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This episode was a bit of an improvement overall compared to others this season but yeah Hope/Landon really isn’t a improving. Hope is really a different character this season. The show is almost taking some of the worst parts of TVD and using it in the show but just not calling it the same. Last week Cleo talking about magic in almost the same terms as expressionism and now Hope basically being sire-bonded Elena needing Landon to tell her to not be so obsessed with him. I am hoping that there is more to the Landon not being Landon theories. He seems off in some ways like correcting Ric at the beginning of the episode and then being somewhat coordinated with the basketball later in the episode. Then there is the description of his time from last week along with no mention of Hope’s necklace he had with him or the note that was found in the prison world he wrote. Agree that the Josie/Ric scene was long overdue but this is not a spoiler, Ric is going to die soon. That scene screamed death is coming soon. I think the artifact may play a part in either Ric’s death or in why Landon is different. There had to be some consequences to making that wish.


I get what you mean...I like Landon and I like Hope, but Hope's obsession with Landon is making me dislike their characters a little bit. I think Handon has run its course, and its time too move on from it...maybe come back to it in a few seasons, if the show lasts a few more seasons that is. Also, I feel like that isn't Landon because there was no scene with him giving Hope her necklace back. Also, can we get a scene where Hope is talking on the phone to Kol, Freya, Rebekah, Marcel, or even Davina...? You don't even need the actor or actress to do it, just have her talk on the phone to one of them and we don't have to see or even hear the other side of the call...

Keith Engel

Yeah, they could have her get with Raf...oh wait...I have a feeling you take a survey, people actually miss Jandon now.

James jackson

I also dislike the resolution this episode but hopefully now we get a reset and a move towards quality storytelling.

Keith Engel

Well, I had to fast forward your reaction to the Ric and Josie scene only, after I found out on reddit about it and that it made reference to Delena and wanted to see your reaction to that, being the big Delena fan that you are. I was not disappointed. I seriously wish I could keep watching this show, but I just can't.