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Andrew Polinski

Not a spin off but there is a Eureka crossover ( yes spoiler but hard to explain that not a spin off otherwise). Also aired on the same network both also started around the same time. So yeah the confusion there probably.

David Brown

Yeah, both shows are connected, but none of the characters were introduced on Eureka. I wish you'd watch both, but it's not necessary to watch both. I hope you'll at least watch/react to the episodes of both shows when the crossovers happen. But you'd have deeper appreciation for Eureka during the crossovers if you watched both shows. The Pilot Tier always seems to be sold out. I'd upgrade to it if it were possible.

Andrew Polinski

Also note Pete was on AoS as the Kree Soldier that had the mace that removed Lady Sif's memories. And you thought Mrs Frederic was a weird name, she is played by "CCH Pounder" which is the abbreviation of her name "Carol Christine Hilaria" but imagine putting that in every TV credit.

David Brown

In addition to playing a Kree in a Season 2 episode of Agents of SHIELD, which I was about to mention before Andrew beat me to it, the actor playing Pete also appeared as Col. Jim Harper in a Season 1 episode of Supergirl. He tried to take Martian Manhunter to Cadmus. "Two years? This alien is over 300 years old. 2 years is like a coffee break to him". - Col. Jim Harper. I'm not sure if you remember the line, but it's always been a memorable line to me. The actress who plays Mrs. Frederic also voiced Amanda Waller (of Suicide Squad fame) on the Justice League/Justice League Unlimited animated series. The actor playing Cody, who Pete and Myka go to question, played Will in Season 3 of Agents of SHIELD. The guy Jemma was stranded with on the planet Maveth. It's hard to recognize him without a beard. And he's about 7 or 8 years younger here.


Love this show

David Brown

Shan, between the filming of the Pilot and the 2nd episode was a gap of several months. The network put a new producer in charge of the show, with a new writing staff and only kept 1 of the original writers. One of the writers who left after the Pilot would later write an episode of Constantine, and another would join the writing staff of Once Upon a Time (starting with Season 1 Episode 2 and stayed until the end). Lots of shows have rocky starts with their Pilots. You have to set up the origin story and the concept of the show. Please don't give up on this show. Please give it a chance. Also, Warehouse 13 came out after The Librarian movies, but before The Librarians TV series.

Talon Karrde

Warehouse 13 is a separate show that shares a universe with eureka by Virtue of multiple Crossovers. However conceptually neither is a spinoff of the the other.

Katherine Thoreson

One of the creators of this show is Jane Espenson. She was a writer for Buffy. You're the second reactor I've seen do this pilot. The other reactor never did anymore episodes. I know this pilot is a bit much. It didn't need to be so long and stretched out like this, but still, I would love to see someone react to this whole show. :D


Sorry you were not really thrilled watching this long pilot episode. Jane Espenson is the creator of Warehouse 13. You will remember she also wrote many episodes for BTVS. I'd sure love to see more of your reactions to this show. I suspect your first impression will carry, though, so you might not warm up to it. Plus I imagine your time is booked solidly. I remember watching and really enjoying the first three seasons in their original broadcasts. I'd give it three thumbs up (if I had three thumbs). At least, thanks for this one reaction that brought back memories of the show.

David Brown

Shan, between the two shows, you just might like Eureka a little better. Maybe.

Jeremy Burch

I love Warehouse 13 and Eureka and i have been looking everywhere for people reacting to the shows. When i first started watching Warehouse 13 i didn't like it very much, it took me a very long time to watch the first several episodes because i kept putting off watching the next ones for different shows and only watched Warehouse 13 occasionally because i loved Eureka. But after they introduced their final cast member for the season that's when i started to like the show and then eventually love it.

Chris (darkwater)

I haven't seen this show in ages. I do love it though. It's delightful. :D


and I loved both shows...especially Eureka. As for Eureka... I was surprised by how much I love that show despite the fact I don't rank it in my top 5 or top 10... I still rewatch the series at least once a year!


warehouse 13 and eureka are great but never had a chance to go back and rewatch it woud be cool to see reactions to both series.


The concept is indeed similar to the Librarians, but the secret vault for strange artifacts concept has been used in other places as well. The SCP Foundation is a much darker version, there's Area 51 in conspiracy theories and fiction based on them, there's the Friday the 13th TV series, and while there isn't a secret vault, the miniseries The Lost Room followed a similar concept of objects with strange powers.


One of the best shows ever made - so glad you're reacting to it!!