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Christopher simeon

I love the darkhold showing up. It has gotten a makeover and been through some shit since AOS and runaways lol


Looks like Wanda is going to either use magic or the multiverse to get her kids back in Doctor Strange

Andrew Polinski

I had been looking forward to this show ever since it was announced, and it hardly ever let me down, the only thing that i was a little disappointed in was what Max said i was so hoping for a Dr Strange cameo, literally the only thing that let me down with this show.


I feel like I didn't get very many of the references on this show, or they assumed knowledge where I didn't have it. Still, really enjoyed it. Disney+ has been doing great on their new original content. Makes me more interested in Falcon & Winter Soldier now. Don't know why people were expecting certain cameos, I sure didn't. I never expected Dr. Strange to show up for a second.


Was the darkhold in runaways the same design as AoS? I kinda didn't like that they changed it, but it's a book that can do anything so it makes sense that it could change its look.


Oh ok. I didn't make the magic-user-leap to Dr. Strange I guess. Agatha took that role in the show for the most part.

Andreas Froby

She heard her kids in the end their so get she trying to get back bying the dark hold

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 10:51:02 They set up Fox X-Men, then dropped it. They set up a kid superhero team with Tommy & Billy, then dropped it. Both are obvious money makers for Disney. And what's up with Dottie, I want her to be someone... Mostly I wanted this to be a Wanda side quest so she could level up before Dr. Strange. Didn't figure she'd gain skills by reading the Darkhold.
2021-03-05 18:50:03 They set up Fox X-Men, then dropped it. They set up a kid superhero team with Tommy & Billy, then dropped it. Both are obvious money makers for Disney. And what's up with Dottie, I want her to be someone... Mostly I wanted this to be a Wanda side quest so she could level up before Dr. Strange. Didn't figure she'd gain skills by reading the Darkhold.

They set up Fox X-Men, then dropped it. They set up a kid superhero team with Tommy & Billy, then dropped it. Both are obvious money makers for Disney. And what's up with Dottie, I want her to be someone... Mostly I wanted this to be a Wanda side quest so she could level up before Dr. Strange. Didn't figure she'd gain skills by reading the Darkhold.


Dark version of Dr. Strange's theme in that 2nd after credit scene. I'd say foreshadowing if we didn't already know she's gonna be in Dr. Strange 2

Brendan O'Connor

She didn’t start reading the Darkhold until after she leveled up facing Agatha and coming to terms with who she is and what she did. Like it was said this episode “Power isn’t your problem, it’s knowledge.” She’s learning, but I’m nervous because she’s learning from THAT book...

Brendan O'Connor

What happened to the Beekeeper is going to bug me (no pun intended)

Jordan Haddow

It would have been too messy. First, how could they fit him in time wise? Unless he was off in some other part of the world an turns dramatically and says, "Somethings off in the world." End scene. Hell, I wasn't sure they were going to pack as much as they did into what time was left after episode 8. Plus, they really couldn't have him show up on the scene. He would have to join in the fight. At the state of affairs, I don't think he would have been fighting along side Wanda, considering the damage she was doing. On top of that, Wanda really needed to be the one to stop things, to accept her loss and gain control over herself and her power. That was the whole setup of the show. Dr. Strange would have just mucked it up for her.