force


To avoid spoilers I'm just going to say that the guy in the golden mask is Roger Hayden/Psycho Pirate and he appeared in the og Crisis comic storyline


To answer you question from the beginning of the video about how excited we got from the crossover, I’d have to say that all in all I really liked this crossover, but for me the inclusion of Clark and the introduction of Lois were the highlights of the whole thing. Superman is my favorite character in all of fiction, so seeing him always gets a big thumbs up from me. Also, I love Lois, so having the character introduced fully into the Arrowverese was just awesome. And, in my opinion, the proposal scene in the fortress catapulted them into 1st place as far as Arrowverse romantic couples go. But like I said, I am super-biased, pun intended. Also, I’d like to say that your reaction to all the Smallville stuff was great and you shouldn’t feel embarrassed by it one bit. Don’t be afraid to like what you like, but also, be careful not to put all your eggs in one basket, so to speak, especially when it comes to DC characters. There have been so many reinterpretations of these characters over the years, in both the comics and other forms of media, that if you start letting yourself really favor one version over all the others you are just dooming yourself to disappointment. I’ve found from my many decades of fandom that I’m usually happiest when I accept a thing for what it is and stop comparing it to the other versions that came before.

David Brown

The big spoiler on the DVD cover is actually on the back with Oliver & Barry in each other's costumes.


I’d say I had a pretty similar reaction to to most of what you did. For most of the parts that you were disappointed at I already know before so I wasn’t as upset. We knew beforehand that The Legends weren’t gonna be in it. I was just excited to hear Save Me and see the Kent Farm


btw there are deleted scenes which are actually cool. Maybe you wanna see them

Luis Garcia

I haven't watched Smallville, so that reference didn't mean much to me, but I do know that plenty of people got really excited to hear the music and see the farm.


Also is this the same weird language in the book which Nora and s4 Barry used?


i think you were a little confused by the easter egg with the Hartley costume. It was just the costume that we saw so it could have been a version of Hartley or Amell. It was also Earth 90 so it wasn't the actual one from the Smallville universe it's an alternate version of him. Because that earth is the 1990 Flash show universe which is not the same as the Smallville one. I was as excited to see the costume and the farm too as you. Smallville is still my all time favorite show but I tempered myself and didn't expect too much. They are cool easter egg references but weren't meant to be the actual Smallville universe. They tried to also tone down expectations when before we heard the theme song they said they were visiting Supergirl and you saw it say Earth 38 so we knew it was Supergirls earth so it was just cool to see that Tyler's farm is the same one but I wasn't expecting to see Tom because that wouldn't make sense.