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Andrew Polinski

A tumor is any mass or growth but aren't always Cancerous, and can occur anywhere on or in the human body.

Andrew Polinski

https://i2.wp.com/planettransgender.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Maines-2.png Nicole with her brother, they were born identical so you can surmise the answer to your question. I can't answer to whether it's rude or insensitive to ask though, I can only say that I wouldn't be offended.


If I recall correctly, Nicole began transitioning around 8 or 9 i think. So there probably isn’t many public pictures of her before; however, as Andrew said she is an identity twin so she probably would have looked like her brother does now. She was also part of a famous court case before she was an actress. It was called Doe v. Regional School Unit 26


Supergirl taking orders is because technically she decided in s1 to work for the DEO instead of being a private hero or vigilante so she is under the government authority so it is kind of like the Sokovia accords in a way. This was also partially why Superman said he doesn't work for the Government so he isn't under their authority.

AshLand Writer

I don’t think it’s insensitive that you’re curious how the character or actress would have looked like prior to transition; however, there are a lot of cases of trans guys being told “Oh, but you were/are such a beautiful girl”. Statements like that are often coincided with the trans person being gaslighted about their transition (like that their life would be better if they didn’t transition or whether they’re really sure it’s something they want to do). I think you asked the question in a very careful and respectful way, but each trans individual is going to have a different level of comfortableness when it comes to discussing and showing photos of their lives prior to transition. Personally, I’ve let my family take one photo of me in the past 5 years, and I would never want someone to see a photo of me from back when I was pretending to be someone else— even my friends. Showing them my past attempts of trying to fit into the crowd expected of me does nothing but risk them changing the way they see me as I am now.