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Shan, rolling your eyes when the show is talking about racism is a bad form.

Brandon Wiesner

She explains in the reaction why she has a problem with it. Its hard for her to see the character as a black man because he never was before the show. So, when he talks about how his family struggled with it, the whole thing feels forced, like they cast a black man just so they could shoe horn those issues in the script.


That is a silly excuse. It's not Supergirl comics where he's is a white ginger haired lad. It's the show, and in this show he's a black man and that is this shows canon, it's the show that Shannan has seen almost 3 seasons of, it's the 61-st episode of Supergirl, that is enough of a time to get used to the character. So no, it's not shoehorned, it's this character's story. Not to mention that her questionable views on racism and its portrayal in a sister cw series Black Lightning, did not put her in a good light. So that was a bad from, I will stand by that, you can't change my mind.

John Boehmer

The story that James tells Lena about being detained by the police was not made up for the show, it actually happened to Mehcad Brooks when he was a kid.

David Brown

14:10 Just in case you don't know the reference, "Bangarang!" is the battle cry of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys in the movie Hook (1991) starring Robin Williams as Peter Pan. I read somewhere that Melissa Benoist loved that movie as a kid and it was her idea to put that in. First Mon-El says it, and then Kara (as Supergirl) says it at 44:48. I don't know if she and Chris Wood adlibbed it, or if they worked it out with the writers ahead of time.

Brandon Wiesner

I was not trying, nor need to change your mind. However, I constantly see messages from you in the comment section bitching at or about Shan for one reason or another. So it begs the question. Why would someone support someone every month with a donation and then turn around and jab at them every chance they got? Either fucking leave or shut the fuck up already!


Motherfucker, who the hell are you to tell me to leave - you leave, or you stup up, I wasn't addressing you in my original comment, you didn't have to respond, but you chose to insert yourself, why can't I choose to do what I want to do?! I can be negative and I can be critical, that's my prerogative. "Don't tell me what I can't do!"

Brandon Wiesner

Easy to call me a motherfucker from behind your keyboard, just like it's easy to make all your stupid fucking comments. But keep doing you. I'm not trying to tell you what to do really, just trying to get you to see how pointless your actions are. It's apparent though that you are as hard headed as you are ignorant. Oh well. Have a nice life. You won't see me bothering with your dumb ass again.