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Oh awesome


Woke up at 5:30 to use bathroom, saw a B star G notification...needless to say, no fracking way i'm going back to sleep now.

Fly on the Wall

Ooh BSG is great! Happy to see this reaction.


The Mini-series is good, once you've watched ALL of it.


Also, don't think of it as a sci fi show, think of it in the same vein as Game of Thrones.....like GoT, it is not the fantasy element that made it great it is the interpersonal drama. There are lots of fantasy shows and lots of space shows, but GoT is not good because it is fantasy, just like BSG is not good because it is sci fi, they are so much more, the settings of the shows are not the purpose of the shows.


Definitely finish the mini series before making up your mind about BSG. The technical jargon and sci-fi stuff is not very important, it’s just a back drop for the really juicy stuff, like life, love, freedom, survival and all that kind of stuff. Although the space dogfights are pretty damn fun too.


I think I first got into this in the middle of Season 2. I wasn't interested when the Miniseries was released because I'd never been interested in the original series, which was made in the 1970s. That one was much more 'sci-fi' than the 2003 series, with space-lasers and stuff. This series though, I've seen described as "a character drama that just happens to be set in space," which is spot on. It's much more about the characters and story, unlike Star Trek, for example, which is very much about the sci-fi aspect (e.g. they're threatened by a big space anomaly, so they realign their deflector shields while spouting made-up technobabble and everything is fixed). When I started watching, I didn't have anything else to watch that evening and so I thought I might as well watch an episode. And I went from no interest and almost a vague opposition to BSG, to really needing to see the next episode. I do hope you continue, at least into the first proper season so you can get a better impression of what it's like as a series.


Katee Sackhoff's character ... Starbuck... was a guy in the original series. And normally I'm not a fan...at all... of the gender swaps (why gender swap? Why not just create a new character and make them whatever gender you want? Gah...ok, that's my venting), but I really liked her character here...she plays it very well and it's very well written!


Yeah, BSG goes beyond SciFi the way GoT goes beyond Fantasy. Or, an even better analogy in my opinion: It goes beyond SciFi the way Buffy goes beyond supernatural horror.


I love Edward James Olmos. Him and Whoopi Goldberg (from Star Trek: TNG) were invited to the UN to speak with youths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSFDrOxWCXY


Also don't worry about just thinking it OK, I knew when I picked it that you might not like it. I also partly wanted to see if you would recognise Lucifer's mom and see if you like Katee Sackhoff's characters here more than the one in the Flash. I enjoyed the reaction, I learned that Edward James Olmos was in AoS and it was also fun to see all actors you recognised :)


I think I've seen every version of Battle Star Galactica. I kind of prefer the original one. That one has a fond place in my heart. I think it was less serious than the later versions too. I mean, it was "serious", but not like this one is serious. It was also a lot less complex. I think that's part of what might make this version harder to watch for some people who aren't generally into scifi stuff. I know others have basically said the opposite to what I'm saying. lol People who like scifi sometimes really go for the technical and serious aspects of it. And this show also has a military component to it, which can be off putting for some. So, while I watched this min series, it was not as enjoyable as the original show was for me, but I still liked it. I actually liked the technical aspects of it.

David Brown

Shan, I'm sorry, but I just don't understand your aversion to sci-fi when comic books and their TV shows and movies are very much sci-fi. Except for the somewhat grounded realism of Green Arrow and Batman, superheroes are very much sci-fi. How did Barry Allen become The Flash? His origin story is very much sci-fi. Superman & Supergirl are aliens, that's sci-fi. Ray Palmer/The Atom & Scott Lang/Ant-Man put on technological suits than can make them shrink or grow giant, that's sci-fi. How Bruce Banner became The Hulk, that's sci-fi. Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, and Wells are constantly talking science. The Legends of Tomorrow are travelling through time on a timeship/time machine, that's sci-fi. And they're great.


Yeah it is one of the only times I thought it was really good to swap.


BSG is one of my favorite shows but it is very involved which may be good for some and some it might not be their cup of tea but I would definitely give it a chance. The miniseries is good and the the Pilot is really good the miniseries is basically a prologue or a prequel to the main series.


You are gonna do Part 2, right? Agree with most of what others have said already. If you like Stargate, you'll like this series by the end of Season 1.


You must react to part 2. It has a twist you will never see coming.