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in quite a bit of pain atm

will try my best to get things out on time but currently sitting here with a hot water bottle on my tummy in hopes it feels better

fingers crossed

soz guys



Hope you feel better soon.. dont rush things.. your health is more importend.

Jordan St. James

Don't worry about delays. Feel better soon.

BJ Stephens

Sorry to hear that. Hope you can see a doctor sometime soon, find some solution to your ills. If you need to take some time off, do it, being healthy is important.


What a pity that the pain has returned in all its intensity. Fortunately, you have an appointment with the specialist in two days. I'm certain he or she will be able to help you get rid of your stomach ache and make sure that it never return this frequent. So hang on for now and don't worry about possible delays. We will always be patient for the top quality reactions you always deliver.

Chess Red Eagle

Health comes first. Take care of yourself Shan. We will wait. Feel better soon!

Talon Karrde

When my stomach hurts a I usually take a fair amount of Hot Showers.

Brandon Wiesner

Take care of yourself first Shan. We can wait.

Billy Dancel

Your health > your videos Take care of yourself


feel better