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Andrew Polinski

Yes Shan the fuel filler especially on older American muscle was located in the back in some instances behind the number plate as it was a hinge with a spring. A lot of the time the filler was behind the badge of the car. As for the whole wrestling/boxing ring i found it so stupid, way over the top and i think just missed the semi-comedic mark they were going for.

Andrew Polinski

My thoughts on Dark Josie are this. I generally like the whole Dark Josie aesthetic especially in the prison world episode, this episode was definitely not great and felt rushed ( maybe they rushed the writing and such because of the looming Corona virus). They needed to do a few episodes with Dark Josie before even getting close to doing the merge stuff. As for why they did this story line so early in the shows life it could simply come down to the uncertainty the show. Over the last couple of season of Vampire Diaries, the originals and now Legacies the ratings haven't been exactly stellar so they might think they have maybe 3 or 4 seasons before the show comes to a conclusion. While Buffy had the time to flesh out Willow as a character, they should have fleshed out Dark Josie more as a character before reaching this point in the shows story.


this ep did feel a bit cheesy and some stuff were too dramatic, i do hope for the next season they give us new story lines and rap up the whole necromancer/monsters story.


Luke and Kai didn't work because they were no twins but Josie and Lizzie are twins. In the merge one has to die so they probably just waited the time they had (well wouldnt explain why Kai didnt force Jo before). But I think 22 is more like the last time that this can happen before they are forced to do it and so they take 22 as the year because they want as much time with their kids and from than on the winner is the leader and I think they don't want like a 8 year old or so to be the leader. But I don't think that they needed an event to do the merge this was the prison world but with the merge I think the dad tried to do it with Luke and Liv when Kai on a random day and Luke and Kai I don't remember a special event either ... For my understanding they still have to do the merge (or break the curse) because they didnt really merge .... With Josie knowing that Lizze is in her concious well Hope is in there so maybe she feels something and thinks it is the merge ? For my part in TVD I never understood the merge as something that has to be done more like that the coven forces the twins to do it but it never crossed my mind that it is a curse on the gemini twins. Hope they gonna dive deeper in this in the next seasons. The wolf among us has many faces I guess we know now who was meant by this :( They said a new hero rises but can be felled by the golden arrow and felled is quite the lose term With the last episodes yeah they were cringy but I don't know how much was affected by covid thats maybe why it doesnt feel like the end it wasnt supposed to end here.The season was meant to have 18 or 19 episodes so they cut short and I don't know how much has gone lost with this ...


so the one thing i've noticed about your reactions is you tend to go on rants about something before they finish their sentence or scene and then they end up proving u wrong of doing exactly what u were talking about and u usually go on rants for no reason lol so why don't u start waiting until scenes are finished first lol